失眠网 > 英语美文朗读:活在当下(顶级主播朗读)


时间:2023-01-13 22:27:42



Being in the present


When we talk about self improvement, we often talk about mastery ofsuccess. But if success comes at a high emotional①toll②, it can often turn into a failure. In our life we usually eitherlive in the future, always thinking of things to come, or in the past, whereour memories hunt us, day after day. It is very rare that we put all our energyin living in the present and enjoy the emotional freedom this brings.

When we spend time only planning or dreaming about things thatdidn’t happen yet, we often forget things that are extremely important rightnow. For example:

Let’s say that you are always thinking on how you are going on a vacation,and how wonderful it will be, and all the adventures you are going to have.Meanwhile, in the present, you work 7 days a week and are extremely stressed.You are so stressed, as a matter of fact, that you do not see how youcan take a vacation at all. In your head the thoughts of vacation become adream that is fading③ further and further away. It becomes a sortof an escape from your grim④ reality.

Now let’s look at the same scenario⑤with a different twist. When you start having thoughts of a vacation, yourealize that you work really hard, and you can not afford to let that kind ofstress rule your life. So you do everything possible to take time off and makethat vacation a reality. Being in the present gave you emotional freedom thatdidn’t cloud your judgment.

Past can be dangerous, if we spend most of our time there instead of livingin the present. Here is an example of that:

You just went through a break up of a longterm relationship, but you can’t let go. It hunts you. You find yourselfconstantly thinking of your ex., analyzing what could have been, thinking aboutthe reasons why the relationship ended. This makes you very unhappy.

Same scenario with a different outlook would be like that. Therelationship is over. You mourn; go through all the necessary stages, but soonyou realize that it was for the best. You look at your present situation andsee that it is a new beginning for you. You start dating again and realize thatit can be a lot of fun. You shed the old hair style, your old wardrobe. Youbecome a new person simply by realizing your present situation and letting go of the past. Here emotional freedom allowed you to let go of the pastand successfully move on.

This ability is so crucial that developing only that oneskill will propel your life to unbelievable heights of success. In orderfor us to be able to do everything we need to in our day-to-dayactivities, we need to feel good. Nothing makes us feel good as not beingpreoccupied by the thoughts and emotions of things that passed or did not evenhappen yet. This skill is invaluable in the success toolbox of our selfimprovement.

① emotional[i5mEuFEnl] a.情感的

② toll [tEul] n.代价

③ fade [feid] v.枯萎,衰退

④ grim [^rim] a.严酷的

⑤ scenario [si5nB:riEu] n.某一特定情景










