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系统压差 system difference pressure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-27 16:01:11


系统压差 system difference pressure英语短句 例句大全

系统压差,system difference pressure

1)system difference pressure系统压差


1.Selective calculation of adjustive valve frozen water system in air-conditioner空调冷冻水系统压差调节阀的选择计算

2.Design of a measuring system using differential transformer sensor;差动变压式传感器位移测量系统设计

3.The Research on Differential Protection of the Converter Transformer in DC System直流系统换流变压器差动保护的研究

4.Study on differential transformer"s inner magnetic field testing system差动变压器内部磁场测试系统的研究

5.Practice of Reducing Filtering Air Pressure Difference of Fan Dedusting System减小鼓风机除尘系统滤风压差的实践

6.Design and error analysis on pressure measurement system of low speed pressurized wind tunnel低速增压风洞压力测量系统设计与误差分析

7.The reciprocating motion of differential cylinder servo system is asymmetrical.差动缸液压伺服系统往复运动是非对称的。

8.Dynamic Error Analysis and Numerical Compensation of Pressure in Bore Measuring System膛压测试系统动态误差分析及其数字补偿

9.Design of Single Chip Computer System for Potenial Model Water Flow Meter压差式流量测量记录仪单片机控制系统的设计

10.Development of a Differential-pressure Based Vortex Flow Meter for Mass Flowrate Measurement;差压式涡街质量流量计信号处理系统的研制

11.Study on Manipulator Localization System with Strength and Its Function Spot Differential Pressure Sensor;力及其作用部位压差传感器及定位系统的研究

12.Study and Implementation of the Wavelength Differential Demodulation System for FBG Strain Sensors;FBG压力传感器波长差分解调系统的研究与实现

13.Design of Hydraulic System Flowmeter Based on the Ultrasonic Time-difference Method基于超声波时差法检测液压系统流量计的研制

14.Design of Dust-removal System Based on PLC and Measurement Technique of Pressure Drop基于PLC和压差检测技术的除尘喷吹系统设计

15.Research on machining error rapid measurement system for rotors on orbit scroll compressors涡旋压缩机转子加工误差快速测量系统的研究

16.Modeling and Analysis of Vacuum Counter-Pressure Casting Based on Digital Combination Valve基于数字组合阀的真空差压铸造系统建模分析

17.System Simulation and Working-mechanism Research on Differential Underground Supercharger差动式井下增压器的工作机理研究及系统仿真

18.Performance Analysis of Hydro-mechanical Differential Turning Control System of Tracked Vehicle履带车辆液压机械差速转向操纵系统性能分析


overall system pressure drop系统总压差

3)differential pressure leak detection system差压检漏系统

4)hydraulic system difference液压系统差异

5)micro-differential pressure control system微差压控制系统

1.To the status of OG System in Meishan Iron and Steel,and themicro-differential pressure control system characteristics with the nonlinear,time-varying,uncertainty and larger disturbance,the sliding model variable structure control strategy with robustness is used in order to overcome the uncertainty and enhance anti-jamming capability.针对宝钢梅山炼钢厂转炉煤气回收系统(OG系统)的工作现状以及转炉炉口微差压控制系统对象的非线性、时变、不确定性和干扰大的特点,采用具有强鲁棒性的滑模变结构控制策略,以克服系统的不确定性和增强抗干扰能力。

6)systematic errors系统误差

1.Twosystematic errors easily neglected in the determination of suspended substances and their elimination;悬浮物测定中两个易被忽视的系统误差及其消除方法

2.Limit and elimination ofsystematic errors in the physics experiment;物理实验中系统误差的检验和消除

3.Adaptively robust filter based on synthetically fittingsystematic errors and covariance matrices;基于系统误差及其协方差阵拟合的抗差自适应滤波



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