失眠网 > 图像分割之Snake主动轮廓模型(Matlab代码)


时间:2022-10-30 11:18:47




如果在中文搜索的话,一般会找到《数字图像处理-图像分割:Snake主动轮廓模型 Matlab代码及运行结果》。里面有句代码,千万别用,否则出不来效果。(别问我怎么知道的)

% 转化为双精度型%I = im2double(I);

当然英文搜索的话,会在Matlab官网上找到《Snakes: Active Contour Models》,提供更好的代码,里面不同图片的算法参数都调好了。核心代码展示。

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% interate.m implements the core of the snakes (active contours) algorithm.% It is called by the snk.m file which is the GUI frontend. If you do not% want to deal with GUI, look at this file and the included comments which% explain how active contours work.%% To run this code with GUI% 1. Type guide on the matlab prompt.% 2. Click on "Go to Existing GUI"% 3. Select the snk.fig file in the same directory as this file% 4. Click the green arrow at the top to launch the GUI%% Once the GUI has been launched, you can use snakes by% 1. Click on "New Image" and load an input image. Samples image are% provided.% 2. Set the smoothing parameter "sigma" or leave it at its default value% and click "Filter". This will smooth the image.% 3. As soon as you click "Filter", cross hairs would appear and using% them and left click of you mouse you can pick initial contour location% on the image. A red circle would appead everywhere you click and in% most cases you should click all the way around the object you want to% segement. The last point must be picked using a right-click in order to% stop matlab for asking for more points.% 4. Set the various snake parameters (relative weights of energy terms% in the snake objective function) or leave them with their default value% and click "Iterate" button. The snake would appear and move as it% converges to its low energy state.%% Copyright (c) Ritwik Kumar, Harvard University %www.seas.harvard.edu/~rkkumar%% This code implements 揝nakes: Active Contour Models�by Kass, Witkin and% Terzopolous incorporating Eline, Eedge and Eterm energy factors. See the% included report and the paper to learn more.%% If you find this useful, also look at Radon-Like Features based% segmentation in the following paper:% Ritwik Kumar, Amelio V. Reina & Hanspeter Pfister, 揜adon-Like Features % and their Application to Connectomics� IEEE Computer Society Workshop %% on Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis (MMBIA) % http://seas.harvard.edu/~rkkumar% Its code is also available on MATLAB Central%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%function [smth] = interate(image, xs, ys, alpha, beta, gamma, kappa, wl, we, wt, iterations);% image: This is the image data% xs, ys: The initial snake coordinates% alpha: Controls tension% beta: Controls rigidity% gamma: Step size% kappa: Controls enegry term% wl, we, wt: Weights for line, edge and terminal enegy components% iterations: No. of iteration for which snake is to be moved%parametersN = iterations; smth = image;% Calculating size of image[row col] = size(image);%Computing external forceseline = smth; %eline is simply the image intensities[grady,gradx] = gradient(smth);eedge = -1 * sqrt ((gradx .* gradx + grady .* grady)); %eedge is measured by gradient in the image%masks for taking various derivativesm1 = [-1 1];m2 = [-1;1];m3 = [1 -2 1];m4 = [1;-2;1];m5 = [1 -1;-1 1];cx = conv2(smth,m1,'same');cy = conv2(smth,m2,'same');cxx = conv2(smth,m3,'same');cyy = conv2(smth,m4,'same');cxy = conv2(smth,m5,'same');for i = 1:rowfor j= 1:col% eterm as deined in Kass et al Snakes papereterm(i,j) = (cyy(i,j)*cx(i,j)*cx(i,j) -2 *cxy(i,j)*cx(i,j)*cy(i,j) + cxx(i,j)*cy(i,j)*cy(i,j))/((1+cx(i,j)*cx(i,j) + cy(i,j)*cy(i,j))^1.5);endend% imview(eterm);% imview(abs(eedge));eext = (wl*eline + we*eedge -wt * eterm); %eext as a weighted sum of eline, eedge and eterm[fx, fy] = gradient(eext); %computing the gradient%initializing the snakexs=xs';ys=ys';[m n] = size(xs);[mm nn] = size(fx);%populating the penta diagonal matrixA = zeros(m,m);b = [(2*alpha + 6 *beta) -(alpha + 4*beta) beta];brow = zeros(1,m);brow(1,1:3) = brow(1,1:3) + b;brow(1,m-1:m) = brow(1,m-1:m) + [beta -(alpha + 4*beta)]; % populating a template rowfor i=1:mA(i,:) = brow;brow = circshift(brow',1)'; % Template row being rotated to egenrate different rows in pentadiagonal matrixend[L U] = lu(A + gamma .* eye(m,m));Ainv = inv(U) * inv(L); % Computing Ainv using LU factorization%moving the snake in each iterationfor i=1:N;ssx = gamma*xs - kappa*interp2(fx,xs,ys);ssy = gamma*ys - kappa*interp2(fy,xs,ys);%calculating the new position of snakexs = Ainv * ssx;ys = Ainv * ssy;%Displaying the snake in its new positionimshow(image,[]); hold on;plot([xs; xs(1)], [ys; ys(1)], 'r-');hold off;pause(0.001) end;


