失眠网 > Last Tuesday the Students’ Union in our school advised that Senior Three students shall do

Last Tuesday the Students’ Union in our school advised that Senior Three students shall do

时间:2023-01-04 06:46:04


Last Tuesday the Students’ Union in our school advised that Senior Three students shall do


Last Tuesday,the Students’ Union in our school advised that Senior Three students shall do something specially for their parents on their 18th birthdays. All the students are active in responding it and most of them have come up with their ideas.Some choose to write a letter saying it’s best way to express their appreciations as well as love for their parents. Others will prefer to cook a big meal to show that they have already grown up. As for me, I want to do up hair and wash feet for my parents. By doing which my parents have been doing for me I can really know how much they have devoted to bring me up. Being 18 years old mean that we should learn to be independent and that we should be responsible for us.shall---should




【小题1】学生会建议高三学生在18岁生日的时候,为父母做些特别的事情。主句的谓语是advise,从句的谓语用虚拟语气,should do,所以shall---should


【小题3】所有的学生积极的回应。Respond是不及物动词,后面加 to

【小题4】这是最好的表达感谢的方式。用最高级加定冠词the best

【小题5】appreciation 是不可数名词,不用复数

【小题6】其他人更喜欢烧一顿饭,用一般现在时:will prefer ---prefer


【小题8】我可以知道他们多么用心的把我抚养长大。Be devoted to doing,把bring改成bringing



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