失眠网 > 更改文件类型图标logo_如何在Windows中更改特定文件类型的图标


时间:2023-09-08 12:59:35




In the Windows XP days, changing the icon for a specific file type—such as TXT or PNG—was easy. But sinceWindows 7, you’ve actually had to do some Registry hacking to make it happen. Here’sa great little freeware utility that makes it much faster and easier.

在Windows XP时代,更改特定文件类型(例如TXT或PNG)的图标非常容易。 但是从Windows 7开始,您实际上必须进行一些注册表修改才能使其实现。 这是一个很棒的免费软件小实用程序,它使它变得更快,更容易。

For whatever reason, recent versions of Windows have developed a habit of not letting us easily customize icons for anything but folders and shortcuts. We’ve shown you how to change the icon for an EXE file and how to remove the arrows from shortcut icons. Now, it’s time to turn our attention to iconsfor file types.

无论出于何种原因,最新版本的Windows已经养成了一种习惯,即不允许我们轻松地自定义文件夹和快捷方式以外的任何图标。 我们已经向您展示了如何更改EXE文件的图标以及如何从快捷方式图标中删除箭头 。 现在,是时候将我们的注意力转向文件类型的图标了。

File Types Manager is a great little utility from NirSoft that lists all of the file types and extensions in use on your PC and lets you edit many properties of each file type—including the associated icon. It works great in Windows 7, 8, and 10, and its interface makes changing icons for file types easy enough that you can run through a bunch at once if you need to.

File Types Manager是NirSoft的一个很棒的小工具,它列出了PC上正在使用的所有文件类型和扩展名,并允许您编辑每种文件类型的许多属性,包括相关的图标。 它在Windows 7、8和10中运行良好,其界面使更改文件类型的图标变得非常容易,如果需要,您可以一次运行一堆。

The first thing you’ll need to do is download a copy of File Types Manager. It works in pretty much any version of Windows, but do pay attention to whether you need the 32- or 64-bit version. If you’re not sure, here’s how to figure out whether you’re running a 32-bit or 64-bit version of Windows.

您需要做的第一件事是下载File Types Manager的副本 。 它几乎可以在所有Windows版本中使用,但请务必注意您是否需要32位或64位版本。 如果不确定,请按照以下方法确定您运行的是32位还是64位版本的Windows 。

When the download finishes, unzip the folder. It’s a portable app, so you won’t need to install it—justdouble-click “FileTypesMan.exe” to get started.

下载完成后,解压缩文件夹。 它是便携式应用程序,因此您无需安装它-只需双击“ FileTypesMan.exe”即可上手。

Click the “Default Icon” column header to sort the list by the Default Icon. Note that for our screenshot, we hid several columns to make things easier to see. You may find the “Default Icon” column further to the right.This groups together all file extensions that already have the same icon. This is convenient if you want to change several related file types that use the same icon. If you only intend to change one file type, feel free to sort by the extension or type name instead.

单击“默认图标”列标题,以按默认图标对列表进行排序。 请注意,对于我们的屏幕截图,我们隐藏了几列以使内容更易于查看。 您可能会在右侧进一步找到“默认图标”列。 这会将已经具有相同图标的所有文件扩展名分组在一起。 如果要更改使用同一图标的几种相关文件类型,这将很方便。 如果只打算更改一种文件类型,请随时按扩展名或类型名称排序。

To save some scrolling, we’ll use the find function to get to the file type we’re after. Click the “Find” button on the toolbar (or press Ctrl+F). In the “Find” window, type in the extension for the file type you want to change and then click the “Find Next” button repeatedly until the you arrive at the extension you’re after. You can then click “Cancel” to close the “Find” window.

为了节省一些滚动,我们将使用find函数获取所需的文件类型。 单击工具栏上的“查找”按钮(或按Ctrl + F)。 在“查找”窗口中,输入要更改的文件类型的扩展名,然后反复单击“查找下一个”按钮,直到找到所需的扩展名。 然后,您可以单击“取消”以关闭“查找”窗口。

Right click extension whose icon you want to change and then select “Edit Selected File Type.”


In the “Edit File Type” window, click the “…” button to the right of the Default Icon text field.


The “Change Icon” window shows some basic icons, but click the “Browse” button to find your own icon files. File Types Manager allows you to select EXE, DLL, or ICO files.

“更改图标”窗口显示一些基本图标,但是单击“浏览”按钮以查找您自己的图标文件。 文件类型管理器允许您选择EXE,DLL或ICO文件。

After you’ve browsed for and selected the icon file you want, the available icons will show up in the list. Select the icon you want from the list and then click “OK.” In this example, we’re using icon files that we downloaded from IconArchive, so there’s only one icon shown. If you’re using a EXE or DLL file, you might see many more icons than with an ICO file.

浏览并选择所需的图标文件后,可用图标将显示在列表中。 从列表中选择所需的图标,然后单击“确定”。 在此示例中,我们使用的是从IconArchive下载的图标文件,因此仅显示一个图标。 如果您使用的是EXE或DLL文件,则可能会看到比ICO文件更多的图标。

If you need to change the icon for more than one file type, you just need to repeat those steps. And when you’re done,you can close File Type Manager and open up a File Explorer window to check out your changes. In our example, we’ve changed the icons for GIF and PNG file types—two types of picture files we use a lot—to make them a bit easier to distinguish. Before, all picture files were using the same icon—the default icon of our image viewer app.

如果您需要更改一个以上文件类型的图标,则只需重复这些步骤。 完成后,您可以关闭“文件类型管理器”并打开“文件资源管理器”窗口以签出您的更改。 在我们的示例中,我们更改了GIF和PNG文件类型的图标(我们经常使用的两种图片文件类型),以便于区分它们。 以前,所有图片文件都使用相同的图标-我们的图像查看器应用程序的默认图标。

Now it’s much easier to see at a glance which files types are which! Of course, this process will work for any file type, so customize your files’ icons as you see fit.

现在,一目了然地查看哪种文件类型变得更加容易! 当然,此过程适用于任何文件类型,因此请根据需要自定义文件的图标。

翻译自: /howto/12383/change-a-file-types-icon-in-windows-7/


