失眠网 > 诺华司库奇尤单抗(俗称“苏金单抗”)中国数据首度发布


时间:2023-06-05 07:39:56




数据显示,在所有接受司库奇尤单抗300毫克治疗的中国患者中,分别有97.7%和80.9%的患者在第12周达到了PASI 75(即银屑病面积和严重性指数改善75%)和PASI 90,87%的患者在第16周达到PASI 90[1]。


“这次中国试验的数据非常喜人,在疗效和安全性方面甚至优于一些国际数据。”中华医学会皮肤性病学分会前任主任委员张建中教授作为此次III期研究项目负责人表示:“这一结果或将为中国银屑病治疗带来革命性变化,将推动中国银屑病治疗策略的整体转变。首先,它有助于整体治疗目标的提升,有望将银屑病治疗目标从PASI 75提高到PASI 90甚至PASI 100;其次,这次III期研究体现了司库奇尤单抗很好的安全性。过去生物制剂仅在光疗及系统性治疗无效后才被考虑使用,但未来这个顺序很可能被改写,生物制剂有可能成为系统治疗的一线药物,这样可使更多中重度银屑病患者及早获得更好更安全的治疗。”

“诺华始终致力于帮助银屑病患者实现心中所愿 -- 创想医药,带来可实现皮损清除及全面获益的治疗方式,”诺华学、肝病和皮肤病学全球开发部门负责人、中国地区开发负责人Eric Hughes先生表示,“我们很高兴能首次发布有关中国患者的喜人数据,并看到这些数据为司库奇尤单抗在银屑病治疗的独特优势地位提供有力印证。”


* 司库奇尤单抗(俗称“苏金单抗”)尚未在中国获批上市。





[1] Jianzhong, J et al. Secukinumab 300 mg showed faster and higher efficacy in Chinese moderate to severe plaque psoriasis patients. Presented as poster 10499 at the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) Annual Meeting. March .

[2] Novartis, data on file. February .

[3] Blauvelt, A et al. Secukinumab is superior to ustekinumab in clearing skin of subjects with moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis up to 1 year: Results from the CLEAR study. JAAD ;76(1):60-69.

[4] Bissonnette R et al. Secukinumab demonstrates high sustained efficacy and a favorable safety profile through 5 years of treatment in moderate to severe psoriasis. Presented as eposter P2223 at 26th EADV Congress . 13th September

[5] Reich, K et al. Secukinumab Shows Sustained Efficacy in Difficult-to-Treat Palmoplantar, Nail, and Scalp Psoriasis: Long-term Results From 3 Phase III Placebo-Controlled Randomized Trials. Presented as a Late Breaking Poster #6 at the 3rd Inflammatory Skin Disease Summit (ISDS), Vienna. December .

[6] Mease, PJ et al. Secukinumab Provides Sustained Improvements in the Signs and Symptoms in Psoriatic Arthritis: Final 5 Year Efficacy and Safety Results from a Phase 3 Trial. Abstract presented at the American College of Rheumatology Annual Meeting, .

[7] EU Cosentyx Summary of Product Characteristics. Novartis Europharm Limited. Available at: http://www.ema.europa.eu/ema/index.jsp?curl=pages/medicines/human/medicines/003729/human_med_001832.jsp mid=WC0b01ac058001d124. Last accessed September .

[8] Smith JA et al. Review: The Interleukin 23/Interleukin 17 Axis in Spondyloarthritis Pathogenesis: Th17 and Beyond. Arthritis Rheumatol. ;66:231–41.

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[11] Schett G et al. Enthesitis: from pathophysiology to treatment. Nat Rev Rheumatol. Nov 21;3(12):731-741.

[12] Bissonnette R et al. Secukinumab Demonstrates High Sustained Efficacy and a Favorable Safety Profile Through 5 years of Treatment in Moderate to Severe Psoriasis. Presented as a Late Breaking Poster #7 at the 3rdInflammatory Skin Disease Summit (ISDS), Vienna. December .

[13] Baraliakos X et al. Long-term Evaluation of Secukinumab in Ankylosing Spondylitis: 5 Year Efficacy and Safety Results from a Phase 3 Trial. Presented as a late-breaking abstract at the American College of Rheumatology Annual Meeting, .

[14] Braun J et al. Secukinumab demonstrates low radiographic progression and sustained efficacy through 4 years in patients with active ankylosing spondylitis. Late breaking abstract presented at the ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting, San Diego, USA. 7th November .

[15] Baeten D et al. Secukinumab, interleukin-17A inhibition in ankylosing spondylitis. N Engl J Med. ; 373:2534–48.

[16] McInnes IB et al. Secukinumab, a human anti-interleukin-17A monoclonal antibody, in patients with psoriatic arthritis (FUTURE 2): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial. Lancet. ; 386(9999):1137–1146.

[17] Reich K et al. Secukinumab, a fully human anti‐interleukin‐17A monoclonal antibody, exhibits minimal immunogenicity in patients with moderate‐to‐severe plaque psoriasis. Br. J. Dermatol. ;176:752–58.

[18] Clinicaltrials.gov. Active trials include all those that are listed as recruiting, active but not recruiting, enrolling by invitation and not yet recruiting and completed. This list excludes all trials listed as suspended, terminated and withdrawn





