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SOC预估 SOC estimate英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-21 02:03:50


SOC预估 SOC estimate英语短句 例句大全

SOC预估,SOC estimate

1)SOC estimateSOC预估

2)SOC estimationSOC估计

1.A newSOC estimation algorithm combining open circuit voltage method,Kalman filter algorithm and Ah counting method,is presented and is applied to the battery management system(BMS) of hybrid electric vehicle HEV6580.系统实现的功能包括:数据监测、数据显示、CAN通信、SOC估计、热管理和安全报警。

2.SOC estimation was an important function of electric vehicle battery management system.SOC估计是电动汽车电池管理系统的重要功能。

3.ButSOC estimation is regarded as a difficult problem due to the nonlinearity of batteries.但是由于电池特性在使用过程中表现出高度的非线性,一直以来SOC估计是公认的国际性难题。


1.The Research of Energy Management Strategy and SOC Estimation for Hybrid Electric Vehicles混合动力汽车能量管理策略及SOC估计研究

2.Study on novel Power Battery SOC Estimation Method of Electric Vehicle新型电动汽车动力电池SOC估计方法研究

3.Estimation of Dynamic Battery SOC Using Fuzzy Arithmetic and the Realization on DSP;汽车动力电池SOC模糊估计及其在DSP上的实现

4.Application of AH Computation on SOC Evaluation of the Lithium-ion Battery in the Environment of MATLAB;AH计量法在MATLAB环境下对锂离子电池soc的估算

5.Research on Online Data Acquisition for Electric Vehicle and SoC Estimation by Ampere Hour Method电动汽车在线数据采集及安时法估计SOC研究

6.Kalman Filter for Estimating State-of-Charge of Lead Acid Barrery in PV Power System应用Kalman滤波法估计光伏发电系统铅酸蓄电池SOC

7.Study on Software Design of Electric Vehicle Battery Management System and Strategy of the SOC Estimation;电动汽车电池管理系统软件设计与SOC估算策略研究

8.SoC System Design Based on ARM926EJ-S基于ARM926EJ-S的SoC系统设计

9.Camera Interface Design in SOCSOC环境下的CAMERA INTERFACE设计

10.Design Camera Scale in SOC EnvironmentSOC环境下的camera scale设计

11.SOC Estimating of Ni/MH Battery Band Using Neural Network;镍氢电池组SOC神经网络估算策略研究

12.Using Different Methods to Estimate the Soil Organic Carbon in Densely Populated Rural;人口稠密区村域SOC的多方法估算

13.Research on Strategy of SOC Estimation for Lead-acid Battery of Electrical Vehical电动汽车用铅酸电池SOC估算策略研究

14.A New Method of Fuzzy SOC Estimation for Dynamic Battery Using Terminal Voltage端电压模糊估算动力电池SOC的新方法

15.Study on the Estimation for SOC of Battery in Synergic Electric Power Supply System on HEV;复合电源混合动力汽车电池SOC的估算研究

16.Research on State-of-charge Estimation Algorithm for Ni-MH Battery used in Hybrid Electric Vehicle混合动力汽车Ni-MH电池SOC估算算法的研究

17.The Research on Service Composition in Service-Oriented Computing;面向服务的计算(SOC)中服务组合的研究

18.Physical Design and Verification of SOC Based on 51 Core;基于51核的SOC物理设计与验证


SOC estimationSOC估计

1.A newSOC estimation algorithm combining open circuit voltage method,Kalman filter algorithm and Ah counting method,is presented and is applied to the battery management system(BMS) of hybrid electric vehicle HEV6580.系统实现的功能包括:数据监测、数据显示、CAN通信、SOC估计、热管理和安全报警。

2.SOC estimation was an important function of electric vehicle battery management system.SOC估计是电动汽车电池管理系统的重要功能。

3.ButSOC estimation is regarded as a difficult problem due to the nonlinearity of batteries.但是由于电池特性在使用过程中表现出高度的非线性,一直以来SOC估计是公认的国际性难题。

3)SOC EstimationSOC估算

1.The main goal of this paper is to research the strategy of the SOC estimation for lead-acid battery used in EV/HEV.本文的主要任务就是对电动汽车用铅酸电池的SOC估算方法进行研究。

2.SOC estimation was an important function of the electric vehicle battery management system.SOC(State of Charge,电池充电状态)估算是电动汽车电池管理系统的重要功能,准确有效的SOC估算对推动电动汽车核心技术的发展具有重要意义。

4)System on ChipSoC

1.This paper describes a 24×24 Multiplier which is used for SOC( System On Chip).本文设计了适用于SOC(System On Chip)的快速乘法器内核。


1.Investigation onprediction model for storage life of HTPB propellants;HTPB推进剂贮存期预估模型研究

2.Rutting Prediction Method for Steel Bridge Deck with Thermal-plastic Asphalt Mixture Surfacing;钢桥面热塑性沥青混合料铺装车辙预估方法


1.Study of liquor densitypredict fuzzy control system for evaporators;蒸发器出料密度预估模糊控制系统研究

2.The interior noise level and the noise level attenuation are both theoreticallypredicted and experimentally researched.以一个简化的工程机械模型驾驶室为研究对象,将其周围环境简化为扩散声场,建立了其在扩散声场中声传递的统计能量分析模型,导出了驾驶室内声级及驾驶室外 内声级衰减量的计算公式,对其室内声级以及外 内声级衰减量的理论预估和试验结果进行了研究。

3.The paper also presents apredictive compensation algorithm based on the neural network;the algorithm is used topredict the condition of E.电弧炉和精练炉控制采用基于三相意识的专家控制系统 ,并提出一种新的电弧炉控制算法预估补偿算法。



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