失眠网 > 耐受性对抗生素耐药进化具有影响—小柯机器人—科学网


时间:2020-03-08 13:45:01



耐受性对抗生素耐药进化具有影响 作者: 发布时间:/1/10 16:01:26 以色列希伯来大学Nathalie Q. Balaban、Maskit Bar-Meir等研究人员合作揭示药物组合下耐受性对抗生素耐药性进化的影响。1月10日出版的《科学》发表了这项成果。

研究人员监测了正在接受治疗的患者中进化出的金黄色葡萄球菌菌株。尽管进行了联合治疗,但探究人员发现耐受性突变迅速出现,随后出现了耐药性。在体外临床菌株上的进化实验揭示了一种新的方法,即耐受性可以在联合治疗下促进耐药性的进化。在不同抗生素类别下的进一步实验揭示了该作用的普遍性。研究人员认为,耐受性是设计防止耐药性进化的联合治疗时要考虑的重要因素。 据了解,药物组合在临床实践中广泛用于防止耐药性的进化。然而,关于耐受性(一种不同的生存方式)对药物组合用于预防耐药性进化功效的影响知之甚少。 附:英文原文 Title: Effect of tolerance on the evolution of antibiotic resistance under drug combinations Author: Jiafeng Liu, Orit Gefen, Irine Ronin, Maskit Bar-Meir, Nathalie Q. Balaban

Issue Volume: /01/10

Abstract: Drug combinations are widely used in clinical practice to prevent the evolution of resistance. However, little is known about the effect of tolerance, a different mode of survival, on the efficacy of drug combinations for preventing the evolution of resistance. In this work, we monitored Staphylococcus aureus strains evolving in patients under treatment. We detected the rapid emergence of tolerance mutations, followed by the emergence of resistance, despite the combination treatment. Evolution experiments on the clinical strains in vitro revealed a new way by which tolerance promotes the evolution of resistance under combination treatments. Further experiments under different antibiotic classes reveal the generality of the effect. We conclude that tolerance is an important factor to consider in designing combination treatments that prevent the evolution of resistance.

DOI: 10.1126/science.aay3041


期刊信息 Science:《科学》,创刊于1880年。隶属于美国科学促进会,最新IF:41.037官方网址:投稿链接:

