失眠网 > 植物通过亮氨酸富集重复受体样激酶感知醌—小柯机器人—科学网


时间:2023-04-10 19:54:34



植物通过亮氨酸富集重复受体样激酶感知醌 作者: 发布时间:/9/4 16:10:49 日本理化研究所Ken Shirasu团队发现,植物通过亮氨酸富集重复受体样激酶感知醌。这一研究成果于9月2日在线发表在《自然》上。

研究人员表示,醌在生活的所有生物界中产生并被感知。植物是醌的主要生产者,但是醌在植物中作为信号传导剂的作用仍然未知。醌的一个已知作用是在寄生于根中的植物中诱导吸根(特殊的进食结构),这在宿主来源的醌化合物2,6-二甲氧基-1,4-苯醌(DMBQ)存在下发生,但是,尚不清楚寄生植物如何感测DMBQ,以及非寄生植物是否能够感测醌。 研究人员使用拟南芥和DMBQ作为模式植物和醌,发现DMBQ信号通过提高胞质Ca2+浓度而在拟南芥中发生。研究人员在拟南芥中进行了正向遗传筛选,从而分离了对DMBQ无反应的突变体,研究人员将其命名为card1(cannot respond to DMBQ 1)。CARD1(At5g49760,也称为HPCA1)基因编码一种亮氨酸富集重复受体样激酶,在陆地植物中高度保守。在拟南芥中,DMBQ触发与防御相关的基因表达,而card1突变体显示出对细菌病原体的免疫受损。在松蒿(Phosirospermum japonicum,一种寄生根的植物)中,DMBQ会在根中启动Ca2+信号传导,并且对于吸根的发育非常重要。 此外,这种寄生植物的CARD1同源物在card1突变体中回补了DMBQ诱导的胞质Ca2+浓度升高。这些结果表明,与动物和细菌不同,植物使用富含亮氨酸的重复受体样激酶来传递醌信号。这项工作提供了对醌信号和CARD1功能在植物中作用的见解,并有助于人们更好地了解寄生植物在形成吸根期间以及非寄生植物在植物免疫中所使用的信号传导途径。 附:英文原文 Title: Quinone perception in plants via leucine-rich-repeat receptor-like kinases

Author: Anuphon Laohavisit, Takanori Wakatake, Nobuaki Ishihama, Hugh Mulvey, Kaori Takizawa, Takamasa Suzuki, Ken Shirasu

Issue Volume: -09-02

Abstract: Quinones are produced and sensed in all kingdoms of life1,2,3,4. Plants are primary producers of quinone1,2, but the role of quinone as a signalling agent in plants remains largely unknown. One well-documented role of quinone is in the induction of haustoria (specialized feeding structures) in plants that parasitize roots, which occurs in the presence of the host-derived quinone compound 2,6-dimethoxy-1,4-benzoquinone (DMBQ)5. However, how parasitic plants sense DMBQ remains unclear, as is whether nonparasitic plants are capable of sensing quinones. Here we use Arabidopsis thaliana and DMBQ as a model plant and quinone to show that DMBQ signalling occurs in Arabidopsis via elevation of cytosolic Ca2+ concentration. We performed a forward genetic screen in Arabidopsis that isolated DMBQ-unresponsive mutants, which we named cannot respond to DMBQ 1 (card1). The CANNOT RESPOND TO DMBQ 1 (CARD1; At5g49760, also known as HPCA1) gene encodes a leucine-rich-repeat receptor-like kinase that is highly conserved in land plants. In Arabidopsis, DMBQ triggers defence-related gene expression, and card1 mutants show impaired immunity against bacterial pathogens. In Phtheirospermum japonicum (a plant that parasitizes roots), DMBQ initiates Ca2+ signalling in the root and is important for the development of the haustorium. Furthermore, CARD1 homologues from this parasitic plant complement DMBQ-induced elevation of cytosolic Ca2+ concentration in the card1 mutant. Our results demonstrate that plants unlike animals and bacteria use leucine-rich-repeat receptor-like kinases for quinone signalling. This work provides insights into the role of quinone signalling and CARD1 functions in plants that help us to better understand the signalling pathways used during the formation of the haustorium in parasitic plants and in plant immunity in nonparasitic plants.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-020-2655-4



Nature:《自然》,创刊于1869年。隶属于施普林格 自然出版集团,最新IF:43.07



