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快速防腐 rapid corrosion resistance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-19 19:14:51


快速防腐 rapid corrosion resistance英语短句 例句大全

快速防腐,rapid corrosion resistance

1)rapid corrosion resistance快速防腐

2)quick composting快速腐熟


1.Effect of Microbial Inoculation on Quick Composting of Animal Manure with Crop Straws and Economic Analysis微生物菌剂对农牧业废弃物堆肥快速腐熟的效果及其经济性评价

2.Studies on the Foundation of Simple Indexes and Mensuration of Compost Maturity;堆肥腐熟度快速测定指标和方法的建立

3.Maturity assessment by oxygen consumption rate in aerobic composting利用耗氧速率判断好氧堆肥腐熟度的探讨

4.Rapid selection of the resistance crucifers to black rot disease十字花科作物黑腐病抗源的快速鉴定

5.The Rapid Assessment on Anticorrosion Coating of Electrochemical Method涂层防腐蚀性能电化学快速评价方法

6.These apples are maturing fast.这些苹果正在快速地成熟。

7.He began to get the knack of cycling one-handed, and increased his speed.他熟练地单手扶把骑着车,加快了速度。

8.Know new technologies that show instant profit, such as CAD/CAM.熟悉CAD/CAM等快速赢利的新技术。

9."Qiafusuzi"in Tajik language means quick and skillful."恰甫苏孜"一词,塔吉克语意为:"快速、熟练",

10.Rapid determination of the mass fraction of benzoic acid antiseptic in beverage and flavoring饮料及调味品中防腐剂——苯甲酸的快速测定

11.Study on the Fast Detection System for Coating Defects of Buried Pipelines;埋地管道防腐层缺陷快速检测系统的研究

12.Study on the Microbial Composting Straws Effectively and the Effect on Application;秸秆高效快速微生物堆腐及其应用的研究

13.Corrosion Behavior of Ni-Cr PFM Alloy Fabricated by Laser Rapid Forming Technology激光快速成形镍铬烤瓷合金腐蚀性能研究

14.Corrosion Behavior of Rapidly Solidified Mg-5Zn-1Y-0.6Zr Alloy快速凝固Mg-5Zn-1Y-0.6Zr合金腐蚀性能的研究

15.Rapid Detection of Deoxynivalenol in Wheat and Maize快速检测小麦和玉米中的脱氧雪腐镰刀菌烯醇

16.Fast Fabrication of Superhydrophobic Surfaces on Aluminum by the Comibined Method of Chemical and Electrochemical Corrosion化学/电化学腐蚀法快速制备超疏水金属铝

17.Corrosion and Its Quick Testing Technology of Jet Fuel Silver Strip喷气燃料银片腐蚀原因及快速检测技术比较

18.Industrial robots can outwork humans [skilled labor].工业机器人能工作得比人 [熟练的工人] 更快速。


quick composting快速腐熟

3)short-term corrosion test快速腐蚀试验

4)coast quick protection海岸快速防护

5)attack pumper快速泵浦消防车

6)rapid intervention vehicle快速先遣消防车


快速速度快的;迅速:~照相机ㄧ~炼钢ㄧ~行军 ㄧ~育肥。

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