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户内燃气管道 indoor gas piping英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-03 04:25:33


户内燃气管道 indoor gas piping英语短句 例句大全

户内燃气管道,indoor gas piping

1)indoor gas piping户内燃气管道

2)gas pipe in high-rise buileling户内燃气管

3)indoor gas pipe室内燃气管道

1.used forindoor gas pipe are introduced.介绍了国内外标准、规范对不锈钢波纹管、铜管和铝塑复合管等新型管材在室内燃气管道中应用的规定。

2.The article analyzes the foreground and advantages of stainless steel corrugated flexible gas pipe, and introduces its concealed burying installation technology, operation management; the phenomenon that inherent traditionalindoor gas pipe installation fashion can’t be satisfied with consumer aesthetic viewpoint and life pursuit from consumer individual demand.文章分析了燃气用不锈钢波纹软管的前景和优势,介绍了燃气用不锈钢波纹软管暗埋的安装工艺、运行管理;从当前用户个性化的需求着手,指出原有传统的室内燃气管道的安装方式已不能满足用户的审美观点和生活追求。

4)internal gas pipe室内燃气管道

1.The principle of construction and installation for buried copperinternal gas pipe is discussed.讨论了暗埋铜质室内燃气管道的施工和敷设原则。

5)indoor pipeline户内管道

6)gas pipeline燃气管道

1.Inquiry into a few issues related to the gas-tight test of outdoorgas pipeline;室外燃气管道气密试验相关问题探讨

2.The waterpower calculation table exploitation and its application about low pressure branchgas pipelines;低压枝状燃气管道水力计算表的开发及应用

3.Finite element analysis of residual stress of welding repair forgas pipeline;燃气管道焊接修复残余应力的有限元分析


1.Discussion on Problems Concerning Pipeline Corners in Design of Gas Pipeline燃气管道设计中管道转角有关问题的探讨

2.Application of Pipeline Stress Calculation Software to Gas Pipeline Installed along Bridge管道应力计算软件在随桥燃气管道的应用

3.Technical specification for polyethylene (PE) gas pipeline engineerings聚乙烯燃气管道工程技术规程

4.Technical specification for polyethylene(pe) buried fuel gas pipeline engineering聚乙烯埋地燃气管道工程技术规程

5.Safety of Liquefied Gas Pipelines Assessed by Fuzzy Collocation Method;燃气管道安全性的模糊风险评价研究

6.The Fire Risk Assessment of Gas Pipelines and Protective Measures燃气管道火灾危险性评价及预防对策

7.The problems existing in concealed gas pipe and resolving measures暗埋式燃气管道存在问题与解决措施


9.Construction Technology of Ganjiang River Crossing of Gas Pipeline Installed along Bridge随桥敷设跨越赣江燃气管道施工技术

10.Buried Gas Pipeline under Shallow Buried Protection of Stress Analysis浅埋防护下埋地燃气管道的受力分析

11.Study on Fault Tree of Urban Gas Buried Steel Pipeline城市埋地钢质燃气管道事故树的研究

12.Research on Safety Distance between Gas Pipeline and Foundation Ditch of Cantilever Piles燃气管道与悬臂桩基坑安全间距研究

13.Calculation of Local Resistance of Gas Pipeline by Equivalent Length Method燃气管道局部阻力的当量长度法计算

14.Discussion on "polyethylene gas pipe use engineering Technical schedule"《聚乙烯燃气管道工程技术规程》探讨

15.Design of Failure and Accident Database for City Gas Pipeline城镇燃气管道失效与事故数据库设计

16."Pipe Gas Supply Co., Ltd."管道燃气供应有限公司

17.Analysis of application of PE pipe on the project of gas pipeline浅谈PE管在管道燃气工程中的应用

18.Simulation Research on Deflagration of Premixed Gases in Tubes;管道内预混可燃气体燃爆过程仿真研究


gas pipe in high-rise buileling户内燃气管

3)indoor gas pipe室内燃气管道

1.used forindoor gas pipe are introduced.介绍了国内外标准、规范对不锈钢波纹管、铜管和铝塑复合管等新型管材在室内燃气管道中应用的规定。

2.The article analyzes the foreground and advantages of stainless steel corrugated flexible gas pipe, and introduces its concealed burying installation technology, operation management; the phenomenon that inherent traditionalindoor gas pipe installation fashion can’t be satisfied with consumer aesthetic viewpoint and life pursuit from consumer individual demand.文章分析了燃气用不锈钢波纹软管的前景和优势,介绍了燃气用不锈钢波纹软管暗埋的安装工艺、运行管理;从当前用户个性化的需求着手,指出原有传统的室内燃气管道的安装方式已不能满足用户的审美观点和生活追求。

4)internal gas pipe室内燃气管道

1.The principle of construction and installation for buried copperinternal gas pipe is discussed.讨论了暗埋铜质室内燃气管道的施工和敷设原则。

5)indoor pipeline户内管道

6)gas pipeline燃气管道

1.Inquiry into a few issues related to the gas-tight test of outdoorgas pipeline;室外燃气管道气密试验相关问题探讨

2.The waterpower calculation table exploitation and its application about low pressure branchgas pipelines;低压枝状燃气管道水力计算表的开发及应用

3.Finite element analysis of residual stress of welding repair forgas pipeline;燃气管道焊接修复残余应力的有限元分析


-戊内酯、3-甲基丁内酯、咖吗-戊内酯CAS: 108-29-2 分子式: C5H8O2 分子质量: 100.12 沸点: 207-208℃ 熔点: -31-208℃ 中文名称: 4-戊内酯、γ-戊内酯、3-甲基丁内酯、咖吗-戊内酯 英文名称: dihydro-5-methyl-2(3H)-Furanone、dihydro-5-methyl-2(3h)-furanon、4-hydroxypentanoic acid lactone、4-hydroxyvaleric acid lactone、4-methyl-gamma-butyrolactone、gamma-methyl-gamma-butyrolactone、gamma-valerolakton 性质描述: 无色至微黄色液体。凝固点-31℃,沸点205-206.5℃,83-84℃(1.73kPa),相对密度(25/25℃)1.0578,折光率(nD25)1.4301。能与水、许多有机溶剂、树脂和蜡等混溶。10%水溶液的pH为4.2。 生产方法: 由不饱和羧酸通过闭环反应来合成,例如乙酰乙酸与硫酸共热,或乙酰丙酸在镍、铜等催化剂存在下加氢。 用途: γ-戊内酯有较强的反应能力,可用作树脂溶剂及各种有关化合物的中间体。也用作润滑剂、增塑剂、非离子型表面活性剂的胶凝剂、加铅汽油的内酯类添加剂,用于纤维素酯和合成纤维的染色。γ-戊内酯具有香兰素和椰子香味。我国GB2760-86规定为允许使用的食用香料。主要用以配制桃、椰子、香草等型香精。

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