失眠网 > 朋友圈伤感的句子 每个女孩都是公主 无论在阁楼还是城堡里

朋友圈伤感的句子 每个女孩都是公主 无论在阁楼还是城堡里

时间:2020-05-21 05:33:48


朋友圈伤感的句子 每个女孩都是公主 无论在阁楼还是城堡里

1、明明心里很难受,但又不能表现出来,也不能把负面情绪带给别人。 经历了很多这个年纪接触不到的事情,第一次感受到这个世界的不公平 ,两尺宽的肩膀究竟能扛多少事情。

It is clearly uncomfortable in my heart, but I cannot show it, nor can I bring negative emotions to others. After experiencing a lot of things that I can touch at this age, it is the first time I feel the unfairness of this world, how much things can be carried by a two-foot-wide shoulder.


I like to bury the troubles in my heart. I always believe that there will always be a person who will cross the mountains and rivers will dispel all the haze for me, and there will always be someone who will give me warmth. There is still a long way to go, I want to keep going...I thought I was cold enough to love you, but when I grew up, I realized that you have been waiting for me to be mature and brave on the other side. Don’t be afraid.

3、我开始害怕以后遇不到爱我的人 ,那该怎么办呢,没人爱的你就像是被遗弃的小孩 ,内心缺乏安全感,想伸手又不敢,会想很多然后到最后还是自己一个人 ,好像从来没有人对我说过“别怕,我在”后来发现爱很难得,来了就是一辈子,错过了也是一辈子。

I started to be afraid that I would not meet someone who loved me in the future. What should I do? You who are unloved are like an abandoned child. You feel insecure in your heart. I want to stretch my hand but dare not. I think a lot, and in the end I will still be myself. A person, it seems that no one has ever said to me, "Don be afraid, Im here." Later I found that love is hard to come by. It is a lifetime when it comes, and a lifetime when it is missed.


For me now, what I want most is that someone says to me "Don be afraid, I am", but there is no such person by my side. Last night I suddenly felt that I had the courage. I thought I could really get better, but I thought I would still be afraid today.


The haze has only passed by myself, and there is no way to go, but I still want to have a good life. I don’t know which day I can’t make it. I hope everyone will stop going through my mistakes. It will really ruin my life. I hope to sleep. I won wake up anymore


Today I found a girl who I want to protect for a lifetime. After so much, I knew what I wanted. She is very plain and feels at ease every time she sees her. She has a gentle, kind and generous heart, but she does not know it. I hope she can see my full of love and my sincere heart. I feel that I am Fortunately, I will work hard to make her happy, and I will always be there.


I originally thought that as long as I treated him wholeheartedly and the two of them didn quarrel, they would go on well. I didn cry or make trouble, and I didn dare to think about it myself, but he pushed me away. When I was together, I asked him to cherish me, and he agreed, but now I understand that when I told him to cherish me, he actually didn cherish me that much. I really have to let myself hit the south wall to look back.

8、我身后有一个人,无论我想做什么想要什么,都会无条件支持我,并且永远支持。有一天,他对我说:你只管跑,有什么事我担着。 好久好久好久之后 我发现 那个人一直是我自己啊。

There is a person behind me who will support me unconditionally and always support me no matter what I want to do or want. One day, he said to me: "Just run, I will take care of anything." After a long time, a long time, I discovered that that person has always been myself.


I saw him today, and I have known it since I was a child for more than ten years. We have matured and grown up in our respective circles of life. Seeing again today, I still dare not hug this person. I just hope that he really hopes that he is happy. Is it enough to have a look at him? It is enough to see his health, to see his happiness, and to see his career success.

10、如果有一天不再心存芥蒂,了无隔阂; 如果有一天还能彼此鼓励,谈笑风生; 那便是终于胜了时间一局,终要索路前行。 我们,如此选择,终是朋友。每个女孩都是公主,无论在阁楼还是城堡里,要记得,你值得被爱。

If one day we no longer have any grievances, there will be no barriers; if one day we can still encourage each other and talk and laugh vigorously; then it will finally win the game of time and finally find a way forward. We, choosing this way, are ultimately friends. Every girl is a princess, whether in the attic or in the castle, remember that you deserve to be loved.

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