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科教 science and education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-13 09:32:54


科教 science and education英语短句 例句大全

科教,science and education

1)science and education科教

1.Try analysingscience and education function and amusement function of the NATIONNAL GEOGRAPHIC CHANNEL and DISCOVERY CHANNEL;试析国家地理、探索频道的科教、娱乐功能

2.It was asserted that the combination of forest tourism andscience and education in nature reserves was a basic requirement if the nature reserves should play a part in the implementation of the strategies of environmental protection,vitalizing our country with sc.本文通过对万木林自然保护区近年来开展森林旅游状况的调查分析 ,从建立自然保护区的目的和功能以及开展森林旅游的优势出发 ,阐述自然保护区开展森林旅游应与科教相结合 ,才能发挥自然保护区在实施“保护环境”、“科教兴国”和社会可持续发展战略等方面的作用。

3.This article states the necessities of the construction of the highland for Shanghai agricultural technical talents in view of the changing structure of the world economy, the development of agriculture through the enforcement ofscience and education; the implementation of the strategic aims of the sustainable agricultural development and etc.本文从世界经济格局变化、实施科教兴农和农业可持续发展战略、2 1世纪上海实现“一个龙头三个中心”战略目标三方面阐述构筑上海农业技术人才“高地”的必要性 ,及对目前农业技术人员现状分析 ,结合农业教育特点提出对策建


1.a science teacher, textbook, subject理科教师、 教科书、 科目.

2.a scientific discovery, instrument, textbook, researcher科学发现、 科学仪器、 理科教科书、 科学研究人员.

3.subject-field education(师范教育中的)学科领域教育,专科教育

4.Text-analysis of History of Science in the Junior Secondary School Science Textbook;初中理科教科书中科学史的文本分析

5.On the Combination of the Research and Teaching and the Nurture of the First-class Undergraduates in Science and Engineering;试论科教结合与培养一流工科本科生

6.On advantages of specialized subject-to-undergraduate education by cross-disciplinary跨学科专科接本科教育形式优势探析

7.Science Education Programme for Africa非洲科学教育方案(非洲科教方案)

8.EBSS (Educational and Behavioural Science Section)教育科学与行为科学部

9.scientific culture科学教育,科学文明

10.history of Chinese education(science)中国教育史(学科)

11.history of foreign countries education(science)外国教育史(学科)

12.the subjects which the teacher is teaching;教师所教授的科目,

13.Church of Scientology Switzerland, Bern瑞士基督教科学派教会

14.UNESCO Prize for Peace Education教科文组织和平教育奖

15.Teacher of other subjects taughtoutside school(教授校外科目的)教师

16.UNESCO Prize for Human Rights Teaching教科文组织人权教学奖

17.Interaction between Culture, Education and Development of Science and Technology;科技文化与科技教育、科技发展的互动

18.Teaching Combined with Scientific Research for Promoting the Innovation Education以科研促教学,带动本科生科技创新


science and technology科教

1.As the world ushers in the new century,science and technology are having an increasingly profound influence on people抯 learning, work and lives.进入新的世纪科学技术正在越来越深刻地影响着人们的学习、工作和生活,而此时,科教影视能不能得到相应的快速发展?该文试图从科教影视对人的素质的影响的分析出发,指出科教发展从技术、内容到思想观念几个方面提供了科教影视发展的空间,只有提高科教影视工作者的素质,才能充分认识和拓展这些发展空间,推动科教影视业的发展。

3)science textbook理科教科书

1.But the science teachers epistemology beliefs level is to a large extent subjected to the influence of the currentscience textbooks.要引领学生具备比较精致的认识论信念,理科教师必须具有精致的认识论理解,而理科教师的认识论信念水平在很大程度上受到了现行理科教科书的影响。

2.Strategies of reconstructingscience textbooks discourse of nature of science include changing point of understanding to reconstruct epistemotogical paradigm,distin.理科教科书的科学本质文本话语影响着教师的观念和教学行为。

3.Fostering students spirit of science is one thing of great significance, and thescience textbooks are important tool for its education.理科教科书是对学生进行科学精神教育的重要工具,要准确地评价理科教科书在这方面做得如何,以改进理科教科书的编制,充分发挥其重要作用,需要有相应的评价指标体系。

4)science textbook科学教科书

1.As a matter of fact, the discourse structure ofscience textbooks implies the ideological question - "Whose knowledge is the most valuable?" Compared with that of social science, the ideological function ofscience textbooks is comparatively more concealed.科学教科书的话语结构其实隐喻着“谁的知识最有价值”这一意识形态的问题,只是科学教科书的意识形态功能相对于人文社会科学来讲,更加隐蔽。

5)teaching materials(textbooks)教材(教科书)


1.A Study onEducation Model of Futian Mangrove Nature Reserve;福田红树林保护区科普教育模式探讨

2.The ecotourism and popular science education status of Gannan Arboretum were introduced in this paper.本文介绍了赣南树木园生态旅游及科普教育工作现状,阐述了在生态旅游中开展科普教育的必要性及发展趋势,并对生态旅游与科普教育相结合模式进行了初步探讨。



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