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陆域 land area英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-05 22:17:17


陆域 land area英语短句 例句大全

陆域,land area

1)land area陆域

1.The new ideas,new train of thoughts and new methods for coastline andland area layout planning and design of modern container port area are probed into on the basis of the accumulations from study and work.以自己的学习和工作积累为基础,探索现代集装箱港区岸线和陆域平面规划设计的新理念、新思路、新方法。

2.This paper introduces the general layout design forland area of Phase I Project of Songyu Port Area of Xiamen Harbour,and sums up the main difficult points of design to provide a reference for similar projects.对厦门港嵩屿港区一期工程陆域平面设计进行总结,提出主要设计难点、要点,为类似工程提供参考。

3.the character of harbour layout under condition of narrowland area are introduced in this paper and the problems which should consider in design are also proposed in it.结合大连北良有限公司粮食码头工程 ,介绍在狭窄陆域条件下港口平面布置的特点 ,提出设计中应注意考虑开山石的利用 ,山体临海的港址码头轴线的确定 ,充分利用地形进行港口各不同功能区域的平面布置 ,开山与造陆相结合等问题。


1.The Database System for Surface Wave Tomography in China and Its Adjacent Land and Sea Areas;中国及相邻陆域海域面波层析成像数据库

2.To land an aircraft short of(a landing area).使飞机着陆未达(着陆区域)

3.An area within which a spacecraft is supposed to land.着陆区域宇航飞船的预定着陆点

4.A piece of land that projects into a body of water and is connected with the mainland by an isthmus.半岛一块突入水域且以地峡和大陆相连的陆地

5.Confined to inland waters, as certain salmon.内陆水域的限于内陆水域的,如萨蒙河的某些地段

6.This area on the map is the continental shelf.地图上的这一片区域都是陆棚区。

7.To start the approach of one"s aircraft to(a landing area)too low or too soon.使飞机进入(着陆区域)太低或太快

8.Marine and Land Enforcement Command [Customs and Excise Department]海域及陆上行动科〔香港海关〕

9.Coast and shore both indicate land lying beside large areas of water.coast 和shore均指邻接大片水域的陆地.

10.Distribution of the Carangidae fishes in the continental shelf waters of northern South China Sea南海北部陆架区海域科鱼类的分布

11.American plover of inland waters and fields having a distinctive cry.美洲内陆水域和牧场的鸻,叫声特别。

12.The most important difference concerns the distribution of land and water.最重要的区别在于水域和陆地的分布。

13.Violent crust movements always happen near the continental shelf.陆坡区域的地壳经常出现剧烈的活动。

14.the act of making some area of land or water more profitable or productive or useful.使陆地或水域更加有用、能产的行为。

15.A Study of Physical Education Development in Taiwan Cost Islands;台湾沿大陆岛屿水域运动发展之研究

16.A Study on Innovation of Water Rights in Gansu Inland River Basin;甘肃省内陆河流域水权制度创新研究

17.Study on the Potential of Water Resources Exploitation and Utilization in the Inland River Basin;内陆河流域水资源开发利用潜力研究

18.Modeling Studies on Land Surface Hydrological Processes in Shuiyangjiang Catchment;水阳江流域陆面水文过程模式的研究


inland water内陆水域

1.The desertification ofinland water in China and its countermeasures;论我国内陆水域生态的荒漠化及其对策

2.This paper analyzed the status of water resources ofinland water in and abroad,especially discussed the water pollution and the main causes.对国内外内陆水域资源的状况,特别是水域的污染情况进行了分析,探讨了造成水域污染的主要原因,总结了水域环境的监测、评价和治理方法。

3)inland river watershed内陆流域

1.Ecological risk analysis of regional landscape ininland river watershed of arid area—a case study of Sangong River Basin in Fukang.;干旱区内陆流域区域景观生态风险分析——以阜康三工河流域为例

4)the land-based reservoir陆域水库

1.In Yangtze diversion works, Phase III,the land-based reservoir will be constructed by excavation.长江引水三期陆域水库库区采用开挖成库形成库容。

5)land reclamation陆域形成

1.Shelly sand is a new backfill forland reclamation for port and oceanic engineering.贝壳砂是港口工程和海洋工程陆域形成的一种新的回填料,贝壳砂的贝壳含量是影响贝壳砂工程特性的主要因素,在控制回填的贝壳砂质量时,需检测回填贝壳砂的贝壳含量、贝壳比重等指标。

6)territorial water body陆地水域



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