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接触式测头 contact probe英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-19 05:53:01


接触式测头 contact probe英语短句 例句大全

接触式测头,contact probe

1)contact probe接触式测头

1.An integrated multiple-sensor three-dimension coordinate measurement system was proposed,which was composed of a laser probe,a micro-vision probe,acontact probe and a three coordinate measurement machine.提出了一种多传感器一体化的三维坐标测量系统,系统由带有激光三角测头、显微视觉测头和接触式测头的三坐标测量机组成。

2.The effect of measurement force on the accuracy of an ultra-precisecontact probe, is difficult to perform in the field of ultraprecise measurement of complex surfaces, especially aspheric measurement.针对高精度非球面检测过程中,测量力对接触式传感器测头测量不确定度的影响问题,本文在建立接触式测头简化结构模型的基础上,分析建立了测杆倾斜、滑动以及弯曲变形对测量精度的影响模型。

3.Focusing on the instance,an iterative method ofcontact probe error compensation was presented.接触式测头记录的是球心坐标,而在工件定位过程中实际使用的数据是测头和工件接触点的坐标。


1.Analysis and Modelling on Effect of Measurement Force on Accuracy of Altra-precise Contact Probe高精度接触式测头测量力影响分析与建模*

2.Study on the Mechanism and Touch Trigger Probe System of Micro/nano Coordinate Measuring Machine;纳米三坐标测量机机械结构及接触式测头技术研究

3.Study on the System for Testing and Calibrating MEMS Piezoresistive Micro Contact Probe;MEMS压阻式微接触测头测试校准系统的研究

4.Care should be taken to ensure that the probe is held normal to the test surface and pressed positively on to the test surface.应注意确认探头通常的手握方式以直接接触测试漆膜的表面。

5.non-contact scanning detector非接触式扫描检测器

6.non-contact vibration monitor不接触式振动监测器

7.Study on the OCS Geometric Parameters Inspection System Based on Non-Contact Mesurement;非接触式接触网几何参数检测系统研究

8.Study on Contact of the Dynamic Response of Collision Contactor;迎击式接触器触头动态响应模型的研究

9.Study on the Dynamic Response of Contacts of Collision Type Contactors Based on PRO/E;基于PRO/E的迎击式接触器触头动态响应的研究

10.Contact Dynamic Simulation for Counterpunch Type AC Contactor Based on ADAMS基于ADAMS的迎击式交流接触器触头动态仿真

11.Repeat the measurement with contacts lengthwise to engine cylinder hea纵向接触到引擎汽缸头,重复测量。

12.one revolution contact转一转接触一次触头

13.The R&D of Contactless CAT System on Joint Inner Thread;非接触式管接头内螺纹CAT系统的研究与开发

14.contact combustion type combustible gas detector接触燃烧式可燃气检测仪

15.contact combustion type CO tester接触燃烧式一氧化碳测定仪

16.non-contacting displacement-vibration measuring instrument非接触式位移振动测量仪

17.Measuring thickness by ultrasonic pulse-echo contact methodGB/T11344-1989接触式超声波脉冲回波法测厚

18.contact beta radiography dating接触式射线照相法测定年代


contact analog probe接触式模拟测头

1.The system digitizes the surface of shoe last bycontact analog probe and realizes rapid manufacturing in great batch.本系统利用接触式模拟测头 ,将鞋楦表面轮廓数字化 ,实现大批量快速制造 ;利用数码相机和计算机图形处理技术获得脚部关键尺寸 ,实现小批量敏捷制造。

3)touch trigger probe system接触触发式测头系统

4)non-contact optical probe非接触式光学测头

5)non-contact probe非接触测头

1.There are a series of problems to be solved in practical applications of the opticalnon-contact probes.光学非接触测头在其实际应用中,有一系列问题需要解决。

6)point of stylus contact触针[测头]接触点



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