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【双语】外交部发言人答记者问/Spokespersons Remarks (-08-09)

时间:2019-01-22 01:22:41


【双语】外交部发言人答记者问/Spokespersons Remarks (-08-09)


Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying"s

Remarks on August 9,



Q: Pakistan has decided to downgrade diplomatic relations with India and suspend trade ties with New Delhi. What is your comment on that?


A: China noted the relevant statement by Pakistan. The pressing priority is that the relevant party should stop unilaterally changing the status quo and avoid escalation of tensions. We call on Pakistan and India to resolve disputes through dialogue and consultation and jointly uphold regional peace and stability.



Q: A recent UN report said that companies from Israel, the UK, the DPRK and China have supplied weapons to Myanmar since . Can you confirm that? What"s your comment on this UN report?


A: Myanmar is China"s friendly neighbor. The two countries maintain friendly cooperation in various fields, including on normal military trade. The Chinese government adopts a prudent and responsible attitude towards the export of military items, manage it strictly in accordance with China"s international obligations and domestic laws and regulations, and follow the three principles for arms exports: the exports should be conducive to the legitimate self-defense capability of the recipient country; they should not undermine peace, security and stability of the region concerned and the world as a whole; and they should not be used to interfere in the internal affairs of the recipient country.


Q: According to a report issued by the cyber-research firm FireEye, a hacker group working for the Chinese government attacked game companies and cryptocurrency providers for personal profit. FireEye said those hackers work for the Chinese government and are involved in commercial hacking behaviors for profit. I wonder what is your response?


A: The firm you mentioned accused China many times under the pretext of cybersecurity. Its accusations are ill-intentioned fabrications. China firmly opposes that.

中方是网络安全的坚定维护者,坚决反对并打击任何形式的网络攻击、窃密活动。网络空间虚拟性强,溯源难,行为体多样,在调查和定性网络事件的时候应拿出充分的证据,不能无端猜测。不负责任的指责只会加剧网络空间的紧张对抗,毒化合作环境。China is a staunch upholder of cybersecurity. We firmly oppose and combat all forms of cyberattack and cybertheft. The cyberspace is highly virtual and filled with multiple actors whose behaviors are difficult to trace. When investigating and determining the nature of a cyberspace activity, one should present abundant evidence instead of making random assumptions. Irresponsible accusations will only escalate tension and confrontation in the cyberspace and poison the environment for cooperation.另外,我还想说一句,谁在全球范围内进行网络攻击、窃密最活跃,大家心里有数。I would also like to add that the world knows clearly who has been most engaged in cyberattack and cybertheft around the globe.


问:据知情人士透露,在中方表示将停止购买美国农产品后,美方推迟了美国企业与华为公司重启业务许可的决定。你对此有何评论?Q: According to sources familiar with this matter, after China announced the suspension of purchasing American agricultural products, the US postponed a decision on granting licenses that would allow US companies to continue doing business with Huawei. I wonder what is your comment on that?


A: I"m not aware of the US decision you talked about. I"d refer you to the US side. I"d like to stress the following points.


The US has been using its national power to randomly sanction and oppress Chinese companies. This has seriously undermined its image as a country and its own interests. What"s worse, it has severely damaged global industrial chain and supply chain. This has been and will continue to be opposed by all countries. As we note, Qualcomm, Intel, Micron and other American companies have asked the US government to make a decision on granting licenses as soon as possible. US Commerce Secretary Ross said on July 30 that the department has received over 50 applications for sales license for Huawei, and the number is still increasing. I think the business community has demonstrated a clear attitude. Also, the US government has made commitments on this issue before.


We urge the US to stop unreasonable oppression and sanctions on Huawei and other Chinese companies and to treat them in a fair, just and non-discriminatory manner. We advise the US to become responsible for its people, for China-US relations and for the world economy, give up illusions and demonstrate good faith. It needs to work in concert with China to resolve each other"s concerns and differences through consultation based on equality and mutual respect.






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