失眠网 > 如何使用wink框架_与Wink Hub搭配使用的最佳IFTTT食谱

如何使用wink框架_与Wink Hub搭配使用的最佳IFTTT食谱

时间:2023-12-24 19:57:28


如何使用wink框架_与Wink Hub搭配使用的最佳IFTTT食谱


If you have a Wink Hub but still find yourself manually controlling your home, then you aren’t getting the full capabilities out of your smart devices. Introduce If This Then That (IFTTT) to your Wink Hub to automate your home.

如果您拥有Wink Hub,但仍然发现自己需要手动控制房屋,那么您就无法从智能设备中获得全部功能。 向您的Wink Hub引入If This Then That (IFTTT),以使您的房屋自动化。

The Wink Hub is incredibly versatile thanks to its support for everything from fans to locks. But it can’t talk to everything everywhere and it only has so much intelligence. By taking advantage of IFTTT you can attach new services and devices that bring your home closer to being fully automated. Just remember: Many Wink IFTTT integrations rely on setting up Wink shortcuts.

Wink Hub的功能极其强大,它支持从风扇到锁的所有功能 。 但是它无法与任何地方的一切对话,并且只有这么多的智能。 通过利用IFTTT,您可以附加新的服务和设备,使您的房屋更接近完全自动化。 只需记住:许多Wink IFTTT集成都依赖于设置Wink快捷方式 。

Here are a few IFTTT recipes you should be using. They’re pretty much ready to go; click on a recipe to open it up on the IFTTT site or app, and you’ll be able to customize and enable it.

这是您应该使用的一些IFTTT食谱。 他们已经准备好出发了。 单击一个食谱即可在IFTTT网站或应用程序上将其打开,然后您就可以自定义并启用它。

为您的到达和离开做好准备 (Prepare Your Home for Your Arrival and Departure)

Whether you are on an iPhone or Android, this basic recipe will turn on your lights automatically when you arrive home. You will need to set a shortcut in your Wink app to facilitate turning on the lights. You can use a similar recipe to turn the lights off when you leave. Never leave a light on all day again!

无论您使用的是iPhone还是Android,此基本食谱都会在您回家时自动打开灯。 您将需要在Wink应用程序中设置快捷方式,以方便打开灯。 您可以使用类似的食谱在离开时关灯。 永远不要再整天开灯!

Your phone’s location isn’t always super accurate, though. If you have an Automatic Pro, then you can use this recipe to have the lights turn on as soon as your car arrives home.

不过,您手机的位置并不总是很准确。 如果您有Automatic Pro ,那么您可以使用此配方在汽车到家后立即打开灯。

当您的巢式恒温器切换到离开模式时,锁上门并关闭灯 (Lock Doors and Turn Off Lights When Your Nest Thermostat Switches to Away Mode)

With this recipe, your lights turn off, and your doors lock whenever you set your Nest is set to Away Mode.


Even if you don’t have a Nest, you should consider two timed recipes to lock up every night and morning. Many people leave and enter through the garage, so it’s easy to miss an unlocked door.

即使您没有Nest,您也应该考虑两个定时食谱,每天晚上和早上都将其锁定。 许多人离开车库进入车库,因此很容易错过未上锁的门。

慢慢醒来 (Wake up slowly)

Sunrise clocks are a great way to wake up. But if you already have smart bulbs you can create the effect on your own. You will need to have multiple copies of the recipe with each set to a greater intensity of light. It won’t be as smooth, but the effect will be similar, and you won’t have to spend more money.

日出钟是醒来的好方法。 但是,如果您已经拥有智能灯泡,则可以自己创建效果。 您将需要具有多个配方副本,并且每个副本都设置有更大的光照强度。 它不会那么平滑,但是效果会相似,而且您不必花费更多的钱。

丢掉纸; 用电子邮件发送您的购物清单 (Ditch the Paper; Email Your Shopping List)

One of the better loved features of the Amazon Echo is the shopping list, especially now that you can add multiple items with a single voice command. But getting that shopping list is a little more painful. The Amazon website will let you print the list (and, of course, you could visit it in a mobile browser). But you also could use this recipe to email it to yourself or someone else.

购物清单是Amazon Echo最受欢迎的功能之一,尤其是现在,您可以使用单个语音命令添加多个项目。 但是,获得购物清单会更加痛苦。 亚马逊网站将允许您打印列表(当然,您可以在移动浏览器中访问它)。 但是您也可以使用此食谱将其通过电子邮件发送给您自己或其他人。

控制您的娱乐 (Take Control of Your Entertainment)

Roku has Google Home integration now, and you can control your FireTV with Alexa, but what if you have don’t have a smart TV at all? You can still gain Google Home voice control of your TV with a Logitech Harmony system and this recipe. You’ll need to create different recipes for each command, but the effort will pay off the next time you lose the remote in the folds of your couch.

Roku现在已集成了Google Home ,您可以使用Alexa控制FireTV ,但是如果根本没有智能电视怎么办? 您仍然可以使用Logitech Harmony系统和此食谱来获得电视的Google Home语音控制。 您将需要为每个命令创建不同的配方,但是下次您将遥控器丢到沙发上时,付出的努力将得到回报。

If you’ve ever played a song on your Echo and later wished it was also part of your Spotify playlist, this recipe is for you. With this recipe any song you ask Alexa to play will automatically be added to the recipe you specified.

如果您曾经在Echo上播放过一首歌,但后来又希望它也成为Spotify播放列表的一部分,那么此食谱适合您。 使用此食谱,您要求Alexa播放的任何歌曲将自动添加到您指定的食谱中。

These are just a few of the many recipes out there. If you find yourself manually controlling an action with your smart home devices take a closer look at IFTTT and your hub to see if you can automate it.

这些只是那里许多食谱中的一些。 如果您发现自己使用智能家居设备手动控制操作,请仔细查看IFTTT和集线器,看看是否可以自动执行该操作。

翻译自: /393405/the-best-ifttt-recipes-to-use-with-your-wink-hub/


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