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羊城菊会 Canton Chrysanthemum Exhibition英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-24 10:25:54


羊城菊会 Canton Chrysanthemum Exhibition英语短句 例句大全

羊城菊会,Canton Chrysanthemum Exhibition

1)Canton Chrysanthemum Exhibition羊城菊会

1.The thesis begins at giving a whole description ofCanton Chrysanthemum Exhibition s history and analyses the sticking points which restrict the development ofCanton Chrysanthemum Exhibition nowadays.本文研究分析羊城菊展的历史,以广州文化公园复兴羊城菊会的举措作为切入点,探讨了羊城菊会重新崛起之路。

2)Inula cappa DC羊耳菊

1.Studies on the Antimicrobial Activities of Aqueous fromInula cappa DC in vitro羊耳菊水提取物体外抑菌活性研究

2.AIM:To study the chemical constituents from the whole herb ofInula cappa DC.目的:研究羊耳菊全草的化学成分。

3.The extraction technology of total flavone in theInula cappa DC.探讨超声波法提取羊耳菊叶总黄酮的主要影响因素,通过L9(34)正交试验,研究了羊耳菊叶中黄酮类化合物提取的最佳工艺。


1.Chemical Composition of the Essential Oil from Inula cappa and Their Effects on Free Radicals Scavenging羊耳菊挥发油化学成分及其清除自由基的作用研究

2.Echolocation Calls and Summer Foraging Strategy of Rhinolophus Macrotis;大耳菊头蝠回声定位声波与夏季捕食策略研究

3.Mechanism Study on Skin-white of Extracts from Synotis Erythropappa (Bur. et Franch.) C. Jeffrey et Y. L. Chen;西藏红缨合耳菊提取物的美白机理研究

4.Effect of Extracts from Siberian Cocklebur, Aztec marigold, Calamus Against Cabbage Worm苍耳、万寿菊、菖蒲粗提液对菜青虫的防效试验

5.This kind of antelope has long ears, looking rather like a donkey.这种羚羊耳朵很长,看起来有点像驴子。

6.an orchid of the genus Liparis having a pair of leaves.羊耳蒜属具有对生叶的一种兰花。

7.Nuclear Transfer of Fibroblast Cell from Goat;波尔山羊耳成纤维细胞核移植的研究

8.Button ears--a semi-erect ear in which the top half folds forward.纽扣耳。耳朵从中间的位置折下,耳尖朝前(译者注:就像柯利牧羊犬和喜乐蒂牧羊犬)。

9.Any of a breed of Central Asian sheep having a wide tail and wool that is curled and glossy in the young but wiry and coarse in the adult.卡拉库耳大尾羊中亚产的一种绵羊,生有宽大的尾。幼羊的毛卷曲光滑,长成后羊毛硬直粗糙

10.The Physics of Extreme Noseleaf and Ear Shapes in the Horseshoe Bat R. Paradoxolophus高鞍菊头蝠奇异鼻叶及外耳形状的声学功能研究

11.the capital of Turkey; located in west-central Turkey; formerly known as Angora and is the home of Angora goats.土耳其首都;位于土耳其中西部;以前叫安哥拉,是安哥拉山羊的产地。

12."and Samuel said, What then is this sound of the crying of sheep and the noise of oxen which comes to my ears?"撒母耳说,我耳中听见有羊叫,牛鸣,是从哪里来的呢?

13.Dressed up as a shepherd, Hermes lulled Argus to sleep with his sweet songs and long stories, then killed him and set Io free.赫耳墨斯乔装成牧羊人给阿刚斯唱悦耳动听的歌,讲冗入睡。

14.The god of woods, fields, and flocks, having a human torso and head with a goat"s legs, horns, and ears.帕恩掌管树林、田地和羊群的神,有人的躯干和头,山羊的腿、角和耳朵

15.A small, agile African antelope(Oreotragus oreotragus) having large ears.岩羚一种灵巧的小型非洲羚羊(岩羚),长有大耳朵

16.The isolation,Culture and Preservation of Boer Goat Ear Fibroblasts波尔山羊耳成纤维细胞的分离培养与保存

17.Culture in Vitro of Fibroblasts Cells of Boer Goat and Yellow Cattle′s Ear Skin波尔山羊及黄牛耳部成纤维细胞的体外培养

18.Effects of Nostoc commune and Litter Application on Seedling Emergence and Growth of Leymus chinensis地木耳和枯草层覆盖对羊草出苗和生长的影响


Inula cappa DC羊耳菊

1.Studies on the Antimicrobial Activities of Aqueous fromInula cappa DC in vitro羊耳菊水提取物体外抑菌活性研究

2.AIM:To study the chemical constituents from the whole herb ofInula cappa DC.目的:研究羊耳菊全草的化学成分。

3.The extraction technology of total flavone in theInula cappa DC.探讨超声波法提取羊耳菊叶总黄酮的主要影响因素,通过L9(34)正交试验,研究了羊耳菊叶中黄酮类化合物提取的最佳工艺。

3)Inula cappa羊耳菊

1.Studies on the Chemical Constituents fromInula cappa(Ⅱ);羊耳菊的化学成分研究(Ⅱ)

2.Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Essential Oil fromInula cappa;羊耳菊挥发油成分的研究

4)Jucheng 20 Zao菊城20早

1.An early maturing watermelon F_1 hybrid——Jucheng 20 Zao;西瓜新品种菊城20早的选育

5)Jucheng Heipi菊城黑皮

1.A new variety of good-quality,high-yield and virus resistant water-melon-Jucheng Heipi;西瓜新品种菊城黑皮的选育

6)Jucheng Heiguan菊城黑冠

1.A new watermelon variety -Jucheng Heiguan;黑皮高产西瓜新品种菊城黑冠的选育



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