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温肺化饮法 warming the lung to reduce watery phlegm英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-02 07:56:25


温肺化饮法 warming the lung to reduce watery phlegm英语短句 例句大全

温肺化饮法,warming the lung to reduce watery phlegm

1)warming the lung to reduce watery phlegm温肺化饮法

1.The way ofwarming the lung to reduce watery phlegm for children cold-type asthma during summer:an observation of 40 cases温肺化饮法治疗夏季小儿寒性哮喘40例疗效观察


1.The way of warming the lung to reduce watery phlegm for children cold-type asthma during summer:an observation of 40 cases温肺化饮法治疗夏季小儿寒性哮喘40例疗效观察

2.Study the Document and Clinic in Treatment Aged Cough by the Method of "Warming and Eliminating the Phlegmatic and Fluid Retention"温化痰饮法治疗老年咳嗽的文献及临床研究

3.The Clinical Studies of "Fu Zheng Zhu Yin" and Chest Internal Chemotherapy to Treat Pulmonary-Carcinoma-Caused Pleural Effusion;扶正逐饮汤联合胸腔内灌注化疗法治疗肺癌胸水的临床观察

4.Experimental Study on Treatment of Ongestive Heart Failure with the Therapy of Invigorating Yang-Qi and Promoting Blood Circulation and Resolving Dampness;温阳化饮、益气活血法防治充血性心力衰竭的实验研究

5.The Method of the Warm Sputum Inhaus Effect on the Immunoregulation of the Non-eosinophilicasthma;温化痰饮法对非嗜酯细胞性哮喘的免疫调节作用

6.Determination of harpagosid in qingfeiyin by HPLCHPLC法测定清肺饮中哈巴俄苷的含量

7.Determination of Baicalin in Qingfeiyin Oral Liquid by HPLCHPLC法测定清肺饮中黄芩苷的含量

8.Determination of chlorogenic acid in qingfeiyin by HPLCHPLC法测定清肺饮中绿原酸的含量

9.Clinical Observation on 25 Middle-later Stage Lung Cancer Cases:Combined Warming Yang and Dispersing Cold Treatment with Chemotherapy温阳散寒法配合化疗治疗中晚期肺癌25例临床观察

10.Study on antioxidant effect of Buxuhuayuqutanyin for pneumoconiosis补虚化瘀祛痰饮对尘肺病人抗氧化作用机制

11.Experimental Study of the Protective Effect of Huqiyin on Bleomycin-induced Pulmonary Fibrosis in Rats;中药虎芪饮干预大鼠肺纤维化的实验研究

12.The Effect of Warming Yang Supplementing Heart Activating Blood Circulation and Resolving Phlegm Method on Ventricular Systolic and Diastolic Function, Neuroendocrine and Myocardial Remodeling of the Chronic Cardiac Dysfunction Rats;温阳化饮益气活血法对慢性心功能不全大鼠心室舒缩功能、神经内分泌及心肌重塑的影响

13.Pathological Change of Pulmonary after Ventilation Combined with Hypothermia via Lung on Canines with Acute Respiratory Distress SyndromeARDS犬肺局部低温结合保护性通气肺的病理变化

14.Primary Investigation of Pulmonary Temperature Changes in Patients Undergoing Deep Hypothermic Circulatory Arrest深低温停循环手术中肺部温度变化初步观察

15.The Vitro Research of Huaxianyin Against Influenza a Virus and the Vitro and Clinical Research of Huaxianyin Against IPF;化纤饮抗流感病毒的体外实验及抗肺纤化的体内实验与临床研究

16.A vacuum flask keeps cool drinks cool and hot drinks hot.保温瓶使冷饮保冷,使热饮保温。

17.Observesion the Clinical Efficacy of Xiaoqinglong-Aerosol Treatment of COPD Stable小青龙汤雾化吸入治疗慢性阻塞性肺病(外寒内饮型)的临床研究

18.Regulative Effect and Its Mechanism of Chinese Traditional Medicine with Warming-yang Effect on the Imbalance of Collagen Metabolism of Lung Tissue in Blemycin-induced Rat Pulmonary Fibrosis;温阳中药调控肺间质纤维化大鼠肺胶原代谢失衡的作用及其机制


Warm phlegm inhaust law温化痰饮法

3)The level of hormone温阳化饮法

4)The therapy of invigorating yang-qi and promoting温阳化饮

5)Yang-Warming and Fluid-Dispersing Formula温阳化饮方

1.pathologic rat models with the syndrome of accumulation of cold fluid in the lung in asthma, the thesis discuss deeply the microcosmic mechanism of syndrome of accumulation of cold fluid in the lung in asthma and the target curative location and the functional mechanism of "Yang-Warming and Fluid-Dispersing Formula" to.在建立支气管哮喘病寒饮蕴肺证大鼠模型的基础上,深入探讨支气管哮喘病寒饮蕴肺证的微观机理以及温阳化饮方(小青龙汤加减)的作用部位和作用机制,从而深化对肺主行水理论的认识。

2.Function developing change and promptly effect of the accumulation of cold fluid syndrome in the lung in COPD by stomach irritation with“Yang-Warming and Fluid-Dispersing Formula”were provided the mechanism to provide the thinking and theory to prevent and heal it.利用熏烟、气管滴注脂多糖加寒凉刺激的方法复制慢性阻塞性肺疾病寒饮蕴肺证大鼠模型,并在此基础上用自拟温阳化饮方对该病证进行干预,从细胞分子水平观察COPD寒饮蕴肺证发展、变化的动态病理机制,以及温阳化饮方对COPD寒饮蕴肺证的干预作用、动态变化及时效性,反证COPD寒饮蕴肺证的病理机制,为防治该病证提供新思路和理论依据。

6)warm lung to remove cold温肺散寒法


温肺温肺 温肺 治疗学术语。又称温肺散寒。肺寒证的治疗方法。肺寒本属阳虚,阳虚生外寒,故多用辛温解表之剂温肺散寒,常用细辛、桂枝、麻黄、干姜、葱白之类。阳虚则阴盛,故肺寒多饮证,治宜温肺逐饮,常用小青龙汤、苓桂术甘汤等。又温肺常须结合补脾益肺,或温补命门以治其本。

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