失眠网 > 工作居住证 延期六个月_工作六个月后 我很高兴知道 也希望我已经知道

工作居住证 延期六个月_工作六个月后 我很高兴知道 也希望我已经知道

时间:2021-07-26 20:13:15


工作居住证 延期六个月_工作六个月后 我很高兴知道 也希望我已经知道

工作居住证 延期六个月

by Michael Rybintsev

通过迈克尔·雷宾采夫(Michael Rybintsev)

工作六个月后,我很高兴知道,也希望我已经知道 (What I was glad to know, and what I wished I’d known already, after 6 months on the job)

After teaching myself the basics of web development with freeCodeCamp and other online resources, I was offered a position of a Junior Web Developer in Oxfordshire, UK.


First six months is now over and in this article, I’m going to talk about topics I found useful to know on the job, as well as subjects I wish I had covered earlier or focused more attention on before starting.


The article is dedicated to all the Junior and soon-to-be Developers out there, and their brilliant and patient mentors.


开始工作前我很高兴知道的五件事 (Five things I was glad to know before starting work)

1.如何解决问题。 (1. How to approach a problem.)

You’re ready to solve a problem when you understand the essence of the problem (at least approximately), you know the domain(s) of the problem and resources required, and you understand what the problem is trying to solve.


These are the main criteria for a complete solution.


Prepare two iterations: big and small.




Ask yourself questions out loud, the answers to which you don’t know. Talk to a friend or a colleague about the problem, or ask for help. I have Gustav, bought him for £3. He’s good at countering my proposals and asking good questions in return. Brainstorm whatever comes in.

大声问自己一些自己不知道的答案。 与朋友或同事讨论该问题,或寻求帮助。 我有古斯塔夫,花了3英镑买了他。 他擅长反驳我的建议,并提出很好的问题。 集体讨论任何进来的东西。

Write things down, make drawings, create diagrams. Then, break things down. Complicated into complex, then complex into simple.

写下来,制作图纸,创建图表。 然后,把事情分解。 复杂成复杂,然后复杂成简单。

Then list known unknowns and research them. Talk to your Gustav about the next steps. What does he say? Try things out and if you fail, repeat the iteration.

然后列出已知的未知数并进行研究。 与您的Gustav讨论下一步。 他说什么? 尝试一下,如果失败,请重复迭代。



Have three small iterations. More is a waste of time, although the number itself can vary, and is personal.

有三个小的迭代。 尽管数量本身会有所不同,而且是个人的,但更多的事情是在浪费时间。

If things don’t work, have a break and talk to people about what you do. Gustav, unfortunately won’t help here. You can go for a walk/run/to the gym/shower/anything monotonous. Try to switch mental problems completely. Learn a foreign language lesson, read a book, watch some guitar/piano/banjo YouTube tutorial. Write a Medium article…

如果事情不起作用,请休息一下,并与他人讨论您的工作。 古斯塔夫,很遗憾在这里没有帮助。 您可以散步/跑步/去健身房/淋浴/单调的东西。 尝试彻底解决精神问题。 学习一门外语课,看一本书,看一些吉他/钢琴/班卓琴YouTube教程。 写一篇中篇文章…

Here’s a bit of gold I found for myself so far.Keep a diary of your own attempts, materials used, and originating thoughts.When you find the answer, it’s easy to assume that ALL of that mental effort was necessary to solve the problem. But you really only need the following three things:

到目前为止,我为自己找到了一些金子。记录自己的尝试,使用的材料和原始想法。找到答案后,很容易就认为解决问题需要所有的脑力劳动。 但是您实际上只需要以下三件事:

background work.后台工作。 initial spark.最初的火花。 hard-work to drive the results home.努力将结果带回家。

And that’s when the diary is a perfect filter:


Background work which wasn’t useful should be analysed. Why did you do it in vain? Then eliminate it from further attempts.

应该分析无用的后台工作。 你为什么徒劳呢? 然后从进一步的尝试中消除它。

Try to recreate the feelings and atmosphere of the spark. Might lead to a lot of walking, though.

尝试重现火花的感觉和气氛。 但是,可能会导致很多步行。

Hard-work can be optimised.


Last but not least, read books about problem solving and talk to people on how they approach problems. Borrow some techniques. Try those out as well. Unfortunately, Gustav won’t help here, but, I’m sure, you know that.

最后但并非最不重要的一点是,阅读有关解决问题的书,并与人们讨论如何解决问题。 借一些技术。 尝试那些。 不幸的是,古斯塔夫在这里无济于事,但是,我敢肯定,你知道这一点。

2.如何搜索所需的信息。 (2. How to search for information you need.)

Google is the step before stack overflow. So use it to your advantage.

Google是堆栈溢出之前的一步。 因此,利用它来发挥您的优势。

Does your search return terms you’re not interested in?Exclude them!


Are you looking for an exact phrase?Use exact match!


Not sure about a term or looking for a similar thing?Synonym search!


There are hundreds of articles out there, so I’ll just drop this one in as an example:


How to use search like a pro: 10 tips and tricks for Google and beyondSearch engines are pretty good at finding what you're looking for these days, but sometimes they still come up short…


Finding what you need is almost 50% of the work you’re going to be doing. Save yourself from scanning millions of results!

找到您需要的东西几乎是您将要完成的工作的50%。 避免扫描数百万个结果!

3.以及如何快速发现不需要的信息。 (3. And how to quickly spot information you don’t need.)

Yes, a lot of what you find is garbage. Skimming and scanning are the essential skills.

是的,您发现很多都是垃圾。 略读和扫描是必不可少的技能。

Good news, if English is not your first language. You might know these already.

好消息,如果英语不是您的母语。 您可能已经知道这些。

Skimming and scanningUnderstand the differences between skimming and scanning a text or texts for information or to get the gist.www.bbc.co.uk


4.你什么都不知道。 (4. You can’t know everything.)

My grandad always used to say: “I wish I knew what I don’t know.” Yep, so true.

我爷爷总是说:“我希望我知道我不知道的东西。” 是的,如此。

In other words, we all wish we knew the unknown unknowns. It’s a strange feeling. Get really comfortable with the realisation of your own incompetence.

换句话说,我们都希望我们知道未知的未知数。 这是一种奇怪的感觉。 真正意识到自己的无能。

5.假定的基础知识。 (5. The assumed basics.)

In every country, industry, company and department, there is always some assumed knowledge of some basic principles of how things work.


Some mindful companies try to document that assumed knowledge on a department/company-wide level. And country or industry-level knowledge is usually taught in university.

一些有思想的公司尝试在部门/公司范围内记录假定的知识。 通常在大学里教授国家或行业知识。

But what if you never had a job in the industry or never got a degree in the discipline? Well, you would feel like an outsider, and some learning ought to happen.

但是,如果您从未在该行业工作或从未获得该学科学位怎么办? 好吧,您会觉得自己像个局外人,应该学习一些东西。

Imagine you met someone in a foreign country and they invited you over for some food or drink. They probably assume you know how to use public transport. Your familiarity with local drinking and food traditions is also assumed. You would never hear a long “Public Transport Ticket Purchasing for Beginners” lecture. Or have an “Introduction to Ordering Drinks in Pubs” course. What if you’re not from this planet or you culture is just drastically different from the one you’re in?

想象一下,您在国外遇到某人,然后他们邀请您来吃饭或喝酒。 他们可能会假设您知道如何使用公共交通工具。 还假定您熟悉当地的饮酒和饮食传统。 您将永远不会听到漫长的“初学者购买公共交通票”讲座。 或参加“在酒吧订购饮料简介”课程。 如果您不是来自这个星球,或者您的文化与所居住的星球截然不同,该怎么办?

Luckily, before I got my dev job, I read a lot on the “assumed knowledge” within the industry. Here are the best materials I’ve found:

幸运的是,在获得开发人员职位之前,我读了很多有关该行业“假定知识”的知识。 这是我找到的最好的材料:

History of the internet:


Andrew Blum’s talk on what the internet is, as a collection of physical objects:

安德鲁·布鲁姆(Andrew Blum)关于互联网是什么的演讲,它是一组物理对象:

Probably one of the most useful resources on the basics of the web from Chrome Developers:


20 Things I Learned About Browsers and the WebThings you always wanted to know about the web but were afraid to ask. Learn about the web & browsers in this…


A nice freeCodeCamp intro to routers and packets:


Learn to code with free online courses, programming projects, and interview preparation for…In this video, we go into a little more detail about routers and packets, important concepts to understand about how…


My favourite trio from the Treehouse:


HTTP Basics CourseDuring this course, we'll take a look at the underlying method that devices use to communicate with each other: HTTP…REST API Basics CourseMany of the APIs you'll encounter on the Web use an underlying design idea known as REST, which stands for…

HTTP基础知识课程在本课程中,我们将了解设备用于相互通信的基础方法:HTTP…REST API基础知识课程您将在Web上遇到的许多API都使用基础设计。称为REST的创意,代表…

Yes, I know, Treehouse is not free, but their free 7-day trial is more than enough to cover the above three courses. If you’re just starting out, they are totally worth the money.

是的,我知道,Treehouse不是免费的,但是他们的7天免费试用期足以应付上述三个课程。 如果您只是入门,那么它们绝对物有所值。

“Woah, hang on, so you paid for courses to learn?”


Yes, I did. And treehouse was actually quite a big part of my learning curve.


“Can you tell me more about your studies to become a dev then?”


Sure, there is my post on medium about it with a detailed list of materials.

当然, 我在媒体上发布了有关此问题的详细材料清单。

我希望我更了解三件事(Three things I wish I knew better)

1. Git (1. Git)

When you think you know Git, it just turns into a wolf and runs into a forest dragging whatever you’ve written with it. So you have to revert your relationship commits with it to the stage before it turned into a beast and try to keep it indoors. You will just be hoping that one day, you will stop forgetting about the full moon.

当您认为自己了解Git时,它会变成狼,然后变成森林,拖动您用Git编写的内容。 因此,您必须将与之的关系提交还原到变成野兽之前的阶段,并尝试将其保存在室内。 您只是希望有一天,您将不再忘记满月。

In all honesty, I just have not yet found a decent course. Actually using Git would be the best course for it. Cover the basics and and do everything with Git. Don’t work as a developer? Make pull requests for your shopping lists!

老实说,我还没有找到一个体面的课程。 实际上,使用Git将是最好的选择。 涵盖基础知识,并使用Gi​​t进行所有操作。 不以开发人员身份工作吗? 向您的购物清单提出拉取请求!

2. MVC (2. MVC)

or should it be MCV?


Model → View → Controller.


Whichever way you draw the arrows, the concept is straightforward.


Web development is all about correct abstraction — the correct level and choice of abstraction, that is. English language is also appropriated for the same purpose. So if a word looks familiar, don’t worry, it’s been used to mean something else.

Web开发就是关于正确的抽象-即正确的抽象级别和选择。 英文也出于相同的目的。 因此,如果一个单词看起来很熟悉,不用担心,它已经被用来表示其他含义。

Please note, that depending on the diagram you choose, some of the below characteristics flow from one part of MVC to another. No, I have no idea either.
请注意,根据您选择的图表,以下某些特征从MVC的一部分流向另一部分。 不,我也不知道

Modelisyour data abstraction, how you describe it, how you write it down, and how you ultimately manipulate it.


Viewis your user interface. There are many ways you can create your views. You can send HTML/CSS, you can create it with Razor (.NET’s attempt to use C# as a front-end language) or your React or Angular. Simply speaking, of course.

视图是您的用户界面。 您可以通过多种方式创建视图。 您可以发送HTML / CSS,也可以使用Razor(.NET尝试使用C#作为前端语言)或React或Angular创建它。 简单来说,当然。

Controlleris where the linking magic happens. It handles everything that’s left. View is a picture, Model is the background numbers, and Controller is what brings it all together and makes a page you can interact with. It handles your clicks and pushes, your HTTP requests, and tells you whether what you filled that pesky form with is correct or not (also known as input validation). And as it happens in a controller, it’s known as server-side input validation.

控制器是链接魔术发生的地方。 它处理剩下的一切。 视图是图片,模型是背景编号,控制器是将所有元素组合在一起并构成可以与之交互的页面的原因。 它处理您的单击和推送,HTTP请求,并告诉您您用讨厌的表格填写的内容是否正确(也称为输入验证)。 正如它在控制器中发生的那样,它被称为服务器端输入验证。

Speaking of Razor views: they are quite nifty and actually really interesting. I would highly recommend looking into creating your page layouts with Razor. Just because it will prepare you for React, if you ever decide to go that way.

说到剃刀的观点:它们非常漂亮,而且实际上非常有趣。 我强烈建议您考虑使用Razor创建页面布局。 如果您决定走那条路,那仅仅是因为它将为您准备React。

In reality it’s rarely used for large projects, as you end up with C# and JavaScript anyway. Because that jQuery (well yes, you did think you wouldn’t need it in . *sigh*) is really good for telling you off for not filling in those forms correctly. So that would be front-end input validation.

实际上,它很少用于大型项目,因为无论如何您最终都会使用C#和JavaScript。 因为那个jQuery(嗯,是的,您确实认为您在将不需要它。*叹气*)确实可以告诉您没有正确填写这些表格。 这样就可以进行前端输入验证。

Oh yeah, forgot about ViewModels. Well, they are like models for your views. I know, how irritating is that?

哦,是的,忘记了ViewModels。 好吧,它们就像是您的视图的模型。 我知道,那有多烦人?

Tip: if that was a little bit too much, feel free to visit codeanalogies, a beautiful place, where a lot of tricky concepts are explained with everyday things. I mean seriously, here’s MVC explained through ordering drinks at the bar.

提示:如果太多,请随时访问Codeanalogies ,这是一个美丽的地方,每天的事情都会解释很多棘手的概念。我是说真的,这里的MVC是通过在酒吧点酒来解释的 。

3.敏捷 (3. Agile)

Online courses rarely point out the importance of this one.


Your job is to write code, right? Well, not exactly. No one cares about code, if there is no one who needs code. And when someone needs your code, they might change their minds about how much code they need and what it might be used for.

您的工作是编写代码,对吧? 好吧,不完全是。 如果没有人需要代码,那么没人会在乎代码。 当某人需要您的代码时,他们可能会改变想法,需要多少代码以及该代码的用途。

You might think that it’s not that difficult, but trust me, it so is! Your project managers (PMs) and business analysts (BAs) are your best friends. They have done all the the behind the scenes tricky heavy-lifting, so you can just write code. “Make a button that does a thing” turns into “user can confirm their willingness to participate in the event we’re offering” — simply speaking.

您可能会认为这并不困难,但请相信我,确实如此! 您的项目经理(PM)和业务分析师(BA)是您最好的朋友。 他们在后台完成了所有棘手的繁重任务,因此您只需编写代码即可。 简单地说,“让按钮做某事”变成“用户可以确认他们愿意参与我们提供的活动”。

Now your part is to learn how to participate in the whole process in the most productive way. Yes, there is a lot of debate about Scrum and Extreme Programming and Kanban. But for now, it’s just good to know what’s what, at least in theory.

现在您的部分是学习如何以最有效的方式参与整个过程。 是的,关于Scrum和Extreme Programming和看板有很多争论。 但是就目前而言,至少在理论上知道什么是好事。

There are a lot of opinionated people on the subject and quite frankly, even they often stumble. It’s like a perfect pizza — it just doesn’t exist.

坦率地说,在这个问题上有很多有见识的人,即使他们经常绊倒。 就像一个完美的披萨-它根本不存在。

A good place to start with Treehouse:


Scrum Basics CourseThese days, just about every software team says they are "Agile." You will even find many job openings declare…


And now I’ll get into some other things I learned…


总体而言,任务没有我想象的那么重复。 (Overall, tasks are not as repetitive as I imagined.)

Sure, people who had worked at the company for a long time did have their fair share of repeated experiences, and had seen a lot of things more than once.


But there is always something they have never done before. Always something unusual, or not standard. It’s very difficult to get into an “assembly line” mode where tasks are done purely subconsciously.

但是总会有他们从未做过的事情。 总是有异常或不标准的东西。 进入纯粹是在潜意识中完成任务的“组装线”模式非常困难。

Hence, as a fresh recruit, it is unbelievably difficult to learn how to do something really well. You pretty much have a single shot at a task, as upon its completion another chance of doing something similar will not come up for quite a while.

因此,作为一个新兵,要学习如何真正做好是非常困难的。 您几乎可以单枪匹马完成任务,因为完成任务后不久,再次出现类似任务的机会就不会出现。

There is a good side to it, though. It made me think long-term about the work I was doing, and made me better at documenting my processes and thoughts. It’s not to say that I never ask the same question twice — boy, I wish that was true. David, thank you so much for your patience :)

不过,它有一个好的方面。 这使我对自己的工作进行了长期思考,并使我更好地记录了自己的过程和想法。 并不是说我从来没有问过同样的问题-男孩,我希望那是真的。 大卫,非常感谢您的耐心:)

如果您喜欢这个故事,请单击“?”。 按钮并分享以帮助其他人找到它。 随时发表评论并订阅。 (If you enjoyed this story, please click the ? button and share to help others find it. Feel free to leave a comment and subscribe.)

And on Twitter I’m Michael Rybintsev, where you can find my daily work and what’s happening in a life of a junior developer.

在Twitter上,我是Michael Rybintsev ,您可以在其中找到我的日常工作以及初级开发人员生活中发生的事情。

Here are some more of my posts which you might enjoy:


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If you’ve spotted an error or know how to improve the article — please feel free to drop me a line.


请成为我的客人,继续发表评论-我们都需要谈论很多事情。 (Be my guest, please, go ahead and leave a comment — there are so many things we all need to talk about.)

对话改变世界,永远不要害怕开始。 (Conversations changes the world, never be afraid to start one.)

翻译自: /news/5-simple-things-i-was-happy-to-know-and-3-i-wish-i-knew-fedfdac0d30c/

工作居住证 延期六个月

如果觉得《工作居住证 延期六个月_工作六个月后 我很高兴知道 也希望我已经知道》对你有帮助,请点赞、收藏,并留下你的观点哦!
