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硫酸沸腾水解法 boiling hydrolysis of sulfuric acid method英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-06 15:42:56


硫酸沸腾水解法 boiling hydrolysis of sulfuric acid method英语短句 例句大全

硫酸沸腾水解法,boiling hydrolysis of sulfuric acid method

1)boiling hydrolysis of sulfuric acid method硫酸沸腾水解法

2)boiling hydrolysis沸腾水解法

1.Especially,the process of theboiling hydrolysis is studied in detail.探讨了云母钛液相包膜的多条工艺路线,其中对沸腾水解法的工艺条件进行了详细的研究。

3)sulphuric acid fluidized bed roaster硫酸沸腾炉


1.Technical specification of lining laying for fluidized bed furnace of sulphuric acid硫酸沸腾炉砌筑技术条件

2.Pretreatment of raw materials with element sulfur replaces pyrite roasting in fluidized bed incinerator硫铁矿沸腾炉改烧硫磺的原料预处理技术

3.The waste acid of 40~55% concentration is pumped into a boiling-bed roaster and roasted in the boiling bed.将浓度为40~55%的废酸用泵打入焙烧入口,进入沸腾炉的沸腾层焙烧。

4.Design and production practice of a sulphuric acid plant based on off-gas from a 109 m~2 zinc fluidized-bed roaster109m~2沸腾炉锌冶炼制酸系统设计及生产实践

5.The water is boiling on the stove.火炉上的水在沸腾着。

6.fluosolid lime calciner沸腾式石灰渣焙烧炉

7.The pot is boiling away on the fire.炉子上的水壶正在沸腾。

8.A pot of water was bubbling on the range.一壶水在炉上沸腾着。

9.The boiling soup subside when the pot be take off the heat把锅从炉子上端开时, 汤就不再沸腾了

10.The boiling soup subsides when the pot is taken off the heat把锅从炉子上端开时,汤就不再沸腾了

11.The boiling soup subsided when the pot was taken off the heat.把锅从炉子上端开时, 汤就不再沸腾了.

12.Study on cinder of fluid ed bed from power plant prcducing less clinker cement电厂沸腾炉渣配制少熟料水泥的研究

13.New Revamping of Fly-ash Refiring of Fluidized Bed Boilers飞灰再燃技术在沸腾炉改造中的应用

14.The practice of increasing Sb_2O_3 output ratio in boiling furnace提高沸腾炉三氧化二锑产出率的实践

15.Fluidized bed area of cooler is 5%~10% of roaster′s.沸腾冷却器的床层面积应为沸腾炉床层面积的5%~10%;

16.The state or process of boiling.沸腾沸腾的状态或过程

17.The Research of Microcomputer Supervisory System of STD General Line to the Power Station Boiling Boiler at The Entrauce of Fallery坑口电站沸腾锅炉STD总线微机监控的研究

18.The Application of the Amorphous Cast Refractory Materials in Fluidized Bed Furnace in Our Company不定形耐火浇注料在我公司沸腾炉中的应用


boiling hydrolysis沸腾水解法

1.Especially,the process of theboiling hydrolysis is studied in detail.探讨了云母钛液相包膜的多条工艺路线,其中对沸腾水解法的工艺条件进行了详细的研究。

3)sulphuric acid fluidized bed roaster硫酸沸腾炉

4)alkaline guanidine thiocyanate boiling method碱性异硫氰酸胍沸腾法

pare Analysis of CTAB method withalkaline guanidine thiocyanate boiling method for extraction of fungal genomic DNA;研磨-CTAB法与碱性异硫氰酸胍沸腾法提取真菌DNA的比较分析

5)boiling-bed cure沸腾床硫化法

6)boiling forcing-hydrolysis沸腾强迫水解

1.The β-FeOOH crystallite were prepared with chitosan using urea neutralizationboiling forcing-hydrolysis method.采用尿素中和沸腾强迫水解法在壳聚糖的存在下合成了β-FeOOH微晶,研究了壳聚糖对β-FeOOH微晶生成的影响,发现随着壳聚糖用量的增加,β-FeOOH的长轴径增大。



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