失眠网 > 【英语学习】【Daily English】U03 Leisure Time L01 Did you have a nice weekend?

【英语学习】【Daily English】U03 Leisure Time L01 Did you have a nice weekend?

时间:2018-10-06 22:48:57


【英语学习】【Daily English】U03 Leisure Time L01 Did you have a nice weekend?

Word Preparation

catch up on:叙旧

I'll have a lot to catch up on with my old roommate when I see her again.


I can spend the whole night catching up on gossip with my best friend forever.


I had a lie-in yesterday. 我昨天睡了个懒觉。

I'm exhausted these days, so I think I will have a bit of a lie-in tomorrow.

这些天我累坏了,所以我觉得明天我会稍微起晚一点。cheer up:振作起来

Cheer up, man. You still have the chance to achieve your goal.


I need to cheer up; I have a lot of work to be done after all.

我需要振作起来,毕竟我还有好多工作需要做。Did you have a nice weekend? 你周末过得好吗?

- Did you have a nice weekend? 你周末过的好吗?

- Yes, I did. I watched two new movies. 我看了两部新上映的电影。

Did you have a nice weekend? Because you look fresh today.

你周末过得很好吧?因为你今天看起来容光焕发。I hadn't seen them for ages. 我好久没有见过他们了。

We talked a lot yesterday because I hadn't seen them for ages.


I spent the whole afternoon at a cafe with some of my old friends, because I hadn't seen them for ages.

我一下午都跟我的几个老友在咖啡厅坐着,因为我好久没见过他们了。Guess what? 你猜怎么着?

Guess what? I just got the offer from the Harvard!


Guess what? I painted the house all by myself!



Talking about the weekend activities 谈论周末做的事

除了Did you have a nice weekend?,还可以说

What did you do ...?How was your ...?Did you ... on weekend?I seems you had a ...


What did you do last weekend?Lisa, how is your weekend?Did you do anything exciting last weekend?It seems you had a great weekend, didn't you?

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