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针剂 Injection英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-27 02:28:22


针剂 Injection英语短句 例句大全



1.Analysis of Amino Acid and Polypeptide in Cornu Saigae Tataricaeand Cornu Tampon Saigae TataricaeInjection;羚羊角和羚羊角塞针剂中氨基酸和多肽成分的分析


1.actrapid MC ampoule单组分猪胰岛素针剂

parison of the Efficacy of Esomeprazole and Omerazole in Treatment of Upper Digestive Tract Ulcer Bleeding埃索美拉唑针剂和奥美拉唑针剂治疗上消化道溃疡出血疗效比较

3.The injection is made from Chinese herbs.这种针剂是由中草药提炼的。

4.I had a bad reaction after my typhoid or=# cc0066>injection.我注射伤寒针剂后产生了不良反应。

5.I had a bad reaction after my typhoid injection.我注射伤寒针剂後产生了不良反应.

6.Studies on the antivirus effect of antivirus powder injections抗病毒无菌粉针剂抗病毒作用的研究

7.Studies on the Active Constituents of Gastrodia Elata Blume and Dachuanxiong Injection;天麻活性成分及大川芎粉针剂的研究

8.Water for pharmacy trade: for washing the equipments, such as: big transfusion injection, tablet, biochemical products, and equipment, etc.制药行业用水:大输液针剂、剂,生化制品,设备清洗等。

9.Study on Preparation, Stability and Security of Powder Injection of the Dauricine;蝙蝠葛总碱粉针剂制剂成型、稳定性及安全性研究

10.Observation of curative effect of intravenous drip of Shuanghuanglian powder on herpangina of children双黄连粉针剂治疗小儿疱疹性咽峡炎疗效

11.Please bring your medicine and the prescription back to the Internal Medicine clinic for a shot every Monday.请每星期一带针剂及注射单回内科门诊注射。

12.alumina mordant, aluminium mordant胶态氧化铝(针织物防起球剂)

13.Your encouraging words were a real shot in the arm.你对我的鼓励真是一针兴奋剂。

14.The debate focused on the issue of poisonous leaf-falling agents.争论的核心针对有毒落叶剂的问题。

15.You will be given an injection to stop the movement of your stomach and to ease tension during the test.给您打一针镇吐剂,以便顺利检查。

16.The guy looked like he needed a bang in the arm right then!这小子看起来需要马上打一针麻醉剂。

17.A Medicament for Those in the World of Desires to Regain Consciousness --After the Reading of Shou Huo;欲望世界的一针清醒剂——《受活》读后

18.Control Experiment on Needle Cast of Lophodermium piceae Applying 13% Carbendazim+Sulfur Fumigant应用13%多·硫烟剂防治云杉落针病试验


freeze-dried injection冻干针剂

3)Shenmai Injection参麦针剂

1.Clinical research of intraperitoneal chemotherapy plusShenmai Injection in treating advanced colorectal cancer;参麦针剂协同腹腔化疗治疗进展期大肠癌的临床观察

4)powder injection粉针剂

1.Objective To measure the pharmacokinetics of piracetam in rats,a major component in thepowder injection of the piracetam compound and study the influence of another component meclofenoxate on piracetam pharmacokinetics as well as the pharmacokinetic variations in rats from different dosages of piracetam.目的测定复方吡拉西坦粉针剂中主要成分吡拉西坦在大鼠体内的药物动力学 ,并考察粉针剂中另一成分甲氯芬酯对吡拉西坦药物动力学的影响及不同剂量吡拉西坦在大鼠体内药物动力学的差异。

5)Powdered injection of KMG03(consist of PNS and EB)KMG03粉针剂

6)Huazhen Granules花针冲剂



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