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时间:2023-08-20 18:31:18





Welcome to Use it or Lose it

English AcquisitionPractice

Like and Dislike

Like and Dislike , After Class Notes

Listen and Repeat

I like to drink tea and watch TV .

I dislike when my home is in a mess, because I like a clean environment .

I like Japanese landscapes ,they are very different from china"s.

I think Japanese people are friendly and hard working .

I like my hometown"s delicacies and landscapes.

My family has a lots of fishponds and rice fields.

You will never starve in my hometown.

There is a fishpond in my front yard.

I spend money everyday.

I"d rather spend time with my daughter .

I"d rather spend time with my kids.

I"d rather spend time with my wife.

I"d rather spend time on learning something new.

I love my hometown ,but I hate the mosquitoes at night.

I love traveling but I"d rather save money to buy a new car.

I love shopping but I"d rather spend time with my husband.

I love my hometown, but I"d rather visit a new country for the holidays.

I love shopping but I"d rather save money for traveling .

I "d prefera clean environment.

<a clean environment>

The landscape in Guilty worth to the visit.


Shunde is the heart of Guangdong delicacies.


The people in my hometown are very friendly .


My parents are hardworking people.


We have a lots of fishponds in my hometown .


I love the rice fields in Guangxi.

<rice fields>

I never drive after drinking alcohol.


You will never starve in my hometown ,because we have fruits all over.


There is a fishpond in my front yard.

<front yard>

There is a pool in my backyard .

<back yard>

I"d rather save money for my new car.

<I"d rather>

There is a lots of delicacies in my home town.

<home town>

I would like to spend more time with my family

<spend time with>


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