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漏电保护器 leakage protector英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-13 15:53:23


漏电保护器 leakage protector英语短句 例句大全

漏电保护器,leakage protector

1)leakage protector漏电保护器

1.The selection ofleakage protector and the analysis on the common accident;漏电保护器的选用及常见故障分析

2.Inspection on theleakage protector of cranes起重机漏电保护器的检验

3.According to the analysis of the problems existing in the utilization of theleakage protectors in construction field,we clarified the principle ofleakage protector,the installation fundamental and attentive matters so as to reduce electric casualty accidents in the consturction field.根据施工现场漏电保护器使用中常发生的问题进行有效的分析,阐述漏电保护器的安装原则和注意事项,从而有效减少建筑施工现场电气伤亡事故的发生。


1.leakage protector for electric tool电动工具用漏电保护器

2.current actuated leakage protector电流起动型漏电保护器

3.Installation and operation of residual current operated protective devicesGB13955-1992漏电保护器安装和运行

4.The use of Residual current protective device in construction浅谈漏电保护器在建筑工程中的应用

5.The misoperation reason and preventive measures of power leakage protection device漏电保护器的误动作原因及预防措施

6.How to Select,Install and Use Leakage Protector Correctly如何正确选用、安装和使用漏电保护器

7.Constructs uses electricity temporarily the leakage protector misoperation reason analysis;施工临时用电漏电保护器误动作原因分析

8.The Design of Residual Current Protector IC and Research on National Standard;漏电保护器专用芯片的设计与标准研究

9.Design & implementation of an anti-interference residual current circuit breaker IC漏电保护器的抗干扰性能研究与专用芯片实现

10.The design of leakage protector long-range management system based on short message system基于短消息的漏电保护器远程管理系统的设计

11.Application of Leakage Protector in Microcomputer Laboratory and Its Fault Diagnosis漏电保护器在微机实验室供电系统中的应用分析

12.Study on Test Technology of RCD Operation Characters Based on SCM;基于单片机的漏电保护器动作特性检测技术的研究

13.Application of PCL Data Acquisition Card in Reliability Test Device for Residual Current Operated ProtecterPCL数据采集卡在漏电保护器可靠性试验装置中的应用

14.automatic circuit breaker for protection against current leakage漏电保护自动断路器

15.Design of Leakage Current Protection for Earth Leakage Breaker Based on Microprocessor基于单片机的漏电断路器漏电保护实现方法

16.Study on the Reliability of Residual Current Protection of CM2L MCCBCM2L塑壳断路器漏电保护的可靠性研究

17.Study on the Residual Current Protected Reliability of Test and Device of Residual Current Breaker;小型漏电断路器的漏电保护可靠性试验及其装置的研究

18.The Influence of Temperature Characteristic of Zero-phase Current Transformer on Capability of Leakage Protective Plugs;零序电流互感器温度特性对漏电保护插头性能的影响


earth leakage protective device漏电保护器

1.Talking about the application ofearth leakage protective device in coal preparation plant;谈漏电保护器在选煤厂的应用

2.Theearth leakage protective device is mainly used to protect personal safety from leakage of electricity in the equipment.漏电保护器主要是用来在设备发生漏电故障时以及对有致命危险的人身触电进行保护。

3.According to practical conditions of the incorrect operation and failure action to theearth leakage protective device in the constrcution site,analysis of the causes is carried out.根据施工现场漏电保护器误动作、拒动作的实际情况,对其原因进行了分析。

3)power leakage protection device漏电保护器

1.On the setting ofpower leakage protection device in total input-wire design of houses;住宅中关于总进线需加漏电保护器的探讨

2.The design ofpower leakage protection device in power distribution design of residence;住宅配电设计中漏电保护器的设计

3.The misoperation reason and preventive measures ofpower leakage protection device漏电保护器的误动作原因及预防措施

4)electric leakage protector漏电保护器

1.The effective measures to improve the reliability and security of power supply and use of electricity after the update of rural power grid are to install final-stageelectric leakage protector for customer and system main protector or branchelectric leakage protector.安装用户末级漏电保护器和系统总保护器或分支漏电保护器,是提高网改后农村电网供用电可靠性和安全性的有效措施。

2.It is a common problem for a trackelectric leakage protector to be closed down in a computer room due to multiple equipment usage at the same time.同期使用率高的计算机室常会发生配电回路漏电保护器跳闸故障,严重影响了正常使用功能。


1.Analysis of Frequent Trip ofRCD in Construction Site;施工现场漏电保护器频繁跳闸原因浅析

2.Study on Test Technology ofRCD Operation Characters Based on SCM;基于单片机的漏电保护器动作特性检测技术的研究

3.Being a type of new low-voltage safe apparatus, the residual current device(RCD) is used to avoid the electric shock and the fire accident.漏电保护器是一种新型低压安全保护电器,它是低压电器中防止人身触电和漏电火灾的保护类电器。

6)low-voltage leakage protector低压漏电保护器

1.The paper introduces existing problems oflow-voltage leakage protector in the power supply system of coal preparation plant application and puts forward the methods of solving the problems.介绍了低压漏电保护器在使用中存在的问题,提出了解决问题的方法。



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