失眠网 > Children are very very observant and have excellent memories.Around Christmas last year

Children are very very observant and have excellent memories.Around Christmas last year

时间:2024-02-26 23:54:09


Children are very  very observant and have excellent memories.Around Christmas last year


Children are very, very observant and have excellent memories.

Around Christmas last year, we were heading to Grandma’s house. The drive was an hour long, so we had plenty of time to chat. We were waiting to get onto the freeway when my daughter Hayley noticed a homeless man, no sign in hand. “Mom, is that man homeless?” I told her I believed he was.

We got onto the freeway and drove away. But the chatting had stopped. Hayley was quiet all the way there. We spent a few hours at Grandma’s then packed up to head home. As we drove back, Hayley rustled(沙沙作响地移动) around in her seat, trying to reach something on the floor of the car. I asked her to sit still, worried her seatbelt would slip from the booster seat. She mumbled(咕哝)something and sat back.

“Mom, will the homeless man still be outside tonight?” I told her I was not sure, maybe. It was a freezing night, and I started to think of the man now too, and how cold he must be.

All of a sudden, as we got onto the freeway exit, Haley shrieked (尖叫): “There he is! There he is!” and started rolling down her window. “Mom, I found these gloves and scarf back here. Can I give them to him? Can I?” she asked.

I pulled over to the edge of the road, and beckoned(招手示意) the man to come over. Haley smiled at him and handed him her gift. I looked in the front passenger seat, loaded with leftovers from Grandma’s house, and handed those out to him as well.

The man thanked us, he clutched (抓紧) my hand in his and I could feel the bitter cold of them. We wished him a safe night and continued on our journey to our warm home.

“Haley, that was very sweet of you!” I told her. “Well, they were your gloves and scarf, Mom, but his hands looked colder, and he has to keep looking for his house!”

We had talked about homelessness before , and I could hear myself telling her: “Someone who has lost their home.” She had taken my words literally and thought the man’s home was like a lost puppy.

On the ride home, and as I carried my sleeping angel into the house that night, my heart filled with gratitude.

【小题1】The underlined word “observant” in Paragraph I means “”.A.fond of serving othersB.quick at noticing thingsC.good at memorizingD.easy to be pleased【小题2】The girl thought “a homeless person” was a person who .A.had no home to go toB.had lost his or her puppyC.was in need of gloves and scarvesD.couldn’t find his or her home【小题3】The mother felt thankful because .A.she felt lucky to have such a warm-hearted daughterB.she was pleased that she had a great familyC.she felt happy to have given the leftovers to the manD.they had arrived home safely despite the cold【小题4】The article is mainly structured around .A.analysisB.comparison C.time orderD.cause and resultB





【小题2】细节理解题。根据he has to keep looking for his house 可知指无家可归的人,故选D。

【小题3】细节理解题。根据as I carried my sleeping angel into the house that night, my heart filled with gratitude.她感到很幸运有这样一位热心的女儿,故选A。


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