失眠网 > 小学生英语讲故事稿文字素材


时间:2019-04-13 01:44:37





"La la la ......" One day, a small rabbit Huanhuan bounce to the forest to play.

"Woo - woo -" "Hey, who is crying," Huanhuan looked around and saw a hedgehog mother is very sad doorstep crying, Huanhuan hurried to ask: "Mom hedgehog you? what's wrong?"

Hedgehog mother in tears, said: "I went shopping today, the children play at home so I can come back a look, they are gone, must have been stolen."

Huanhuan hurriedly asked: "What is it like hedgehog?"

"They had many thorns."

Huanhuan said: "I accompany you to find it!"

"That's very kind of you!"

Huanhuan and hedgehog mother came to the orchard. Suddenly, pointing to a lychee tree Huanhuan cried: "hedgehog Mom, Come, hedgehog on the tree, covered with thorns!" Hedgehog mother dumbfounding: "This is what it is hedgehog, hedgehog called lychee. much larger than it. "

Huanhuan and hedgehog mother came to the garden. Huanhuan also pointed prickly cried: "found the hedgehog Mom, look, hedgehog in a pot!!!" Hedgehog mother shook her head and said:. "That is not my hedgehog, that is cactus"

Later, they went to the grass. Huanhuan is looking for grass to eat tender trees, bushes suddenly found some "hairy ball", they told the spitting image of her mother hedgehog! "Ha! This time really find!" Huanhuan cried for joy.

Thanks hedgehog mother Huanhuan, and gave him a lot of carrots.


Bear in the forest to play, accidentally fell into the trap. Trap is very steep, it is also how not climb out, had desperately for help. Elephants just passing from here, came to hear the side of the trap. Elephants are neighbors bear, bear to see it is like to see the savior. Bear to the elephant, he said: "You are making me go on to save my life will not forget your kindness is! I would surely repay you!" The long stretch elephant nose down, bear hugged the elephant's trunk, and finally climbed up. Elephant said: "Thank you for saving me, or I would have been dead!"

One night, an elephant's nose was accidentally cobra bite. Elephant hurried knock on the door of the bear family, want it to go to the doctor invited monkey. Sleeping bear, faintly hear the call to see the elephant monkey doctor, he yawned, saying loudly: "! I'm a little uncomfortable, have fallen asleep, you still own the monkey to the doctor's clinic it."

See the little bear elephant monkey doctor willing to please, had endured the pain of the wound that he went to the doctor's clinic monkey. But it did not go far, I felt dizzy spell, suddenly fell on a tree. Owl found elephant collapsed to the ground, quickly called the monkey went to the doctor.

Monkey elephant nose doctor sucked out the venom in the wound, the wound before putting the medication, and gave understanding Elephant eating poison. After the doctor's rescue monkey, elephant and finally out of danger. After dawn, the animals know what an elephant's nose was bitten by a cobra, they came to visit it. Bear also brought a bouquet of flowers to the elephant.

Monkey doctor to bear, said:. "Patient rescue snake bite, time is life, once the onset of toxicity, it is difficult to treat your neighbor is an elephant, how I do not go to either promptly owl found early.? , the elephant would be dead! "

Elephants to bear, said: "When you want me to help you when good words, but when I need your help, so you have an excuse to shirk your ungrateful, then later when difficulties, who are willing to help How about you. ? you know, good words and good-looking flowers are not a substitute for real help ah! " Bear listened, ashamed and lowered his head, again and again to admit.


One afternoon, my parents went out full, leaving the little girl alone in the home of Martha. Martha decided to climb the attic, see if you can find fun.

Attic was filled with things. Martha see at a glance where there was a black wooden box. Martha remember my mother said, are wooden Uncle Walter sent from Italy.

A big lock on the locked box. Martha ran down the stairs, the house key placed a small basket special mention up. A key to a key test.

Finally, Martha with an oddly shaped wooden key to open the lock on the large. Wooden lid automatically bounce, and from inside the box, even drill out three.

"Who are you?" Martha asked, aghast. "We are Italian robbers!" "We are terrible and vicious!" Said the three robbers.

A robber immediately pulled out a dagger, facing Martha: "Do not move alone, otherwise you will be covered with the blood!" Another said: "! We want to rob it." "But do not be afraid, we will not hurt women child! "said the last one.

Then they softly ran downstairs, Martha was trembling with fear, almost screaming for help.

Soon, the three robbers holding up something upstairs. Robbers looted goods on the ground and began to eat pie. Martha was very frightened, he does not know how to do.

Then just downstairs doorbell rang. Postman messenger came. Postman put the letter into the mailbox, he turned away. Thus, Martha immediately thought of an idea.

"The police are coming!" She deliberately flurry of robbers said, "There are more than a hundred too! They came for you! They also brought a cannon!"

Robbers terrified, crying out: "! We want to died," Martha looked at these stupid robbers, almost laughed out loud.

"You do not cry, I'm coming to you!" Martha said, "you quickly go back inside the box, so that the police can not find you."

The robbers one, obedient and quickly climbed into the box. "Oh, Jisi me, how about a box smaller die?" Bandits cried bitterly.

"Not a small box, you are eating too much pie!" Martha force covered wooden lid, and then the big lock locked.


