失眠网 > 单片开关电源管理IC Single-chip switching power supply management Integrated Circuit英语短句 例句大全

单片开关电源管理IC Single-chip switching power supply management Integrated Circuit英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-26 08:38:35


单片开关电源管理IC Single-chip switching power supply management Integrated Circuit英语短句 例句大全

单片开关电源管理IC,Single-chip switching power supply management Integrated Circuit

1)Single-chip switching power supply management Integrated Circuit单片开关电源管理IC

1.Single-chip switching power supply management Integrated Circuit (IC) has shown strong vital energies since it came out in the 1990 s, because the IC has many virtues such as high integration level, most cost effective, lowest component count switcher solution and high performance.本文设计的单片开关电源管理IC,实现将脉宽调制器、带隙基准电压源、振荡器、并联调整器、过电流保护电路等低压控制电路部分与高压功率管单片集成化,并采用先进的BiCMOS工艺技术,使单片开关电源IC的性能得到提高。

2)power management IC电源管理IC

1.A current sensing circuit forpower management IC is proposed,using high voltage power devices.利用高压集成功率集成器件,设计了一种用于电源管理IC的电流采样电路。

2.Hence, the Power Management ICs (PM IC) become more important, which have huge market today and in future.随着数字技术的不断进步、终端设备中日益增加的分布式电源结构(DPA)以及便携电子产品市场的成长,对更高效率、更高电源密度、更小占位面积、更大可靠性和更低成本的解决方案提出了迫切的需求,电源管理IC的地位越显重要,市场需求强劲,前景广阔。


1.The Design of Single-chip AC/DC Switching Power Supply Management IC;单片AC/DC开关电源管理IC设计

2.The Design of a Synchronous Step-down DC/DC Switching Power Supply Management IC;一种同步降压式DC/DC开关电源管理IC的设计

3.The Design of AC/DC Switching Power Supply Management IC Based on BiCMOS Technology基于BiCMOS技术的AC/DC开关电源管理IC的设计

4.The Design and Realization of Water Source Management System Based on the IC Card;基于IC智能卡水资源管理系统设计与实现

5.Design of Prepaid Electrical Power Meter Management System with IC Card based on Network基于网络的IC卡预付费电能表管理系统的设计

6.IC card phone management system based on WebGIS and GPRS基于WebGIS和GPRS短消息的IC卡电话管理系统

7.The Design and Implement of a Current Source DAC IC;一种电流源型DAC的IC设计与实现

8.Reforming low eletric voltage power supply with adjustable voltage-regul ating IC;用三端可调集成稳压IC改造低压电源

9.Research on the Modules of Current Mode Switching Power Supply Controll IC;电流模式开关电源控制IC相关模块的研究

10.Design and Study of IC Fabrication Computer-aided Management System;IC制造计算机辅助管理系统设计研究

11.Design and Implementation of Petrochemical IC Card Project Operation & Maintenance Management System;石化IC卡运维管理系统的设计与实现

12.Experiment Teaching Management System Based on Radio Frequency IC Card;基于射频IC卡的实验教学管理系统

13.Functions and Applications of Management Information System on IC of Computer Room;机房IC卡管理信息系统的功能与应用

14.The Application of IC Card in Civil Engineering Management;浅谈建设工程管理领域中IC卡的应用

15.Deveioping IC Computer Lab Management System with ;用开发IC卡机房管理信息系统

16.Application of IC Card in Household Register Management in Tobacco Production;IC卡在烟叶生产户籍化管理中的应用

17.The Management Terminal Design of the IC Card Based on ARM in the Computer Room基于ARM的IC卡机房管理终端设计

18.On the design of the IC Card management system based on single chip microcomputer and VFP9.0基于单片机和VFP9.0的IC卡管理系统设计


power management IC电源管理IC

1.A current sensing circuit forpower management IC is proposed,using high voltage power devices.利用高压集成功率集成器件,设计了一种用于电源管理IC的电流采样电路。

2.Hence, the Power Management ICs (PM IC) become more important, which have huge market today and in future.随着数字技术的不断进步、终端设备中日益增加的分布式电源结构(DPA)以及便携电子产品市场的成长,对更高效率、更高电源密度、更小占位面积、更大可靠性和更低成本的解决方案提出了迫切的需求,电源管理IC的地位越显重要,市场需求强劲,前景广阔。

3)PWM switch power ICPWM开关电源IC

4)single-chip switching power supply单片开关电源

1.The principle and application of tri-terminalsingle-chip switching power supply;三端单片开关电源的原理与应用

2.The Design of High-power Single-chip Switching Power Supply大功率单片开关电源设计

3.Thesingle-chip switching power supply based on IRIS4007 is introduced.介绍了智能开关电源集成电路IRIS4007的结构,分析了其基本工作原理,给出了单片开关电源的实用电路及主要单元电路的设计方法。

5)single chip switching power supply单片开关电源

1.This paper introduces the basic rule of the backward converter,presents the principle,design method and experimentation result of a new patternsingle chip switching power supply by a system made of TDA1683x,a series of electric currentsingle chip switching power supply produced by SIEMENS company.介绍了反激式变换器的基本设计规则,同时以西门子TDA1683x系列电流型单片开关电源为例,介绍一种新型单片开关电源的原理和设计,该电源具有外围电路简单、温度范围宽的特点。

2.Three endssingle chip switching power supply is a new type switching power supply core which has been popular since 1990.三端单片开关电源是20世纪90年代才开始流行的新型开关电源芯片,采用它制作高频开关电源,不仅简化了电路,同时可以改善电源的电磁兼容性能,降低制作成本。

6)switching power supply单片开关电源

1.Introduces the principle of interference made in theswitching power supply, a few kinds of means restraining the interference ofswitching power supply are introduced.阐述了单片开关电源干扰源的机理,介绍了干扰信号的抑制方法,通过产品试用表明,该方法有一定 的实用性。

2.Monolithicswitching power supply has many advantages, such as high efficiency, high quality with low price, small size and simple peripheral circuit etc.单片开关电源具有高效率、高集成度、高性价比、体积小、重量轻、性能好和外围电路简单等特点。


开关电源开关电源switching mode power supply+U+U.本DC千R日Uo。习T。书R(a)(b)U.c未R日U。┌───┐│ZnC:二│└───┘L(e)(d)图1开关电源基本形式(a)串联形式;(b)并联形式;(c)反极性形式;(d)古卡形式开升·483·想器件,即它开通时正向压降为零,关断时电阻呈无穷大。随着T的开关,D两端呈现幅值为U,的方波,它经L,C滤波,在C两端获得直流电压Uo。设开通时间为T。,关断时间为Toff,周期T=Tol+Toff,占空比8二T,/T,则从电感L开关时间伏秒面积相等原理,即(U、一u。)T。=U。T流,得到U。=SU,。一般占空比小于1,因而串联形式开关电源的输出电压低于输人电压。从电感L开关时间伏秒面积相等的原理还可以推导出其它3种形式输出电压与输人电压的关系式如下:并联形式1二二。切~椒一,二夕,二~。。~以=;月成U二;反极性形式Un=了竺下U。;古卡形式~。1一口~“’~~’一zM产、侧。1一口~“’目”产F~0U_=7兰不Un~“1一8~50开关电源的控制方式主要有4种:①自由振荡型,即开关频率、开通和关断时间均在一定范围内变化;②脉宽调制(PWM)型,即频率固定,开通或关断时间可变;③谐振型,即开通或关断时间固定,频率可变;④移相型,电路内至少有两个开关器件,同一频率的两列方波之间的相位差可变。目前,微型计算机中常用的是无工频变压器开关电源。新的技术,如开关损耗为零、抑制电磁干扰、校正功率因数等,也得到广泛应用。无工频变压器开关电源此电源是用高频变压器代替工频变压器,因变压器尺寸与开关频率的3/4次方成反比,滤波器尺寸随频率增加而线性地减小,所以当开关频率达20k卜压以上时,电源的尺寸和重量显著减小。无工频变压器开关电源的常用形式有正激、反激、推挽、半桥、全桥、古卡和串、并联谐振等。图2是典型的无工频变压器开关电源方框图,它包括电磁干扰(EMI)滤波器、桥式整流器、输人滤波器、开关晶体管、高频变压器、次级二极管整流和式开关电源,它的变压器磁心是单向磁化。

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