失眠网 > 世界名曲《Home! Sweet Home! 苏格兰民歌-可爱的家》

世界名曲《Home! Sweet Home! 苏格兰民歌-可爱的家》

时间:2021-05-06 12:43:59


世界名曲《Home! Sweet Home! 苏格兰民歌-可爱的家》

世界名曲《Home! Sweet Home! 苏格兰民歌-可爱的家》

《Home!SweetHome可爱的家》 来自查先生会客室 00:00 03:48

《Home!Sweet Home! 苏格兰民歌-可爱的家》

KatherineJenkins (凯瑟琳·詹金斯)

Written by:Sir Henry R

Mid pleasuresand palaces though we may roam

Be it ever sohumble there"s no place like home

A charm fromthe skies seems to hallow us there

Which seekthro" the world is ne"er met with elsewhere

I gaze on themoon

As I tread thedrear wild

And feel thatmy mother

Now thinks ofher child

As she looksat that moon

From our owncottage door

Thro" thewoodbine whose fragrance

Shall cheer meno more

As she looksat that moon

From our owncottage door

Thro" thewoodbine whose fragrance

Shall cheer meno more

Home homesweet sweet home

Be it ever sohumble

There"s noplace like home

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