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时间:2023-01-29 22:50:38












Finnish researchers say they have produced coffee in a laboratory that smells and tastes very similar to the real thing. The team reports that lab-grown coffee could be important as climate change continues to threaten traditional coffee farming.

Scientists at Finland’s VTT Technical Research Center created cell cultures(培养物) from the leaves of coffee plants. The process involves floating the cell cultures in bioreactors(生物反应器) filled with nutrients. The same method is used to make other kinds of animal- and plant-based products.

Heikki Aisala is a VTT researcher who oversaw the process. Aisala said that cups of the cellular(细胞的) coffee probably would not pass taste tests comparing it to traditional coffee. “Not like, of course, 100 percent. It tastes like a combination of different types of coffees,” Aisala said. The researcher added that while the cellular coffee is not ready for the market just yet, “it certainly does resemble coffee at the moment.” Aisala added it is possible that the lab-grown version could one day develop into a multi-billion-dollar industry.

VTT Research team leader Heiko Rischer said cell cultures offer a more sustainable way to make coffee. This is because coffee is in high demand. This has led to countries opening up more land to grow coffee beans, which causes increased deforestation(滥伐森林). Rischer said the environmental benefits of lab-grown coffee include reduced use of pesticides(农药) and fertilizer and less need to ship coffee beans long distances to markets.

In Europe, lab-grown coffee would need to be approved before it could be marketed. But an important question remains: Will coffee lovers actually drink the lab-grown creation? A Reuters reporter put that question to Satu, a server in a Helsinki coffee shop.

“I think someday we’re going that way because all the natural coffee sources are disappearing,” she said. “So, we have to move along... if it tastes good and the aroma(香味) is coffee based, so why not? I think it’s possible.”


1. What can we know from Paragraphs 1 and 2?

A There’s no difference between lab-grown coffee and traditional coffee.

B Researchers think lab-grown coffee is beneficial to people’s health.

C Traditional coffee farming are being affected by the climate change.

D The new method can be only used to grow lab-grown coffee.


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