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青海盐湖 Qinghai salt lake英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-08 12:32:59


青海盐湖 Qinghai salt lake英语短句 例句大全

青海盐湖,Qinghai salt lake

1)Qinghai salt lake青海盐湖

1.The systematic measurement of inorganic crystals distribution for 100,000 t/a KCl production inQinghai salt lake was studied.选取10万t氯化钾生产装置为研究对象,对青海盐湖钾肥10万t生产装置进行现场物料查定,对反浮选-冷结晶生产工艺流程的各个结点进行全成份查定,对全流程光卤石、氯化镁、硫酸钙、氯化钾的浓度分布进行分析和标定,确定了光卤石矿中关键组份在不同操作单元中的分布,为研究各种杂质的多相分离过程提供了可靠的基础数据,并为过程中氯化钾的损失和产品中硫酸钙的富集过程提供了有益的数据参考。


1.Studies on Preparation of High Purity Magnesia from Bischofite in QingHai Salt Lakes;青海盐湖水氯镁石制备高纯镁砂研究

2.Study on Exploitation of Qinghai Salt Lake Resource and Sustainable Development;青海盐湖资源开发与可持续发展研究

3.Dissertating on the status quo、issues and the countermeasures of the synthetic exploitation on the salt lake resource of Qinghai;青海盐湖资源综合开发利用的现状、问题及对策

4.Recycling-based Economic Production Model of Exploiting Resources of Qinghai Salt Lakes;青海盐湖资源开发应发展循环经济型生产模式

5.Methods of Multivariate Statistical Classification of Hydrochemical Type of Qinghai Salt Lake青海盐湖水化学类型的多元统计分类法

6.Corrosion behavior of Q235 steel in saline soils with different humidity;Q235钢在不同湿度的青海盐湖盐渍土壤中的腐蚀行为

7.Analysis & suggestion on integrated development and ntilization of saline mineral resources in Qinghai;对青海盐湖矿产资源综合开发利用的分析及建议

8.Systematic Measurement of Inorganic Crystals Distribution for 100,000t/a KCl Production in Qinghai Salt Lake青海盐湖10万t氯化钾生产全流程物流的系统标定

9.The influences of exploitation of the resources in Qinghai Salt Lake on the pattern of domestic chlor-alkali industry青海盐湖资源综合开发利用对我国氯碱工业格局的影响

10.The Study on Water Soluble Salt Content of the Surface Soils Horizon and Main Rivers in Qinghai Lake青海湖湖滨土壤地表盐分总量及主要河流盐分含量的研究

11.Eluting and Identifying the Inhibitor of Bacteria Ab9、Bo5 of Salt Lake over Chai-Damu Basin in Qinghai Province;青海省柴达木盆地盐湖细菌Ab9、Bo5抑菌活性物质的分离与鉴定

12.The Technology Research on Magnesium-Lithium Separation of the Acidified Brine in West taijnar Salt Lake of Qinghai青海西台吉乃尔盐湖酸化老卤镁锂分离的技术研究

13.Preliminary Study of Hydrochemistry and Sedimentary Characteristics of Salt Lakes in Eastern Hoh Xil Region青海可可西里东部盐湖水化学及沉积特征初步研究

14.Molecular Evolution of HIF-1a and GH-IGFs and Its Expression in Naked Carp (Gymnocypris Przewalskii) from the Qinghai Lake of China;青海湖裸鲤HIF-1a和GH-IGFs的分子进化及高原盐湖水环境对其表达的影响

15.Molecular Evolution of HIF-1α and GH-IGFs and Its Expression in Naked Carp (Gymnocypris Przewalskii) from the Qinghai Lake of China;青海湖裸鲤HIF-1α和GH-IGFs的分子进化及高原盐湖水环境对其表达的影响

16.The separation of calcium sulfate from water-mining carnallite by flotation for the production of KCl from Chaerhan Salt Lake was studied.研究了青海察尔汗盐湖水采光卤石矿生产氯化钾工艺中浮选除钙的方法。

17.The Investigation of Halophilic and Halotolerant Actinomycetes Resource in Yushuihe, Qinghai青海渔水河嗜盐耐盐放线菌资源研究

18.The salt lake area road foundation design of the newly built second line in Xi-Ge section of Qing-Zang line青藏线西格段增建二线盐湖路基设计


Qinghai salt lake resources青海盐湖资源

1.This paper introduces present situation of comprehensive development and utilization ofQinghai salt lake resources,especially the technologies for producing potash fertilizer,magnesium,lithium salts and metallic lithium fromQinghai salt lake resources,and also expounds the dynamic equilibrium in utilization of salt lake resource介绍了青海盐湖资源综合开发利用情况 ,主要是利用盐湖资源生产钾肥、冶炼金属镁、生产锂盐及金属锂的工艺及研究现状 ,阐述了盐湖资源利用的动态平衡关

3)Qinghai lake青海湖

1.The Eco-environmental Change and Causes of Qinghai Lake Watershed;青海湖区生态环境变化及其成因分析

2.Researches on ecological value and protection of ecological environment of Qinghai Lake;青海湖生态价值与生态环境保护研究

3.The Analysis of Ecological Values of Wetland Ecosystem in Qinghai Lake District;青海湖湿地生态系统服务价值分析

4)Lake Qinghai青海湖

1.On the source of radioisotope ~(137)Cs in the surface sediments ofLake Qinghai;青海湖表层底泥中放射性同位素~(137)Cs的来源

2.The distribution of long-chain alkenones in modern lacustrine sediments in theLake Qinghai and lakes from the Qaidam Basin;青海湖及柴达木盆地地区现代湖泊沉积物中长链烯酮的分布特征

3.Area changes ofLake Qinghai in the latest 20 years based on remote sensing study;近青海湖湖水面积变化遥感

5)the Qinghai Lake青海湖

1.Analyses and strategies of the water tabel drop-off reason of the Qinghai lake;青海湖水位下降的成因分析与对策

2.Analyzing the group components and the saturate hydrocarbons in organic matters in the sediments from the bottom ofthe Qinghai Lake shows that the contents of total organic carbon in the sediments is high and that the sedimentary environment at the bottom ofthe Qinghai Lake is feeble oxidative.对青海湖沉积物中有机质、族组分及饱和烃进行测试分析发现,湖体底部水体和浅层沉积物处于弱氧化环境,沉积物中总有机碳含量较高,有机质具陆源高等植物和湖内低等菌藻类复合来源。

6)Qinghai Lake青海湖畔

1.Study on Contents of Pro and ABA in Two Plant Leaves in the Bank ofQinghai Lake;对生长于青海湖畔盐碱湿地上的2种植物,即二裂委陵菜(Potentilla bifurca)和鹅绒委陵菜(Potentilla anserina)叶片中脯氨酸(Pro)和脱落酸(ABA)含量进行了研究。


青海察尔汗盐湖位于青海柴达木盆地中南部,南北宽40多公里,东西长140公里,总面积达5800多平方公里。察尔汗盐湖中有好几个奇特的湖中套湖,一环套一环,形成世界上罕见的“湖中湖”。察尔汗盐湖的奇观万丈盐桥是一条修筑在盐湖上的平整宽阔的公路,它全长33公里,所以有万丈之称。这座桥造型独特,与众不同,它既无桥墩,又无栏杆。全是用盐修成的,素称“万丈盐桥”。 盐公路光滑平坦,与柏油马路并无两样。路面出现坑凹,用卤水一浇即可填平。察尔汗盐湖是盐的世界,这里的房屋不少都是盐块盖的。 柴达木盐湖的盐不仅储量大,质量好,而且颜色五光十色,结晶休形状奇异多彩。颜色有红、白、青、黑、蓝盐;形状象珍珠、宝石、宝塔、象牙、雪花等璨灿夺目。人们根据这些结晶盐的形状颜色特征,叫珍珠盐、雪花盐、葡萄盐、粉条盐、蘑菇盐、钟乳盐、玻璃盐、水晶盐等美丽动听的名字。

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