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医生工作站 doctor workstation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-16 13:34:40


医生工作站 doctor workstation英语短句 例句大全

医生工作站,doctor workstation

1)doctor workstation医生工作站

1.Establishment and application ofdoctor workstation in ward;病房医生工作站信息系统的功能与应用

2.This article emphasizes the importance ofdoctor workstation in outpatient departement.门诊医生工作站是串起HIS系统的重要纽带。


1.Design and Realization of Doctor Workstation in HIS System;HIS系统医生工作站的设计与实现

2.Information Management System Based on COM+ for Clinic Doctors Workstation;基于COM+的门诊医生工作站信息管理系统

3.The Research and Implementation for Resident Doctors Workstation Based on Windows DNA and COM+;基于Windows DNA和COM+的住院医生工作站的研究和实现

4.The System Upgrades of Doctors" Workstation in Military Hospital Information System军字一号临床医生工作站软件的系统改造

5.Diagnoses information analysis of OPD workstation based on OLAP基于OLAP的门诊医生工作站诊断信息分析

6.Research and Design of PACS Workstation and Relative Technology Based on DICOM3.0;基于DICOM3.0的PACS医生工作站及相关技术的研究和设计

7.Design and Realization of Clinical Doctor s Workstation Based on TrakCare System Framework;基于TrakCare系统框架下临床医生工作站的设计与实现

8.Reflection on the General Practice Work Station of Community Health Care对建立社区卫生服务全科医学工作站的思考

9.The Research on the 3D Medical Image Realtime Volume Render Workstation;三维医学图像实时体视化工作站研究

10.Image-Strengthen Technique of PACS Workstation;PACS工作站医学图像增强技术的研究

11.Batches of DNA extraction of forensic samples by using MP-120 automatic DNA workstationMP-120工作站批量提取法医样本DNA

12.The doctor works at the mission.那医生在贫民教区工作.

13.Then he worked for a doctor.后来,他为一名医生工作。

14.The doctors and nurses in this hospital work in three shifts.这家医院的医生和护士分三班工作。

15.Doctors work privately and hospitals are privately owned.医生私自工作,并且医院为私有制。

16.Measures have been taken to lighten the load of the hospital doctor .业已采取措施减轻医院医生的工作量

17.Measures have is take to lighten the load of the hospital doctor.业已采取措施减轻医院医生的工作量。

18.Doctors work for themselves and hospitals are privately owned.医生为他们自己工作,医院是私有的。


Medical Workstation医生工作站

1.Introduces the maintenance and use of a set of doctor s order in medical workstation.本文介绍了医生工作站中“套餐医嘱”的维护和使用方法。

3)out-patient medical workstation门诊医生工作站

1.Theout-patient medical workstation is an important part of hospital information system and the equipment should be selected reasonably for an outpatient medical workstation.门诊医生工作站是医院信息系统的重要组成部分,上线应用时对设备的稳定性、可维护性、设备维修时间有很高的要求。

2.Describes the overall design and function model of the system forout-patient medical workstation in our hospital to realize the information technology services of real time acquisition,processing,storage,transmission of the patient s information and improve the level of management for our hospital.介绍了我院门诊医生工作站系统总体设计和各模块的功能。

4)outpatient doctor workstation门诊医生工作站

1.This paper expounds the courses,functions,and implementation steps about theoutpatient doctor workstation,and analyzes the advantages of theoutpatient doctor workstation and the matters needing to discuss.本文阐述了门诊医生工作站的流程、功能,分析了应用门诊医生工作站的优点及需要进一步探讨的问题。

2.This paper summarizes the main contents and functions of OIMS and discusses the most important sub-system of OIMS s,outpatient doctor workstation, on its case history, examination/Lab and prescription.从4个方面浅析门诊信息管理系统的主要内容和功能,并从病历、检查/检验、处方等方面详述重要的子系统——门诊医生工作站的作用和意义。

5)out-patient doctor workstation门诊医生工作站

1.The application of theout-patient doctor workstation of”No1Millitary”Project in our hospital;‘军字一号 工程的门诊医生工作站在我院的运用

2.Methods The process of out-patient service is studied and function ofout-patient doctor workstation is analysed in detail,including:(1)medical history;(2)check/examination ;(3)electronics prescription,it is described thatout-patient doctor workstation is in conjunction with mold piece of HIS.方法研究了门急诊管理的信息流程,并且详细分析了它的核心部分即门诊医生工作站的功能,包括:病历、检查/检验、电子处方等,在以上功能的基础上,还描述了门诊医生工作站系统与 HIS系统中多个子系统协同工作。

3.Theout-patient doctor workstation is an important part of hospital information system, which can not only well store different medical information, but also further optimize clinic work process, and greatly improve the work efficiency for clinic doctors.门诊医生工作站是医院信息系统中的重要组成部分,它不但可以很好地保存各种诊疗信息,还可进一步优化门诊工作流程,极大提高门诊医生的工作效率。

6)emergency doctor workstation急诊医生工作站

1.Research and application of information system foremergency doctor workstation;急诊医生工作站信息系统的研究与应用


工作站CAD系统分子式:CAS号:性质:以工程工作站为基础的CAD系统。工作站是指供用户独自使用的、交互式图形输入输出能力较强的计算机,其内存容量较大,运算速度较快,有的还带有加速图形处理的专门硬件。这类系统目前已成为CAD系统的主流,从一般工作站、高级工作站到超级工作站,其性能覆盖面宽,几乎可满足各领域计算机辅助设计工作的需要。目前较常使用的工作站有HP/Apollo 9000,IBM RS6000,SGI Indigo以及SPARC station DEC station VAX station等系列产品。

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