失眠网 > 【立方体迷阵】...是一部非常奇特的电影.一群人被关入一堆立方体小...


时间:2021-08-24 13:52:41






【答案】 Flustered side is a very strange film. A group of people was put into a grid composed of a bunch of small cube maze, maze killing a large number of various organs. These people only work together to escape from this maze.

Is to explain the genius of the films most origins of the cube maze. Among the first group of architects in accordance with the explanation that he had designed this maze of shell, he is one of the construction of the maze. But when he designed that case, he did not know what to do with that case is, he does not know what it was like the whole thing. He just finished his part of the work only. In fact, all the designers are all aware of their own design which only small things. This designer has been locked until the labyrinth, he did not know he built something.

However, a blind man is not his. In fact, everyone thought about what they are doing is for what. They just work, to realize their part, but did not jump out to see where this world is sliding.

But even more frightening is, in fact, not a demon to plan such a murder maze. May be a bureaucratic idea, think of the maze of this idea, not yet been realized had stepped down. His successor did not know what is the use of this maze, but he will continue to complete his. Finally, there is no use to complete such a thing. In order to prove that there is no use in this maze, and then throw a few people go on a test.

This process is very precise explanation, our society is how totalitarian bureaucratic form. There is no devil in the back operation, everyone in the construction of it, and then because of the disregard for life, the monster began to build its counter-addicted people. Each victim began to curse the rich in power, or simply unaware of their own construction of this monster. The monster, once formed, it has been unable to stop.

Several characters in the film, the most important figure is the former police officer. This man had just played when Zhengyilinran, daring to take up the burden of leadership. In the end, he was almost killed every companion. This is because people began to disguise yourself? I think not.

Is a characteristic of totalitarian society, he always has a moral themselves as leaders, to control the moral or social justice. This is also true before the beginning of the police, he tells his children, to establish its own political correctness, and then asked us together find the exit. This appears to be very correct leadership, the biggest mistake was that he asked us to unify our thinking, and this requirement is based on a sense of reason.

Therefore, the former designer of consumer sentiment lazy morally guilty, the police begin alienated him, punish him. But also in the police view, his approach is entirely correct. He is the exclusion of black sheep, he was in the maintenance of group interests, the collective will of the overwhelming demands in his personal will.

Of course, he did not know the essence of democracy is not subject to the will of the majority, but to protect the interests of everyone, even if it is a minority. While the single persons persecution, the persecution of minorities, it is the destruction of democracy.

Consequences, that is, people have been graded. To subordinate the persecution has become a matter of course, and is necessary for the collective interests of thing. Individual rights and even their lives, and compared to the collective interest, become insignificant things. So, while the police in the beginning, everyone is useful to understand, however, appears when the idiot, the idiot he rightly excluded from the collective, he did not think this idiot would not decrypt the key. He just wants to get rid of this cumbersome, and every person who wants to protect this cumbersome. This has resulted in the final cleaning of his group members.

This process is so familiar. As if, when we say the majority of the minoritys dictatorship, our roads have been identified, leaving only the persecution gradually applied to each individuals head to go.

Flustered side of the two fables, one from the designers mouth, one from the police personally. The film is to use this parable to explain the two totalitarian society is how to produce, how to run, and how to devour life.

In fact, the maze itself is like a metaphor. Uniform grid size, the relations in which each person, quietly killing life, and towards unknown direction.

