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热循环效应 thermal cycling effect英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-29 02:54:11


热循环效应 thermal cycling effect英语短句 例句大全

热循环效应,thermal cycling effect

1)thermal cycling effect热循环效应

1.Thethermal cycling effect on silicon solar cell structure was studied in the paper.试验研究了太阳电池结构的热循环效应。

2)cycling effect循环效应

1.The paper describes the cycling models of PTC and thecycling effect of various catalysts.本文阐述了相转移催化反应的循环模型以及各种催化剂的循环效应,并从热力学和动力学原理两方面讨论了影响循环效应的几种主要因素。


1.Research on the Wetting-Drying Effect and Micro-Mechanism of Expansive Soil;膨胀土干湿循环效应与微观机制研究

2.Analysis on the Self-reliance Effect of Services and Influencing Factors:A Case Shanxi of Shanxi Province;陕西省服务业自我循环效应及其影响因素分析

3.Eco-efficiency Methods for Circular Economy Planning and Their Demonstration;循环经济规划的生态效率方法及应用

4.Circulation Fund outside of Regime: Reasons,Effects and Institutional Guidance;体制外循环资金:成因、效应与制度引导

5.Nitrogen Recycling in Rice-wheat Rotation Farm System and Water Environment Effect;水旱轮作农田系统氮素循环与水环境效应

6.Development and Application of High-efficiency Corrosion Inhibitor YSW105 for Cooling Water;循环水高效缓蚀—阻垢剂YSW105的研制与应用

7.Study on Bauschinger Effect of Zircaloy-4 during Cyclic Deformation;Zr-4合金在循环变形过程中的Bauschinger效应研究

8.Effects and Force Conditions of Enterprise Cycular Economy Development;企业发展循环经济的效应及其动力条件

9.Circular-economy Enterprises: Reproductive Resource and Social Effects;论循环经济型企业的再生能源与社会效应

10.The Ecological Effect and global Chemical Recycle of the Heavy Metal Lead;重金属铅的生态效应及其地球化学循环

11.Optimization of vinpocetine long-circulation liposome formulation by Box-Behnken experimental designBox-Behnken效应面法优化长春西汀长循环脂质体处方

12.Study on effect of effluent reducing in application of circulating water by CAOT combination processCAOT组合工艺在循环水场应用时的节水减排效果

13.Application and Effect of Combined Cycle Fuel Gas-Steam Turbine in Liangang燃气-蒸汽联合循环发电在涟钢的应用及效果

14.Appling Fuzzy Comprehensive Judge Method to Identify Deficient Returing Well应用模糊综合评判方法识别低效循环井

15.Application of Enhanced Corrosion and Scale Inhibition Process in Treatment of Circulating Sour Water含硫循环水增效缓蚀阻垢处理工艺及应用

16.Damage effects of thermo-cycling and VUV radiation on Al/Kapton films热循环、真空紫外辐照对Al/Kapton薄膜的损伤效应

17.primary circular reaction初期循环反应 初期循环反应

18.Research on Nitrogen Recycle and Its Effect on Environment in Dry-Land of Loess Plateau;黄土高原旱地农田生态系统N素循环及其环境效应研究


cycling effect循环效应

1.The paper describes the cycling models of PTC and thecycling effect of various catalysts.本文阐述了相转移催化反应的循环模型以及各种催化剂的循环效应,并从热力学和动力学原理两方面讨论了影响循环效应的几种主要因素。

3)thermal cycle efficiency循环热效率

1.Based on thethermal cycle efficiency of small-medium-size condensing extraction turbine,a kind of power generation turbines,it was proven to be reasonable and necessary for condensing extraction turbine surviving the current energy policies in our country.从热电联供式汽轮机之一的抽汽凝汽式中小型电站汽轮机的循环热效率着手,证明在当前国家能源政策形势下其存在的必要性与合理性;根据抽汽凝汽式汽轮机经济性与安全性的关系,重点就该类汽轮机在设计过程中面临的几大问题:调节级设计、轴向推力、低压级组与最大抽汽量等分别进行研究,根据作者多年进行抽汽凝汽式中小型电站汽轮机的设计经验,经过必要的计算与详实的数据,指出了抽汽凝汽式中小型电站汽轮机设计的一般原则:既要考虑电厂运行的热经济性,更需要从安全性的角度出发,慎重地选择汽轮机的最大抽汽量。

4)efficiency of cycle热循环效率

5)stress-thermal cycling应力热循环

1.The Shape Memory Effect Degradation(SMED)behaviour and its mechanism of equiatomic NiTi shape memory alloy understress-thermal cycling were studied in this paper.以等原子比NiTi合金为对象,借助透射电镜等手段对形状记忆合金应力热循环过程中的记忆效应疲劳衰减行为及其机理进行了探讨分析。

6)thermal cycling stresses热循环应力



循环系统的进化鱼的循环系统 李瑞端绘[图]

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