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kodi netflix_如何让Kodi自动播放下一集(就像Netflix一样)

时间:2022-05-03 00:01:23


kodi netflix_如何让Kodi自动播放下一集(就像Netflix一样)

kodi netflix

When you’re binge watching a show, you don’t want to pick up the remote. You want the goodness to just keep coming while you lie there like a blob. Here’s how to set up Kodi to play the next episode of a show when the current one finishes–just like Netflix does.

狂欢观看节目时,您不想拿起遥控器。 您希望善良的事物像斑点一样躺在那里而不断地来。 这是如何设置Kodi在当前节目结束时播放节目的下一集-就像Netflix一样。

Netflixis addictive for a lot of reasons, but one trick stands out: when you finish watching an episode of a show, the next episode starts automatically. It’s subtle, but it makes watching the default action, rather than waiting on you to decide that’s what you want to do. This is one small reason “binge-watching” and “Netflix” are so inextricably linked in most people’s minds.

Netflix上瘾的原因有很多,但其中有一个秘诀:当您观看完某集节目后,下一集会自动开始播放。 它很微妙,但它使您可以观察默认操作,而不必等着您来决定要执行的操作。 这是在大多数人的脑海中“密切关注”和“ Netflix”如此紧密联系的一个小原因。

Next Up Notifications is an add-on for Kodi that brings this functionality to the media center application. Here’s how to set it up, and how it works.

Next Up Notifications是Kodi的附加组件,它将此功能引入了Media Center应用程序。 这是设置方法及其工作方式。

如何在Kodi中安装Next Up (How to InstallNext Up in Kodi)

We’ve outlined how to install add-ons inour full guide to Kodi add-ons, but here’s a quick rundown. Next Up Notifications is offered in Kodi’s core repository, so it’s simple. First, head to System.

我们已经在有关Kodi附加组件的完整指南中概述了如何安装附加组件 ,但这是一个简短的清单。 Kodi的核心存储库中提供了Next Up Notifications,因此很简单。 首先,进入系统。

From there, head to Add-ons.


Go to Install from Repository > All Repositories > Services. Here you’ll find “Nextup Service Notification” in the list. Select the plugin, then select “Install.”

转到从存储库安装>所有存储库>服务。 在这里,您会在列表中找到“下一步服务通知”。 选择插件,然后选择“安装”。

The add-on will install after a minute or so, and you can start using it immediately.


下一步如何工作 (How Next Up Works)

Go ahead and watch a TV show in your local library (shows from add-ons are not supported). At the end of every episode, when there are 30 seconds left, a small popup in the bottom right corner will appear.

继续并在您本地的图书馆中观看电视节目(不支持加载项中的节目)。 在每个情节的结尾,当还剩30秒时,右下角会出现一个小弹出窗口。

By default you can hit “Enter” on your keyboard or “OK” on your remote to instantly start the next episode. Otherwise, you can wait 30 seconds and the next episode will start automatically.

默认情况下,您可以按键盘上的“ Enter”或按遥控器上的“ OK”以立即开始下一集。 否则,您可以等待30秒,下一个情节将自动开始。

By default, you’ll be asked to confirm you’re still there every three episodes. This is nice if you fall asleep, or leave the room for some reason.

默认情况下,系统会要求您每三集确认您仍然在那儿。 如果您入睡或出于某种原因离开房间,那就很好。

A quick note: this all works well with the default theme, but other themes have to add support for the add-on. That isn’t to say this won’t work, just that things might look a little “off” without dedicated support.

快速说明:这一切都可以与默认主题一起很好地使用,但是其他主题必须添加对附加组件的支持。 这并不是说这行不通,只是如果没有专门的支持,情况可能看起来有些“偏离”。

配置下一步的选项 (Configure Next Up’s Options)

If you’d like to tweak how this plugin works, head back to the “Services” section where you installed the add-on. Select the add-on, just like before, then click “Configure.” You’ll see a few options:

如果您想调整此插件的工作方式,请回到安装插件的“服务”部分。 选择加载项,就像之前一样,然后单击“配置”。 您会看到一些选择:

From here you can change the number of seconds that trigger the notifications, which is useful if most of you shows come with one-minute of credits. You can also choose whether episodes automatically play or not after the countdown completes.If you don’t like the “Still watching?” question, you can disable that as well, or change how many episodes you can watch before the question comes up.

在这里,您可以更改触发通知的秒数,如果大多数人都显示一分钟的积分,这将很有用。 您还可以选择倒数完成后是否自动播放剧集。 如果您不喜欢“还在看吗?” 问题,您也可以将其禁用,也可以更改在问题出现之前可以观看多少集。

There is also and “Advanced” tab, where you’ll find evenmore options.


From here you can disable the add-on without uninstalling it. You can also decide whether short videos should be supported, and what defines a short video.

从这里您可以禁用加载项而无需将其卸载。 您还可以决定是否应支持短视频,以及定义短视频的内容。

Overall this is a simple plugin, but it really can change the way you watch TV. Just be careful, because this kind of binging really can become a habit. How-To Geek takes no responsibilities for any time you may lose while watching your favorite shows, or the productivity costs thereof.

总体来说,这是一个简单的插件,但是它确实可以改变您看电视的方式。 请小心,因为这种结合确实可以成为一种习惯。 How-To Geek对您在观看自己喜欢的节目时可能会损失的任何时间或由此产生的生产力成本不承担任何责任。

翻译自: /275006/how-to-make-kodi-automatically-play-the-next-episode-like-netflix-does/

kodi netflix

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