失眠网 > 如何在iPhone或iPad上设置动态壁纸


时间:2022-03-19 11:31:42



Justin Duino
贾斯汀·杜伊诺(Justin Duino)

Apple includes several dynamic wallpapers on iPhones and iPads for you to choose from that add an element of depth and movement to the background. Here’s how to set a dynamic wallpaper on your smartphone or tablet.

苹果在iPhone和iPad上提供了几张动态壁纸供您选择,为背景增添了深度和动感。 以下是在智能手机或平板电脑上设置动态壁纸的方法。

To begin, open the “Settings” app on your iPhone or iPad. If you can’t locate it, pull down on your device’s homescreen to use Spotlight Search.

首先,在iPhone或iPad上打开“设置”应用。 如果找不到它,请拉下设备的主屏幕以使用Spotlight搜索 。

In the Settings menu, scroll down and tap on “Wallpaper”.


Select the “Choose a New Wallpaper” option.


Apple offers and groups different types of built-in wallpapers. Choose “Dynamic,” the item at the top of the menu.

Apple提供并分组不同类型的内置壁纸。 选择菜单顶部的“动态”。

You can select one of seven dynamic wallpapers. While six include single-colored orbs, the first option consists of a mix of the various variants. Choose whichever wallpaper you want to preview.

您可以选择七个动态壁纸之一。 虽然有六个包含单色球,但是第一个选项包含各种变体的混合。 选择您要预览的墙纸。

If you like how the dynamic wallpaper looks full-screen, tap on “Set.” You can select “Cancel” if you want to view one of the other options.

如果您喜欢动态壁纸全屏显示的效果,请点击“设置”。 如果要查看其他选项之一,可以选择“取消”。

Now, select “Both” to set the dynamic wallpaper on your lockscreen and homescreen, or choose one of the other options to have it displayed in a single location.


That’s it! You should be taken to your homescreen where you will see the dynamic wallpaper in action (if you set it to both or homescreen only).

而已! 您应被带到主屏幕,在该屏幕上您将看到动态壁纸正在运行(如果将其设置为两者或仅将其设置为主屏幕)。

Unfortunately, Apple hasn’t opened up dynamic wallpapers to third-party developers. In the meantime,download or create your own live wallpapers if you want more options to choose from.

不幸的是,Apple尚未向第三方开发人员开放动态壁纸。 同时,如果您想选择更多选项,请下载或创建自己的动态壁纸 。

翻译自: /436007/how-to-set-dynamic-wallpaper-on-your-iphone-or-ipad/

