失眠网 > “汉堡王”推出一款素食汉堡 人们表示很失望?(双语)

“汉堡王”推出一款素食汉堡 人们表示很失望?(双语)

时间:2018-11-18 11:38:02


“汉堡王”推出一款素食汉堡 人们表示很失望?(双语)

为了迎合素质主义者的需求,汉堡王新推出了一款纯植物做成的汉堡,但是很多人吃过后却表示非常失望。 Vegetarian and vegan fans of Burger King were excited when the chain announced a new plant-based burger, but their hopes were dashed shortly after its release. 当汉堡王连锁店宣布推出一种新的植物汉堡时,素食主义者和喜好素食的人都很期待。但很快,他们的希望就破灭了。 Today, fast food giant Burger King launches a new take on the Whopper across the UK --- a plant-based burger made of soy thats known as the Rebel Whopper. However, it comes with a bit of a catch. 今天,快餐业巨头汉堡王在全英国推出了一款全新的“大杂烩”--种由大豆制成的植物汉堡,被称为“叛军大杂烩”。不过,这种植物汉堡也引起了一些风波。 While this treat may sound ideal for all those taking part in Veganuary, it turns out, its not actually suitable for vegans or vegetarians. 虽然这种汉堡听起来对素食主义者来说都很理想,但事实证明,它并不适合素食主义者或喜好素食的人。 This is because the Rebel Whopper is cooked on the same grill as beef burgers, meaning a great deal of non-meat eaters won be able to consume该汉堡和牛肉汉堡在同一个烤架上烹制,这意味着很多非肉食者将无法食用。 Understandably, this has caused controversy with many people taking to social media to share their frustration.这引起了许多人的争议,他们通过社交媒体来分享自己的沮丧。 One disgruntled person wrote: "Not suitable for vegetarians let alone vegans. What is the point?" 一个人表示很不满,他写道:“这种植物汉堡都不适合喜好素食的人,更不用说素食者了。推出这种汉堡的意义在哪里?” Another asked: "How can Burger King be so unbelievably stupid? Theyve a new veggie burger which they are cooking on same grill as the dead ground up into tiny pieces cow burger, so it gets covered in cow fat." 另一个人问道:“汉堡王怎么会这么愚蠢?他们推出素食汉堡,却跟牛肉汉堡放在同一个烤架上烹制,就像把素食汉堡烤成小块的牛肉汉堡一样,上面全都是牛油。” Someone else added: "What a wasted opportunity. Burger King have shot themselves in the foot by not making the meat free burger available to vegetarians like me and those on a plant based diet. Didn Greggs vegan sausage roll success teach them anything? 还有人补充说:“真是浪费机会。汉堡王没有给素食者和喜好素食的人提供无肉汉堡,简直就是搬起石头砸自己的脚。格雷格(当地快餐店)素食香肠卷的成功没有教会他们什么吗?” Despite the backlash, Burger King believe their new product is a "game changer". The soy-based burger is being targeted at "flexitarians", people who wish to cut down on their meat consumption. 尽管如此,汉堡王仍然相信他们的新产品是一个“改变游戏规则的人”。这种素食汉堡是以大豆为原料,它的目标是那些希望减少肉类消费的“弹性素食者”。 Katie Evans, the marketing director for the fast food chain, said: "This really is a game changer - we wanted our first plant-based Whopper to replicate the indulgence and flame-grilled taste of the real thing as closely as possible, and we e thrilled with the result." 这家快餐连锁店的营销总监凯蒂·埃文斯说:“这真的是一场变革--我们希望我们的第一款以纯植物为基础的汉堡能尽可能地保留食物本来的味道,我们对这个结果很满意。” And it seems there are some who agree with her and support the launch. 似乎也有一些人表示赞同并支持这款汉堡走向市场。 "This plant burger has been available in Australia for months from Hungry Jacks(local version of BK)," replied one Twitter user. "I don think vegans want something that looks like a bit of cooked dead animal meat anyway. It is actually quite good and replaced my meat burgers from BK/HJ." 一位推特用户回答说:“这种植物汉堡已经在澳大利亚的Hungry Jacks(BK的本地版本)上市好几个月了。”我认为素食主义者并不想要那些煮熟的动物肉的东西。而这款植物汉堡实际上相当不错,让我在BK/HJ有了新的选择。” This isn the first time Burger King have come under fire for a vegetarian burger. Back in July the company released a new halloumi burger, to the delight of those who don eat meat. However, the same problem was encountered---the burger was being cooked in the oil that was used for both chicken and fish. 这并不是汉堡王第一次因为素食汉堡而受到抨击。早在7月份,该公司就发布了一款新的halloumi汉堡,以满足那些素质主义者。然而,他们也遇到了同样的问题--汉堡包是在用于炸鸡肉和鱼的油中烹调的。 Speaking to Metro at the time, a spokes person for the company explained why it was prepared in this way. They said: "At this moment in time we’re not operationally able to facilitate separate fryers and oil filtration systems in all of our restaurants. 该公司发言人当时在接受麦德龙采访时解释了为什么要这样做。他们说:“在这个时候,我们还不能在我们所有的餐厅里提供单独的油炸锅和滤油系统。 "However this is a focus for us and our team are actively looking into solutions for how we can change this in the future."“然而,这是一个重点问题,我们的团队正在积极寻找解决方案,以便在未来改变这种局面。” 多知道一点 Burger King 汉堡王(Burger King)是美国的跨国快餐连锁店。成立于1952年。截至财政年度为止,汉堡王已拥有超过12400家连锁据点,分布于73个国家。总体来说,汉堡王是全球第5大的快餐店,仅次于赛百味、肯德基、麦当劳和必胜客。 •1954年:詹姆士、大卫在美国佛罗里达州迈阿密共同经营创设第一家“汉堡王”。 •1975年:推出“汽车外卖窗口”服务。 •1980年:汉堡王正式进入香港,第一家餐厅位于旺角西洋菜南街。 •:汉堡王首次进入中国,第一家餐厅位于上海静安寺。 •:汉堡王公司在纽约证券交易所上市。 •:汉堡王在中国独家特许加盟商, 汉堡王以汉堡、薯条、软性饮料、奶昔和甜点为主。后逐渐加入鸡肉、鱼肉和蔬食等非牛肉单品,如沙拉和无肉汉堡。

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