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医院健康教育 hospital health education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-27 13:22:49


医院健康教育 hospital health education英语短句 例句大全

医院健康教育,hospital health education

1)hospital health education医院健康教育

1.The concept of pharmacy health education is defined according to the theories of health education andhospital health education,and the characteristics,functions,implementation and prospect of pharmacy health education are discussed.该文借助健康教育和医院健康教育的理论定义了药学健康教育的概念,探讨了药学健康教育的特点、作用、实施和展望,提出了建立全新的药学健康教育理论将成为未来药学研究内容的观点。

2.Method: Hospital health education was performed on 68 cases who received benign prostatic hyperplasia operation from four stages(admission,before operation,after operation and discharge) by the way of individual instructing,group teaching,blackboard newspaper and health education guidi.目的:对前列腺增生症手术患者进行医院健康教育,使患者树立健康观念,掌握疾病知识,提高术后生活质量。


1.Setting up full-time education nurses to promote health education设立专职教育护士 深化医院健康教育

2.Present Status of Health Education in Hospitals of the Armed Police Forces武警部队医院健康教育现状分析及对策

3.Analysis on the status of hospital health education in one tumor hospital in Yunnan Province云南省某肿瘤专科医院健康教育现状及分析

4.Status and Prospects for Hospital Health Education Assessment System医院健康教育评估体系建设的现状与展望

5.Artic Education in the Medical University and College Students Mental Health;医学院校艺术教育与大学生心理健康

6.Establishment of anticancer club for health education医院创建抗癌俱乐部开展健康教育的实践

7.Investigation of Health Education for the Students in Medical College Currently;浅析新时期医学高等院校学员的健康教育

8.Research and practice of psychological health education of medical college;医学院校大学生心理健康教育的研究与实践

9.Present Stuation and Stragy For Psychological Health Condition of Medical College Students;医科院校本科生心理健康现状及教育对策

10.Establishment of Health Education Elective Course: a Survey in Medical Educational Institutions of Armed Forces;在军队医学院校开设健康教育选修课的调查

11.The Problems and Solutions of Carrying Out Nursing Health Education in Hospital医院开展护理健康教育存在的问题与对策

12.The problems of health education by nurses in Grade-III hospitals in Tai"an City泰山市三级医院护理健康教育现状的调查研究

13.Practice on aged health education in tertiary general hospital大型综合医院开展老年健康教育的实践

14.Effect evaluation of continous health education for diabetic patients in hospitals and communities糖尿病患者医院社区连续性健康教育效果评价

15.Mental health education of medical postgraduate should be conducted in affiliated hospital libraries附属医院图书馆应开展医学研究生心理健康教育

16.Problems and countermeasures of health education in basic level hospitals in minority areas少数民族地区基层医院护理健康教育存在的问题及对策

17.Control Countermeasure Research on Health Status quo of Part Medical Undergraduates and Physical Education Teaching;部分医学院学生健康现状与体育教学干预对策研究

18.Psychological health of poor students in colleges and universities of Chinese medicine,and experimental research onto their educational modes;高等中医药院校贫困大学生心理健康状况及教育模式的实证研究


Health Education in Hospitals医院健康教育刍议

3)Discharged health education出院健康教育

4)out-hospital health education院外健康教育

1.A study on influence ofout-hospital health education on living quality of rectal cancer patients after underwent colostomy;直肠癌结肠造口术后院外健康教育对病人生活质量影响的研究

5)health education by TCM中医健康教育

6)health education[医]健康教育学


国际健康教育联盟非政府的国际卫生组织。1951年在巴黎成立,现总部仍设于巴黎,目前成员来自80多个国家。宗旨是通过教育来促进健康,强调健康教育为健康生活所必不可少。联盟的标志见图。联盟在欧洲、拉丁美洲、北美洲、西太平洋地区北部和东南亚地区设有办事处。联盟与世界卫生组织、联合国教科文组织、联合国儿童基金会以及许多国家的政府和非政府组织有密切联系和广泛合作。联盟每三年举行一次健康教育国际会议,到1991年为止已历经14届。最近 5届分别在伦敦(1979)、霍巴特(1982)、东柏林(1985)、休斯敦(1988)、赫尔辛基(1991)召开。第15届大会将在日本举行。中国自第13届会议开始派代表参加。联盟的主要刊物为《国际健康教育杂志》(HYGIE),季刊,用英文、法文和西班牙文三种文字出版,公开发行。联盟拥有四类成员:联盟立法成员、国家立法成员、团体成员和个人成员,其成员数在1991年分别为22,11,113 和843。中国健康教育协会于1991年6月表示申请联盟立法成员。在这以前,福建省健康教育所已被接纳为团体成员。

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