失眠网 > 加权平均法融合图像matlab 基于MATLAB的图像融合算法

加权平均法融合图像matlab 基于MATLAB的图像融合算法

时间:2020-05-10 16:48:37


加权平均法融合图像matlab 基于MATLAB的图像融合算法


原文档由会员 小甜甜 发布


1.9万字 34页







MATLAB-based image fusion algorithm


The same object gotten from different sensors can be registered spatially by mage fusion. The information advantages or the complements of all the image data can be combined to produce new image data using some fusion algorithms. The new data can describe the optimized information of the studied object. Compared with single information source, the new data can reduce or restrain the ambiguity, the incompleteness, the uncertainty and the error, which may appears in the explanation of the studied object or the environment, and make full use of the information provided by all kinds of resources.

Image fusion consists of such three levels as the Pixel level,the feature level and the decision level,among which the Pixel level image fusion can Provide more

abundant, accurate and reliable detailed information that doesn’t exist on the other levels and It is the most complicated in the whole image fusion techniques and also is the most difficult to implement in the fusion Processing techniques. this dissertation Progresses mainly around the Pixel level image fusion and proposes a variety of Pixel level image fusion techniques according to the key Problems in the Pixel level image fusion techniques.

The major research and findings are as follows:

First we introduce the concepts, advantages,developments and applications. Three levels of image fusion and image fusion techniques in common use are also reviewed. Airspace Image Fusion such as simple fusion method (pixel average, maximal or minimal pixel selection), Frequency-domain image fusion methods include the multiresolution image fusion techniques based on multi-scale pyramid decomposition, and the image fusion method based on wavelet transform Image Pre-processing like Filter processing (neighborhood average filter, median filtering method) and Image Registration. in the end, eva luation for fusion image is vital to fusion system. This dissertation probes into the image fusion quality assessment and deduces a set of indexes as the criteria to analyze the performances of this discussion.

Keywords: Image Registration;Image Fusion;Airspace integration method;Wavelet Transform;eva luation criteria


第一章 绪论 6

1.1 图像融合的概念 6

1.2图像融合的主要研究内容 7

1.2.1 图像融合的层次 7

1.2.2 图像融合算法的发展 9

1.2.3图像融合的步骤 9

1.3 图像融合技术的发展现状 10

1.4 本文的研究工作 10

第二章 图像预处理 11

2.1 图像的校正 11

2.2 图像滤波技术 11

2.2.1 邻域平均法 12

2.2.2 中值滤波 12

2.3 图像配准 13

2.3.1 图像配准概述 13

2.3.2 手动图像配准 14

2.3.3 基于图像特征的匹配算法 15

第三章 图像融合 16

3.1 加权平均融合法 16

3.2 像素灰度值选大/小融合方法 16

3.3 主分量融合法 17

3.4 IHS变换法 19

3.5 小波变换融合法 20

3.5.1 小波的定义及特点 20

3.5.2 基于小波变换的图像融合方法原理 25

3.5.3 图像融合规则及融合因子 26

第四章 图像融合效果评价 27

4.1 主观评价 27

4.2 客观评价 27

4.2.1 基于光谱特征的评价 27

4.2.2 基于信息量的评价 28

4.2.3 基于统计特性的评价 29

4.2.4 基于信噪比的评价 30

总结与展望 31

谢辞 32

参考文献 32


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