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稳定性和长期留样试验 stability and long-term observation test英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-02 18:20:54


稳定性和长期留样试验 stability and long-term observation test英语短句 例句大全

稳定性和长期留样试验,stability and long-term observation test

1)stability and long-term observation test稳定性和长期留样试验

2)initial color初期着色[热稳定性试验]

3)long term stability长期稳定性

1.The results show that,mineral and chemical composition of weathered stock have betterlong term stability in engineering environmental condition,but grain composition has worse stability owing to its mineral composition and microcope struture characteristics.通过室内强化模拟试验 ,对水布垭心墙堆石坝页岩风化填料的矿物成分、化学成分、颗粒级配的长期稳定性进行了研究。

2.For understanding thelong term stability of weathered sand used in Maopinxi Protection Dam of Three Gorges Project,by simulated laboratory experiments,the effects of lnng term inundation and dry wet repetitive conditions on the characteristics of weathered sand were emphatically studied.为了解用于三峡茅坪溪防护坝风化砂的长期稳定性,通过室内模拟试验,着重研究了该风化砂长期浸水和干湿循环条件对风化砂性能的影响,包括风化砂矿物成分、化学成分、颗粒级配、透水性、沉陷性和力学性能的变化。


1.Experimental Study on the Long-Term Stability Lime-Ash Stabilized Expansive Soil Embankment;石灰处治膨胀土路堤长期稳定性试验研究

2.An easy discuss about temperature"s long stability of space rubidium clock浅谈温度对星载铷原子钟长期稳定性的影响

3.Study of the Effects on Evapotranspiration to Long-term Stability of Slope蒸发蒸腾作用对边坡长期稳定性影响研究

4.Empirical Analysis of the LongTerm Stability and Equilibrium of China′s Government Budgetary Revenue and Expenditure --Based on the Sample in 1978-;中国预算内收支长期稳定性和均衡性实证分析——基于1978-的样本

5.Study on Construction Mechanical Characteristics and Long-Term Stability of Large Section Tunnels with Closely Spaced小净距大断面隧道施工力学特性及长期稳定性研究

6.Liquidity Surplus,Medium-and Long-Term Loans and Stability of Banks;流动性过剩、中长期贷款与银行稳定性

7.The Research of Load Characteristics Affecting the Mid-long Term Voltage Stability;影响中长期电压稳定的负荷特性研究

8.Analysis of long-time water stability of thermal regeneration asphalt mixture热再生沥青混合料长期水稳定性分析

9.Institution of better systems is vital as it bears on the overall long-term interests and defies constant changes.制度建设更带有根本性、全局性、稳定性和长期性。

10.The Study of Intensed Biological Activated Carbon Long Runtime Stability;活性炭生物增强工艺长期运行的稳定性研究

11.Board Stability and the Long-Term Performance of Initial Public Offerings;IPO公司长期绩效与董事会稳定性的关联性研究

12.Experiment Research on Long-term Performance Stability of Low Water-cement Ratio High Strength低水灰比高强混凝土长期性能稳定性试验研究

13.Land Reallocation,Tenure Security and Long-term Investment Incentive in China s Agricultural Production;土地调整、地权稳定性与农民长期投资激励

14.A Study on Ultrastable Social Structure with the Long-term Implicit Reciprocal Contract;长期隐性互惠合约下的超稳定社会结构研究

15.Effect of Low-Dose Erythromycin on Patients with Stable Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease;长期小剂量红霉素对稳定期慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者的影响

16.Empirical Analysis of the Stability of Money Demand Function in China;中国短期和长期货币需求函数稳定性的实证分析

17.Efficacy and Compliance With Long-term Controlled Trial of Non-Invasive Positive Pressure Ventilation in Patients With stable Severe COPD严重COPD患者稳定期长期无创正压通气治疗临床疗效及依从性观察

18.Stabilities of Strategic Alliances: The Tension of Short-term Versus Long-term Orientation Perspective;以长短期定位冲突为分析框架的企业战略联盟稳定性研究


initial color初期着色[热稳定性试验]

3)long term stability长期稳定性

1.The results show that,mineral and chemical composition of weathered stock have betterlong term stability in engineering environmental condition,but grain composition has worse stability owing to its mineral composition and microcope struture characteristics.通过室内强化模拟试验 ,对水布垭心墙堆石坝页岩风化填料的矿物成分、化学成分、颗粒级配的长期稳定性进行了研究。

2.For understanding thelong term stability of weathered sand used in Maopinxi Protection Dam of Three Gorges Project,by simulated laboratory experiments,the effects of lnng term inundation and dry wet repetitive conditions on the characteristics of weathered sand were emphatically studied.为了解用于三峡茅坪溪防护坝风化砂的长期稳定性,通过室内模拟试验,着重研究了该风化砂长期浸水和干湿循环条件对风化砂性能的影响,包括风化砂矿物成分、化学成分、颗粒级配、透水性、沉陷性和力学性能的变化。

4)long-term stability长期稳定性

1.Preliminary research on formation andlong-term stability of cliff along the bank of the Three gorges reservoir;三峡库区陡崖形成及长期稳定性初步研究——以万州区太白岩为例

2.Effect of different factors onlong-term stability of semiconductor gas sensor;半导体气敏元件长期稳定性的影响因素

3.Numerical analysis of thelong-term stability of large-scale underground cavern of hydropower station;水电站大型地下洞室长期稳定性数值分析

5)stability test稳定性试验

1.The triangle test andstability test were carried out .根据皂用香精的调配原则,选取各种不同的天然与合成的单体香原料,对该香皂香精进行仿制;并对其进行香气的三角试验和稳定性试验。

2.500 hstability test was carried out over 30 mL MgO/BaCO 3 catalyst in the fixed bed reactor.在环形固定床反应器中进行的MgO/BaCO3催化剂稳定性试验结果表明,催化剂在500h试验中一直保持较高的活性。

3.The main problems existed in thestability tests of new drugs are indicated by the analysis of these examples.本文从企业申请中药新药试行标准转为正式标准的材料中整理出一些具有代表性的、对药品稳定性考察不规范的实例进行了分析,指出了企业在稳定性试验中主要存在的问题;通过与规范实例的对照,强调了规范稳定性试验考察的重要性; 最后,就企业进行药品有效期的预测试验提出了一些建议。

6)stability tests稳定性试验



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