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钛衬里 titanium lining英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-29 09:08:45


钛衬里 titanium lining英语短句 例句大全

钛衬里,titanium lining

1)titanium lining钛衬里


1.Application examples oftitanium-lined cauldron in the molybdate production were introduced.介绍了衬钛釜在钼酸盐生产中的应用实例,通过效益核算和与传统工艺设备性能比较后认定衬钛设备在钼酸盐生产中应用前景广阔。


1.Analysis of Causes Leading to Destruction of PTFE lining in Coarse Fractionating Tower;粗馏塔聚四氟乙烯衬里的破坏分析

2.Research & Practice of Rebound Method to Test Insulation/Wear-resistingLining Strength;回弹法检测隔热耐磨衬里强度的探索与实践

3.Study of Application of RubberLining on Ball Mill in Lowering Noise;球磨机橡胶衬里的设计及在降低噪声中的应用


1.crucible lining坩埚衬里, 坩埚内衬

2.a brass bushing or a lining for a bearing.黄铜轴衬或轴承衬里。

3.refractory lining耐火衬砌, 耐火炉衬, 耐火(材料)衬里

4.percolised hose衬里渗透水带衬里和覆盖层

5.One that makes or puts in linings.制衬里的人或装衬里的人

6.The jacket had a patterned lining.这件夹克衬有一层有图案的衬里

7.Cut the interfacings and underlining and tack them to the wrong side of the sleeve.裁衬布和衬里并粗缝到袖了的反面。

8.lining cloths of man-made fibre for suiting西装料: 人造纤维衬里

9.painted chrome tanned pig leather for lining涂色铬鞣猪皮衬里革

10.impregnated single jacket hose经浸渍的无衬里水带

11.fabric rubber lined hose有橡胶衬里纤维水带

12.His jacket was unlined.他的夹克没有衬里。

13.She lined her skirt with nylon.她用尼龙做裙子衬里。

14.He used a piece of clothes to make a lining.他用一块布来做衬里。

15.Trimming or lining made of fur.毛皮镶边或毛皮衬里

16.The inside of the box was lined with silk.那盒子用丝作衬里.

17.foundation muslin(上胶的)硬衬里细纱

18.the coat has a sleazy lining.这件外衣的衬里薄而松。



1.Application examples oftitanium-lined cauldron in the molybdate production were introduced.介绍了衬钛釜在钼酸盐生产中的应用实例,通过效益核算和与传统工艺设备性能比较后认定衬钛设备在钼酸盐生产中应用前景广阔。


1.Analysis of Causes Leading to Destruction of PTFE lining in Coarse Fractionating Tower;粗馏塔聚四氟乙烯衬里的破坏分析

2.Research & Practice of Rebound Method to Test Insulation/Wear-resistingLining Strength;回弹法检测隔热耐磨衬里强度的探索与实践

3.Study of Application of RubberLining on Ball Mill in Lowering Noise;球磨机橡胶衬里的设计及在降低噪声中的应用


1.Development and application of anticorrosive technique ofroom temperature self-vulcanization butyl rubberliner;室温自硫化丁基橡胶衬里防腐蚀技术的开发与应用

2.Application of epoxy resin glass fiber reinforced plastics in corrosion protection of urea prilling towerliner环氧树脂玻璃钢衬里在尿素造粒塔防腐蚀中的应用

3.Concerning standards for the design, manufacturing and use of PTFEliner device are introduced, application scope, total management of theliner pressure vessels and economic rationality in the manufacturing course are explored to put forward the standard of theliner device and technical specifications.介绍了聚四氟乙烯衬里设备设计、制造和使用的相关标准,对标准的应用范围、衬里压力容器的全过程管理以及设计、制造过程中的经济合理性问题进行了探讨,提出了衬里设备标准和技术规范的改进建议。


1.While 1# unit in major repair of Longyangxia hydropower plant,the draft tube sliner and air supply short tube is destroyed seriously under high water pressure.龙羊峡水电厂1号机大修时,检查过流部件发现尾水管里衬与补气短管在高水头下运行造成严重破坏。

2.A great deal of fearful cracks were found in theliner steel plate of discharge ring unit four as it running off designed operating condition for long term, and these cracks have been repaired and returned to normal condition by GMAW method.单机容量世界最大的我国福建水口电站轴流转桨式水轮发电机组 ,其中 4#机组由于长期偏离原设计工况运行 ,致使其转轮室钢板里衬产生严重裂纹。




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