失眠网 > 柳叶刀:在健康志愿者中达比加群酯逆转剂效果显著


时间:2019-04-27 10:19:29



●在健康人群中,特异性逆转剂idarucizumab 可以迅速、完全、持久地逆转泰毕全 的抗凝效应。



6月17日-16日柳叶刀发表了特异性逆转剂idarucizumab逆转达比加群酯抗凝效应的研究结果。研究结果显示,idarucizumab可迅速、完全、持久地逆转泰毕全 的抗凝效应。研究数据表明,针对需要逆转抗凝效应的情况,例如需紧急干预治疗时,特异性拮抗剂可以提供一种具有高度靶向作用的治疗选择。1美国FDA2认定Idarucizumab为突破性治疗药物。目前,勃林格殷格翰公司已将Idarucizumab提交至FDA、EMA和加拿大卫生部进行上市审批。3

在柳叶刀现已发表的健康志愿者研究中,参与者首先接受泰毕全 治疗,然后接受idarucizumab治疗。该实验在泰毕全 末次给药后2小时给予特异性逆转剂,此时达比加群酯的浓度处于峰值。输注idarucizumab五分钟后,抗凝作用即刻逆转至基线水平。2g或以上剂量可使逆转效应持续超过24小时。在研究参与者中,Idarucizumab耐受良好。1

“柳叶刀发表的数据表明,在健康志愿者中,idarucizumab对达比加群酯的逆转效果惊人,"”勃林格殷格翰心血管治疗领域医学副总裁J rg Kreuzer教授表示,“一旦获批,意味着特异性新型口服抗凝药逆转剂的诞生,对于抗凝治疗具有里程碑式的意义。”

在12月的美国血液学会年会上,曾公布idarucizumab在老年志愿者及肾损害志愿者人群中表现出的相似结果。4勃林格殷格翰正在开展idarucizumab在患者人群研究--RE-VERSE ADTM研究。5


1.Glund S, et al. Safety, tolerability, and efficacy of idarucizumab for the reversal of the anticoagulant effect of dabigatran in healthy make volunteers: a randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind phase 1 trial. The Lancet. Published online June 16, . Available at http:///10.1016/S0140-6736(15)60732-2

2.Boehringer Ingelheim Press Release - 30 June . U.S. FDA grants Breakthrough Therapy Designation to Pradaxa? (dabigatran etexilate) specific investigational antidote. http://www.boehringer-/news/news_releases/press_releases//30_june__dabigatranetexilate.html Last accessed April .

3.Boehringer Ingelheim Press Release - 3 March . Boehringer Ingelheim submits applications for approval of idarucizumab, specific reversal agent to dabigatran etexilate (Pradaxa?), to EMA, FDA and Health Canada. http://www.boehringer-/news/news_releases/press_releases//03_march__dabigatranetexilate.html Last accessed April .

4.Glund S. et al. Idarucizumab, a Specific Antidote for Dabigatran: Immediate, Complete and Sustained Reversal of Dabigatran Induced Anticoagulation in Elderly and Renally Impaired Subjects. Presented on 8th December at the 56th American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting Exposition, San Francisco, USA. Available at: https:///ash//webprogram/Paper74960.html Last accessed April .

5.Pollack C, et al. A Phase III Clinical Trial to Evaluate the Reversal Effects of Idarucizumab on Active Dabigatran (RE-VERSE AD?). Poster presentation at the International Stroke Conference, Nashville, TN, USA, 11-13 February .

6.Boehringer Ingelheim Data on File.

7.Pradaxa? European Summary of Product Characteristics, .

8.PRADAXA US Prescribing Information, .

9.Stangier J. Clinical pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the oral direct thrombin inhibitor dabigatran etexilate. Clin Pharmacokinet. ;47(5):285-95.

10.Di Nisio M. et al. Direct thrombin inhibitors. N Engl J Med. ;353:1028-40.

11.Stangier J. et al. Pharmacokinetic Profile of the Oral Direct Thrombin Inhibitor Dabigatran Etexilate in Healthy Volunteers and Patients Undergoing Total Hip Replacement. J Clin Pharmacol. ;45:555-63.

