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A few months ago as I wandered through my parents’ house the same house I grew up in I h

时间:2022-11-09 08:41:45


A few months ago as I wandered through my parents’ house  the same house I grew up in  I h


A few months ago as I wandered through my parents’ house, the same house I grew up in, I had a sudden, scary realization. When my parents bought the house, in 1982, they were only two years older than I am now. I tried to imagine myself in two years, ready to settle down and buy the house I’d still be living in almost 30 years later.

It seemed ridiculous. On a practical level, there’s no way I could afford to buy a house anytime soon. More importantly, I wouldn’t want to. I’m not sure where I’ll be living in two years, or what kind of job I’ll have. And I don’t think I’ll be ready to settle down and stay in one place.

So this is probably the generation gap that divides my friends and me from our parents. When our parents were our age, they’d gotten their education, chosen a career, and were starting to settle into responsible adult lives.

My friends and I – “Generation Y” – still aren’t sure what we want to do with our lives. Whatever we end up doing, we want to make sure we’re happy doing it. We’d rather take risks first, try out different jobs, and move from one city to another until we find our favorite place. We’d rather spend our money on travel than put it in a savings account.

This casual attitude toward responsibility has caused some critics to call my generation “arrogant”, “impatient”, and “overprotected”. Some of these complaints have a point. As children we were encouraged to succeed in school, but also to have fun. We grew up in a world full of technological innovation: cellphones, the Internet, instant messaging, and video games.

Our parents looked to rise vertically(垂直的)--starting at the bottom of the ladder and slowly making their way to the top, on the same track, often for the same company. That doesn’t apply to my generation.

Because of that, it may take us longer than our parents to arrive at responsible, stable adulthood. But that’s not necessarily a bad thing. In our desire to find satisfaction, we will work harder, strive for ways to keep life interesting, and gain a broader set of experiences and knowledge than our parents’ generation did.

【小题1】When the author walked through her parents’ house, she .A.was frightened that she had no idea what she wanted from lifeB.started to think about her own lifeC.realized I should buy a house.D.wondered why her parents had settled down early【小题2】What is the main “generation gap” between the author and her friends and their parents according to the article?A.Their attitude toward high technology.B.Their ways of making their way to the top.C.Their attitude towards responsibility.D.Their ways of gaining experience.【小题3】Which of the following might the author agree with?A.It’s all right to try more before settling down.B.It’s better to take adult responsibility earlier.C.It involves too much effort to rise vertically.D.It’s ridiculous to call her generation “arrogant”.【小题4】What can we conclude from the article?A.The author is envious of her parents enjoying a big house at her age.B.Growing up in a hi-tech world makes “Generation Y” feel insecure about relationships.C.“Generation Y” people don’t want to grow up and love to be taken care of by their parents.D.The author wrote this article so that others would be able to understand her generation better.【小题5】What is the main theme of the article?A.The sudden realization of growing up.B.A comparison between lifestyles of generations.C.Criticisms of the young generation.D.The factors that have changed the young generation.B




【小题1】B 推理题。根据第一段2,3,4行When my parents bought the house, in 1982, they were only two years older than I am now. I tried to imagine myself in two years, ready to settle down and buy the house I’d still be living in almost 30 years later说明我在思考自己的人生之路,故B正确。

【小题2】C 细节题。根据第五段第一行This casual attitude toward responsibility has caused some critics to call my generation “arrogant”说明态度是我们这一代和父母那一代最大的差别,故C正确。

【小题3】A 推理题。根据文章最后一段内容Because of that, it may take us longer than our parents to arrive at responsible, stable adulthood.说明要花更多的时间才能让我们意识到责任的重要性。根据文章第四段We’d rather take risks first, try out different jobs, and move from one city to another until we find our favorite place说明我们要尝试很多不同的事物,以后在定居下来,故A的做法可能适合我们这一代。故A正确。

【小题4】D 主旨大意题。作者写本文就是为了向读者介绍他们这一代人的思想,让别人更好的理解他们,接受他们,故D正确。

【小题5】B 主旨大意题。本文是利用我和我的父母这两代人之间在价值观和生活态度父母的差异的比较来向读者介绍我们这一代人的思想和其它情况。故B正确。

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