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睾丸固定术 Orchidopexy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-04 16:57:52


睾丸固定术 Orchidopexy英语短句 例句大全



1.All men were divided into three groups according to their age at surgery of orchidopexy as follows: group A, 2-7 years (n=23), group B, 8-13 years (n=14) and group C, 14-.方法:47例单侧隐睾史不育患者,按照患者施行单侧睾丸固定术时的年龄分为A组(2-7岁,n=23),B组(8-13岁,n=14)和C组(14-17岁,n=10)。

2.Intra-abdominal testis was found in 38 sides (primary orchidopexy in 31 sides and two-staged Fowler-Stephens orchidopexy in 7 sides) and testis was absent in 6 sides.38侧腹腔内隐睾中31侧行一期睾丸固定术,7侧行分期Fowler-Stephesn睾丸固定;6侧为睾丸缺如。

3.Objective This thesis aims to explore the effect of orchidopexy on germ cell development and apoptosis in rat model.目的探讨睾丸固定术对隐睾大鼠生殖细胞发育与凋亡的影响。


3)Fowler-Stephen orchidopexyFowler-Stephen睾丸固定术

4)Scrotal dartos orchiopexy肉膜囊睾丸固定术

5)orchido-epididy mectomy睾丸附睾切除术


1.Orchiectomy to influence the serum level of β-amyloid in rabbits;睾丸切除术对血清β-淀粉样蛋白的影响

2.All the patients underwent bilateral orchiectomy and endocrinal therapy(flutamide);22 cases with severe ureteric obstruction were treated by transurethral resection of prostate;3 cases underwent radical protatetomy;3 cases were treated by interventional chemotherapy.方法回顾性分析采用睾丸切除术治疗84例晚期前列腺癌患者资料。

3.Radical inguinal orchiectomy (RIO) was performed for all patients whereas chemotherap.12例均行根治性睾丸切除术 ,术后行病理检查确诊。


1.Surgical removal of one or both testes.睾丸切除术切除一个或两个睾丸的外科手术

parison of traditional orchiectomy,subcapsular orchiectomy and epididymal-sparing orchiectomy睾丸切除术三种手术方式的对比研究

3.excision and eversion of tunica vaginalis testis睾丸鞘膜切除及外翻术

4.surgical removal of one or both testicles.切除一个或者全部睾丸的手术。

5.cut off the testicles; of male animals such as horses.切除睾丸;尤指切除像公马等的雄性动物的睾丸。

6.incision and drainage of testic abscess睾丸脓肿切开引流术

7.The successful application of testis-sparing surgery in benign testicular tumors(report of 8 cases and review of the literature)睾丸部分切除术在睾丸良性肿瘤中的应用(附8例临床病例报告及文献复习)

8.Testosterone may suppress immune systems, said Dr Wilson;castrated men outlive non-castrated men by up to 15 years.威尔逊说,睾丸素可能会抑制免疫系统; 切除睾丸的男子能比没有切除睾丸的男子多活15年。

9.The protective effects of unilateral orchiectomy on contralateral testis in rats with unilateral testicular torsion大鼠一侧睾丸扭转后切除对另侧睾丸组织的保护作用

10.Castrate-- the surgical removal of the testicles on the male dog.去势。为公犬摘除睾丸的外科手术。

11.The Comparison of the Orchiectomy Adding Total Androgen Blockade with Simple Orchiectomy in Middle and Later Period Prostate Cancer;单纯睾丸切除与睾丸切除加雄激素阻断治疗中晚期前列腺癌的疗效比较

12.(of a male animal) having the testicles removed.(指雄性动物)去除睾丸。

13.A man or boy whose testes are nonfunctioning or have been removed.阉人丧失睾丸功能或被除去睾丸的男人或男孩

14.radical treatment of hydrocele testis睾丸鞘膜积液根治术

15.At exploration, orchiectomy was performed in 11 patients (67.4%) due to gangrenous changes of the affected testis.越早手术探查,越可降低?丸切除率。

16.Surgical removal of the serous membrane covering the testis and epididymus.覆盖在睾丸和附睾丸的浆膜的外科移植手术

17.They do not have the metastatic potential observed in testicular teratoma, and are cured by surgical resection alone.纵膈腔之成熟畸胎瘤不像是睾九丸胎瘤可观察到的转移潜力且可经由单独外科切除治愈。

18.Intraoperative Evaluation of Testicular Viability by Using Color Doppler Ultrasonography and Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasonography in Testicular Torsion睾丸扭转术中应用彩色多普勒和超声造影评价睾丸活力



3)Fowler-Stephen orchidopexyFowler-Stephen睾丸固定术

4)Scrotal dartos orchiopexy肉膜囊睾丸固定术

5)orchido-epididy mectomy睾丸附睾切除术


1.Orchiectomy to influence the serum level of β-amyloid in rabbits;睾丸切除术对血清β-淀粉样蛋白的影响

2.All the patients underwent bilateral orchiectomy and endocrinal therapy(flutamide);22 cases with severe ureteric obstruction were treated by transurethral resection of prostate;3 cases underwent radical protatetomy;3 cases were treated by interventional chemotherapy.方法回顾性分析采用睾丸切除术治疗84例晚期前列腺癌患者资料。

3.Radical inguinal orchiectomy (RIO) was performed for all patients whereas chemotherap.12例均行根治性睾丸切除术 ,术后行病理检查确诊。


精索-睾丸扭转固定术精索-睾丸扭转固定术手术名。精索、睾 丸突发扭转,可使睾丸缺血甚至坏死,导致剧烈疼痛及类急腹症表现,需急诊手术复位固定 。本法适于先天性睾丸系膜过长、附睾与睾丸接合不完全而突发精索、睾丸扭转者。于局麻 或腰麻下在阴囊上做纵行切口,将已扭转及上缩之精索、睾丸复位。于睾丸上下端各缝一 针,将精索壁层固定于阴囊壁,以防再次扭转。如睾丸及附睾已坏死,则需切除创口置皮片 引流。24小时拔除引流皮片,适当应用抗生素以预防感染。

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