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医学英语丨失眠 insomnia(2)

时间:2020-01-14 19:29:19


医学英语丨失眠 insomnia(2)


Doctors diagnose insomnia by doing a complete historyand physical examination in order to rule out possible medical causes or secondary factorsthat cause the inability to maintain or initiate sleep. They may ask patients to write asleep diaryto assess the qualityand length of sleepa person gets in a givenweek. They may also do some tests like anEEGorelectroencephalogram(n.脑电图)todetermine the activity duringsleep. Doctors may also look atpsychiatric causes like depression and bipolar disorder as well as lifestyle factors that contribute to the condition.

Treating acute insomnia requires correcting theunderlying cause once it is determined. This may be as simple as adjusting the lighting in the room or preventing noise from disturbing the sleeping person. For secondary insomnia, medical treatment of the cause of the disturbance ofsleep pattern needs to be addressed before initiating methods to alleviate insomnia through medication and lifestyle changes.

Knowing About the Major Insomnia Causes

For those who look for the major insomnia causes in order to get rid of this highly irritating condition that interferes with their daily does ofsleep, they forget the simple fact thatinsomnia is actuallyan effect of some condition. Hence it is more like asymptomthan a disease which is caused by somekind of trouble. Before studyingthe major insomnia causes it isimperative(adj.至关重要的)to knowabout insomnia and whom it affects. Well, you would know that you are suffering from insomnia if you are unable to initiate sleep or to maintain it. This problem mostly affects womenand there are three different types of insomnia

The transient insomnia can affect peoplefor a long time even forweeks.A variety of reasons like change in the environment of sleeping, severe type of depression cancause theproblem. The second type of insomnia, the intermittent type, is also caleed the acute insomnia whichcan continue even for six months. This can be a highly chronic condition which occurswhen people fail to accept their ownreality. During this phase people suffer from double visions and various other troublesome problems. The major insomnia causesare stimulants and drugs which oftencontain herbs, caffeine,amphetamines(n.安非他命),cocaine,ephedrine(n.麻黄碱)ect.







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