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金刚藤 Jingangteng英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-10 21:21:48


金刚藤 Jingangteng英语短句 例句大全



1.Study on preparation technology ofJingangteng Chewable Tablets;金刚藤咀嚼片的制备工艺研究

2.Determination of Diosgenin inJingangteng by HPLC and Improvement on its Extraction Technique;金刚藤中薯蓣皂苷元含量的HPLC测定及提取工艺的改进


1.To investigate the best condition of the Rhizoma Smilax China extraction.探讨金刚藤皂苷提取的最佳条件。

2.Study on Preparation Process and Quality Standard of Jingangteng Dispersible Tablet;金刚藤分散片的工艺与质量标准研究

3.Anti-proliferative Effect on Tumor Cells of Kaempferol-7-O-β-D-glucoside Isolated from Smilax China L. Rhizome;金刚藤抗肿瘤活性的药理药效学研究

4.Studies on Etiology, Occurrence and Control of Leaf Spot of Smilax China金刚藤叶斑病病原学、发生规律及防治技术研究

5.Study on Anti-gout Effects of Ethanol Extract of Rhizoma Smilasic Chinae金刚藤醇提取物抗痛风作用的实验研究

6.Severe hepatitis attributed to Jingangteng capsules and Danefukang paste金刚藤胶囊及丹莪妇康煎膏致重症肝炎

7.Pharmacodynamics Study of Jingangteng Dispersible Tablet on Experimental Chronic Pelvic Inflammatory Disease;金刚藤分散片对实验性慢性盆腔炎的药效学研究

8.Determination of Diosgenin in Jingangteng by HPLC and Improvement on its Extraction Technique;金刚藤中薯蓣皂苷元含量的HPLC测定及提取工艺的改进

9.Determination of diosgenin in Jingangteng Dispersible tablets by HPLC高效液相色谱法测定金刚藤分散片中薯蓣皂苷元的含量

10.homeysuckle stem双花藤,忍冬藤,金银花藤

11.mining for gold, diamonds, etc开采黄金、 金刚石等.

12.emery-coated beam金刚砂卷布辊,金刚导布辊

13.If the metallic bedstead like cirrus twines feminine dream.如藤蔓般的金属床架缠绕女人的梦想。

14.Mrs Collins: Tulips, roses and ivys.科林斯太太:郁金香,玫瑰和常青藤。

parison between Ba Jin s Family and Shimazaki Tson s Family;巴金的《家》与岛崎藤村的《家》比较研究

16.You had mentioned the third source of finding.你刚刚提到了第三种资金来源。

17.machine set bit机镶细粒金刚石钻头

18.screw-feed diamond rig螺旋给料式金刚石钻机


Smilax China L金刚藤

1.Determination of Diosgenin inSmilax China L.Tablets by HPLC;高效液相色谱法测定金刚藤片中薯蓣皂苷元含量

2.RP-HPLC determination of diosgenin in Smilax china L.;RP-HPLC测定金刚藤中薯蓣皂苷元的含量

3)Jingangteng Tablets金刚藤片

1.Determination of Diosgenin inJingangteng Tablets by HPLC;HPLC法测定金刚藤片中薯蓣皂苷元的含量

4)Chinaroot greenbrier rhizome金刚藤糖浆

1.Objective: To observe the clinical efficacy of pulse microwave combined withChinaroot greenbrier rhizome in the treatment of chronic non-bacterial prostatitis(NBP).方法:30例慢性非细菌性前列腺炎患者,应用脉冲微波及口服金刚藤糖浆治疗2周。

5)Jingangteng capsules金刚藤胶囊

1.Severe hepatitis attributed toJingangteng capsules and Danefukang paste金刚藤胶囊及丹莪妇康煎膏致重症肝炎

6)Extract of rhizoma smilacis chinensis金刚藤提取物


金刚藤【通用名称】金刚藤【其他名称】金刚藤 (《西藏常用中草药》) 【异名】菝葜。 【来源】为百合科植物西南菝葜的根茎。 【植物形态】西南菝葜 攀援木本,茎实心,无刺。根茎才;质,结节状。叶长圆状披针形,长5~8厘米,宽1~2厘米;叶柄长0.5~0.8厘米,鞘稍不明显,长几为叶柄的1/2,鞘端有1对卷须。伞形花序腋生,花序柄长1.5~2厘米,稍扁;花柄长7~8厘米;花单性,雌雄异株;花被片6。浆果熟时绿色。 生于山坡林下。分布我国西南部及西藏等地。 【采集】8~9月挖取。洗净,切片,晒干。 【性味】性温,味微辛。 【功用主治】祛风,活血,解毒。治风湿腰腿痛,跌打损伤,瘰疬。 【用法与用量】内服:煎汤,1~3钱。

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