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循环次数 cycle number英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-09 05:14:56


循环次数 cycle number英语短句 例句大全

循环次数,cycle number

1)cycle number循环次数

1.Factors affecting the electrochemical property of the hydrogen storage alloy:cycle number and charge/discharge rate;影响贮氢合金电化学性能测试结果的因素——循环次数和充放电制度


1.The loop count should be between 1 and 4294967294.循环次数应该介于1和4294967294之间。

2.The higher the stress the fewer will be the cycles before failure can be expected.应力越高,在可以预料的破坏之前循环次数就越少。

3.Fig.71) we use N to count the loops.在图71的程序框图中,我们利用N来统计循环次数。

4.As the number of cycles of reuse of water increases, salt balance becomes increasingly important.盐均衡随着水的再利用循环次数的增加而日益变得重要。

5.Influence of DNA extraction method and PCR cycle number on STR analysis;DNA提取方法和PCR循环次数对STR扩增成功率的影响

6.The loop amount must be less than 2,147,483,640.循环总次数必须小于 2,147,483,640。

7.Setting up the sequence of charge and discharge and the number of cycles.设定充电和放电的次序和循环的次数。

8.The number of times a cycle has been performed.对循环完成的次数所进行的计数。

9.A mechanism or device which measures the number of times a specified cycle is repeated.一种对循环的执行次数进行计数的机构或设备。

10.recurring decimalph.1. 【数】循环小数

11.Numerical simulation of 1~(st) and 2~(nd) cycles of pulse detonation engine脉冲爆轰发动机第一和第二次循环的数值模拟

12.Parameter determination of primary air fan for 1 025 t/h-class CFB boiler1025t/h等级循环流化床锅炉一次风机参数的确定

13.(3) The number of times a press has completed a printing cycle or, all the copies of a book from one printing.(3)印刷机完成每一压印循环的次数,或书籍在某一印次的印刷册数。

14.repeating decimalph.1. 循环小数

15.recurring decimal (eg 3.999,4.0404)循环小数(如3.999,4.014014)

16."The time taken to complete one cycle is called the period, and the number of cycles per second is the frequency; the maximum value in either direction is the current"s amplitude."完成一次循环的时间称为周期,每秒循环的次数称为频率,任一方向的最大值称为交流电的振幅。

17.median fatigue strength at N cyclesN次循环中值疲劳强度

18.once through reactor燃料一次循环反应堆


number of cycles循环次数

3)Recycle number(n)循环次数n

4)cycle index counter循环次数计数器

5)significant cyclic number有效循环次数

1.Limitation of the Seed s method ofsignificant cyclic number in analyzing large deformation of soils during earthquake;土体地震大变形分析中Seed有效循环次数方法的局限性

6)method of equivalent cycle number等效循环次数法

1.The correction of themethod of equivalent cycle number;非稳定变应力下疲劳强度计算的等效循环次数法的修正



循环系统的进化鱼的循环系统 李瑞端绘[图]

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