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法律构成 legal constitution英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-06 04:57:32


法律构成 legal constitution英语短句 例句大全

法律构成,legal constitution

1)legal constitution法律构成


1.The aspect of a case at law comprising events determined by evidence经证据证明的法律案件的法律构成要件的某方面.

2.Analysis of Legal Issues of Thanksgiving Gate Incident in Xiangfan;襄樊“感恩门”事件的法律问题分析——兼论社会捐赠的法律构成

3.A bill becomes a law when it passes the lawmaking body.法案在立法机构通过后就变成法律。

4.On the construction of the legal system of Yuan Dynasty--parse the form of the legal system of Yuan Dynasty;元代法律体系之构建——元代法律组成解析

5.Ignorance of a law does not excuse a man for violating it.一个人不懂法律不构成犯法的理由。

6.The Concept of Law:From the View of Civil Code Structure;论法律概念——以民法典体系构成为视角

7.In the eyes of the law, Tom was not yet guilty.从法律的观点看,汤姆还未构成犯罪。

8.Emphasis on the Cultivation of Law Thinking to Establish a Harmonious Society;注重成人法律思维培养 构建和谐社会

9.A Discussion on Requisites to Constitute Representation and Its Legal Consequence;试论表见代理构成要件及其法律后果

10.Propoals on the Legal Issues under the Quasi-purchase System of Research Outcomes;拟成果购买制架构中的法律问题初探

11.Legal Thought of the Constructive Elements of Our Country s Product Liability;对我国产品责任构成要件的法律思考

12.The Definition and Constitutive Requirements of the Legal Liabilities in Administrative Monopoly;行政垄断法律责任的界定及构成要件

ment on "legal norms are made up of condition to which a legal norm applies and right or duty and punishment;质疑“法律规范由假定、处理和制裁构成”

14.The Constitutes and Lawful Problems of Reward Advertisements;关于悬赏广告的构成及相关法律问题

15.Legal construction of community correction system of juvenile delinquency;未成年人违法犯罪社区矫正制度的法律构建

16.Constitution and Consequence of the Unjust Enrichment in Macau Civil Code;论不当得利在澳门法中的构成及其法律后果

17.Economic Analysis of Legal Rules: A Summary of Law and Economics;法律规则的经济学建构——法律经济学的研究成果综述

18.On the Object Constitution of the Economic Legal Relations--Also on the Soft Resources as the Object of Economic Legal Relations经济法律关系客体之构成——兼论“软资源”作为经济法律关系的客体


consititutions of legal relationship法律关系构成

3)the structure of transplantation of law移植法律主体构成

4)the constitution of law evasion法律规避的构成要件

5)A Preliminary Study of the Elements of the Law试析法律构成要素

6)law construction法律构建



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