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从英文外刊提高英语能力 无论阅读乃至听力!

时间:2021-07-25 18:13:40


从英文外刊提高英语能力 无论阅读乃至听力!




School lessons to cover sexting, FGM and mental health

1.The Department for Education (DfE) has unveiled fresh guidelines for sex and health education across England.

2.Threenew subjects have been createdrelationships education from primary school, relationships and sex education at secondary school, and health education for all ages in which students will learn about the importance of getting enough sleep, the dangers of sexting and how to spot anxiety in their friends.

3.According to the guidelines, secondary school pupilswill be taught about female genital mutilation(FGM) with a focus on awareness over its illegality and the availability of support networks. Students aged 11 and older should also be taught about other forms of “honoubased” abuse, as well as grooming, forced marriage and domestic abuse, the DfE said.

4.But the government’s announcement comes amid a backlash from parent groups who do not want sex education to be a mandatory part of the curriculum.


EU member states vetoed a blacklist prepared by the justice commissioner of 23 territories that facilitate money-laundering or terrorist financing. The proposed list included Saudi Arabia and four American territories. Saudi and American opposition probably torpedoed the list.


Emmanuel Macron, the French president,addressed European citizens with a manifesto on the future of the EU printed innewspapers in every EU country. Mr Macron has been trying to rally aco-ordinated liberal pro-EU campaign for the European Parliament elections inMay.

法国总统马克龙(Emmanuel Macron)发表致欧洲公民书,在每个欧盟国家的报纸上都刊登了这份关于欧盟未来的宣言。马克龙一直努力为5月召开的欧洲议会选举召集一场协调一致的亲欧盟自由派运动。

A man in London may become only the secondperson in the world to be cured of HIV infection. A stem-cell transplant totreat lymphoma means his immune-system cells are now coated with proteins thatHIV cannot latch onto.


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