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Jack London (1876-1916)(July 25:美国历史上的今天)

时间:2023-11-15 17:18:26


Jack London (1876-1916)(July 25:美国历史上的今天)

内容提要:杰克 ·伦敦(Jack London)的一生冒险经历和他的成名作《野性的呼唤》简介。

Jack London was born in San Francisco in 1876. He quit school at age 14. From then on, he went from one adventure冒险经历 to another.

He worked in a canning factory罐头厂. He patrolled巡逻 San Francisco Bay for fishermen stealing from others" nets. He sometimes stole oysters牡蛎 himself. He went to Japan as a sailor. He traveled around the country on freight货运 trains. On July 25, 1897, he set off for Alaska when gold was discovered there. He didn"t find gold, but he did find his life"s work there. He became a writer.

One book that made him famous was Call of the Wild. It tells the story of Buck, a dog stolen from his home in California to be used as a sled雪橇 dog in the Alaskan gold rush. Buck suffers cruelty as he is passed from owner to owner. Being in the arctic wilderness changes Buck. He finds himself wanting to join the free-roaming漫游 wolves like his ancestors of long ago. A kind man in Alaska finally takes him in. They become close friends. But Buck still hears the call of the wild. He leaves home for days at a time but always returns to his owner. When his owner dies, Buck leaves and joins the wolves for good.

Altogether, Jack London wrote 50 books. They have been published all over the world in many languages.

He was living on his ranch牧场 in California when he died of a kidney disease in 1916. He was 40 years old.


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